The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 17: To Love Ruto (4)

Extra 17: To Love Ruto (4)

"Ok, I have a lot of questions" - Kurama said as he watched his embarrassed son next to this beautiful pink-haired girl who honestly was an ultra-improved version of Sakura. She had all the qualities of his friend's wife, pink hair, emerald green eyes, smart, but none of the flaws because the girl was kind, caring and had a body that Sakura would have killed to have.     

Mikado only stood aside because she had recognized the girl, I mean, it was impossible not to when she was quite famous in the galaxy.     

"I have questions too!" - Naruto exclaimed with a red face as he remembered what had happened.     

A naked girl had appeared in his bathroom and he had squeezed one of her breasts, but what made the situation worse for him, was that the girl seemed to have no sense of decency.     

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Lala Satalin Devuluke, it's a pleasure ~!" - exclaimed the girl, who was now wearing an oversized t-shirt and Naruto shorts because it wasn't like they could let her walk around the room naked.     

"My name is Kurama Uzumaki, it's a pleasure" - nodded Kurama as he looked at his son - "Seriously, only a week, and you're already causing trouble!"     

"It wasn't my fault!" - exclaimed Naruto with his face red from embarrassment - "I didn't even expect a cute naked girl to show up while I was taking a bath!"     

"Etto, thank you" - replied Lala with a slight blush.     

"I see that having a silver tongue, runs in the family" - Mikado said as Kurama rolled his eyes at her.     

"Putting that aside for the moment, it's obvious you're not human" - said Kurama as he looked at the girl, then looked at his date - "And seeing your reaction, it's obvious you know who she is."     

"Yes, she's the crown princess of the Devilukian empire" - replied Mikado seriously - "And if I remember correctly, she should be having some meetings to choose her husband."     

"That's why I ran away!" - exclaimed Lala with a frown - "Dad wanted to marry me to people I don't know, and they only wanted me for my looks or status as princess of the empire, that's why I decided that was enough!"     

"Tousan" - Naruto said with annoyance.     

"I know" - murmured Kurama neutrally - "I guess we can help you."     

"Huh? Really?" - Lala asked with surprise.     

"Sure, Tousan hates the kind of people who try to impose their will on others, more so when it's their daughter" - replied Naruto proudly - "Relax, we promise you that we will protect until you want to go back home, and as an Uzumaki, we always keep our promises"     

Mikado smiled slightly, although inside she was a little worried. She knew the Otsutsuki were strong, but she didn't know if they could compare to the power of Lala's father, after all, Gid was the strongest man in the universe, or at least in this part of the universe.     

"Those are some interesting words, at least for some humans" - a male voice said as one of the walls of the home exploded, revealing two rough looking men who looked like Yakuzas.     

"Ok, they're going to pay for the repairs" - said Kurama neutrally as he looked at his son - "With the power they're releasing, they're easy prey for you, Naruto, you can do whatever you want with them."     

"Heh, I was hoping you'd say that, Tousan" - smiled Naruto as he released his fox ears and tail.     

"A Mitialis?" - asked one of the men in suits in surprise- "No, they don't possess this level of energy this big!"     

Lala and Mikado were surprised to see Naruto's appearance, especially Mikado because he now knew which beast it was that Kurama had assimilated.     

Kurama had mentioned to him the 9 beasts, their true forms, as well as the extent of their powers.     

"The Nine-tailed Fox" - Mikado muttered as he looked at Kurama, who was calm, watching as his son was giving the two men in suits the beating of their lives.     

Lala was watching with stars in her eyes the red haired boy fight for her as she felt her heart pounding.     

Kurama noticed this, but said nothing about it because this was a "problem" his son had to solve for himself.     

The battle didn't last long because Naruto showed no mercy.     

The two black-suited men were on the ground, their whole body covered in bruises.     

"Done, Tousan" - Naruto smiled, but his expression changed when he felt a strong presence approaching.     

"Oh, this is bad" - said Mikado as he saw how a handsome man with greenish white hair wearing a silver armor, walked in his direction with a serious look - "The captain of the royal guard, has appeared".     

Kurama didn't say anything about it, he just carefully analyzed the power level of this strange man before looking at his son - "Naruto, I recommend you to use all your power, or you won't be able to defeat him."     

"Ok" - nodded Naruto firmly as he released his third tail.     

The knight frowned when he felt the boy's power surge because it was similar to his - "Ok, I guess the defeat of my subordinates was not a matter of luck, but it doesn't matter, my goal is to retrieve Lala-sama and bring her to her father, so I kindly ask you to hand her over to me."     

Lala was a bit worried because Zastin was a different matter compared to his subordinates, after all, he was the strongest swordsman in the empire, as well as the leader of the royal guard and second in command to her father.     

"I'm sorry, but I promised Lala-chan that we would protect her, and there's no way we're going back on our words" - Naruto replied firmly.     

Lala smiled sweetly when she heard this, though if she was honest, she would have preferred Naruto to say something like "he would protect her" instead of "they would protect her". It was stupid, but she wanted Naruto to be the one to help her out of this situation.     

"I guess I'll have to settle things the hard way" - Zastin sighed as he narrowed his eyes - "Ok, you have my respect for defending Lala-sama, so I, Zastin, leader of the royal guard and direct subordinate of the emperor of the universe, Gid Lucione Deviluke, accept your challenge, let's see if you have enough power to protect Lala-sama"     

Kurama raised an eyebrow when he heard this, so he asked Mikado directly - "Emperor of the universe?"     

"That's the title that Lala's father has, although if we are honest, he has only conquered this part of the universe because the other half is protected by a strange barrier that prevents the expansion of the Deviluke empire" - Mikado answered honestly, that's why she was surprised by the presence of Kurama, an inhabitant of the other half of the universe.     

Kurama was silent for a few seconds before nodding and noticing how the battle had begun.     

Naruto held a kunai in his hand as his three fox tails wagged menacingly.     

Zastin was on guard with his trusty sword, waiting for the red haired boy to make his first move, though part of his concentration was with Kurama because he could sense something strange about him.     

The leader of the royal guard didn't want to admit it, but his instincts told him that he was facing someone who had a similar level of power as his emperor, which was frightening because this man was someone unknown.     

Naruto quickly crouched his stance and shot out at Zastin.     

The royal guard was surprised at such impressive speed, but quickly blocked the boy's attack with ease as he watched him retreat to a safe distance, thus preventing him from counterattacking - "Impressive speed and not bad judgment, especially when I feel that my physical power is superior to yours."     

"I could feel it" - Naruto replied as he narrowed his eyes - "My overall speed is superior, but your strength and reaction speed is impressive, this is a bit tricky, but it's nothing I can't fix with some tricks"     

"I hope so" - Zastin nodded, but his expression changed when he felt something on his back. He quickly turned around and blocked the attack, only to see how a second Naruto had appeared - "Multiplication?"     

"Not exactly" - Naruto replied as from the ground around the knight, 5 more Narutos appeared.     

Zastin frowned as he used his sword, so he could defend himself and take advantage of cutting some of them down, though when he did, he noticed how they disappeared in a curtain of smoke - "I see, they're not physical, they're made of energy."     

"Exactly, meet my Kage Bunshin" - Naruto replied as he made a simple hand seal and summoned at least 100 clones.     

Zastin's expression darkened, but at the same time he could feel his blood boiling.     

It had been years since he had last faced a worthy opponent, after all, his boss was a monster and opposing him only meant death, which meant that the conquests, if they could be called that, were only to receive the surrender of the planets they went to.     

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