The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C152 Reassuring Presence

C152 Reassuring Presence

Once outside the boundary of Berinda, Natalia could finally breathe. She gave the illusion she was invincible inside the kingdom when it was just borrowed power. Only gods had the power to bend reality as many times as they wanted. The power she borrowed from Nataroth could only last thirty minutes at most but she used it well. Diversifying her knowledge bank and spying on every single royal family on the several continents she traded with eventually paid off. There were some things she was curious about.    


"Princess Denitra, I know you were in that cave. I am curious about that strange creature we encountered there. I want you to tell me more about it."    


The princess didn't respond, looking out of the window defiantly. Natalia traced her eyesight and slowly became annoyed when she saw the path down the mountain was smoother than the path up the mountain. It was vastly different from the way they came and instead of leading to the Empire, it was leading to another small kingdom. Natalia sent her servant earlier to fetch the last one when they made it out.    


Deciding to ignore the defiant princess, Natalia let her magic wash back over her. The feeling of helplessness and imbalance she had was gone and her body was finally in order. She spread her magic sense out and expanded it as far as she could. Before she entered Berinda, it could reach as far as Ducroft, barely piercing the Berden Pass. However, this time, she was able to sense the entire territory of Polivia and the Berden Pass.    


She laughed, beginning to comb through people to find the ones she knew. Denitra, who was sitting in front of her, saw her hair slowly turn white. Her pupils disappeared and her eyeballs were fully white. Her lips were moving but no words were coming out. It scared Denitra but there was no way she could escape. The brand acted as an unbreakable chain, dragging her back to the one who bound her. She couldn't fight it or get rid of it.    


Natalia found her grandmother first. She could feel every single being in the estate. She moved to the kingdom and found Fredrich and his family next. They seemed to be locked in an argument. She moved from them and found Alana, Sebastian and Marvis next. They were all in the same place, talking intently. She was surprised. She thought they would definitely come after her.    


She searched for Adelie next. No matter how much she looked, she couldn't find Adelie. She searched the entire church but but not a shred of the Saintess's presence could be felt. She pulled back, her body reverting back at a visible rate. She ordered for the carriage to be stopped and got out of it.    


"Are we all here?"    


"Yes, my lady."    


"I'm opening a teleportation portal back home and one to Ducroft. I and the princess will proceed to Ducroft while you go back home."    


"My lady, it's our duty to protect you. We simply cannot abandon you."    


"It's an order. You must realize that only I can control the destination of the teleportation portals. Just go home obediently and deliver my message to my grandmother. We must speed up our plans."    


"Yes, my lady!"    


Instead of drawing the teleportation portal on the ground or the air, she changed it in Fae language. It was more restrictive that way but since it was a single use teleportation portal, it was more than enough. She drove the second carriage while the first one was filled with the servants who accompanied her.    


Going through the teleportation portal, she came out right in front of the church's gates. It certainly scared the guards when she appeared out of nowhere because it was virtually impossible to arbitrarily use magic around the church. She showed them her golden medallion and she was allowed immediate entry.    


She drove the carriage in, stopping right in front of the pedestrian arc entrance. She opened the door of the carriage and offered her hand to the princess. Denitra wanted more than anything to refuse but this woman was her master. She took her hand and came out of the carriage.    


"Is this…not the church of Ducroft?"    


"It is."    


"How can the Saintess of another god be in the home of one?"    


"So, you are a Saintess, huh? I'm curious about which god. But it's okay. This god is a bit of a bastard but we don't have to worry about him. In fact, I want to see his face."    


Princess Denitra felt a chill when Natalia said that. There wasn't a single mortal who could speak like that of a god yet this mortal dared to threaten one. They walked through the church's halls as she seemingly looked for someone. Denitra trailed behind, extremely curious.    


They turned a corner and Natalia suddenly sped up. A group of people sat beside an indoor fountain with a statue of a hooded man in the middle of it. Denitra thought the statue felt off but her attention was quickly drawn back to Natalia.    




The princess sitting by the fountain with her head buried in her hands suddenly raised her head. Her eyes widened when she saw who was calling her. She ran to her, wrapping her arms around her when they met.    


"You're back. I…was so worried."    


"I told you I would come back without a scratch. But…what happened?"    


"Adelie fell into a trance. We have all been waiting here for any information from the pope or the other priests," Sebastian answered, giving her a tired hug. His voice, his aura and his body all showed signs of fatigue.    


"A trance? How did that happen?"    


"It's my fault. We went back to Aldie's Hollow to find a way to make it to Berinda and be with you but she fell out of it when we were there and she hasn't woken up since," Marvis explained, his eyes glistening. She embraced him, running her hand through his hair to calm him. She wanted nothing more than to kiss him and comfort him but she didn't want to violate the rules in the church.    


"I'm back now and I will find something to do about it so there's no need for all of you to be so worried. You all look so exhausted. Let's go back home to rest and restrategize."    


"Okay. But…why is she here?" Marvis asked, pointing to the veiled Princess.    


Back at the Hazel estate, the servants arrived through the back portal and immediately went to see Dame Violet. They were granted an audience and they presented the trade agreement to her first. She took it and read through it, a soft smile on her face.    


"She did well. But why do you all look so grim?"    


"She asked us to tell you that we have to speed up the plan. She also took a princess hostage after she ambushed her and attacked with the intent to kill."    


"You said WHAT?? How is she now?"    


"She is without a scratch, family head."    


"...of course she is without a scratch. Well, you heard her order. Even though you're rushing, keep it all under wraps. We cannot let anyone else know about this plan."    


"What plan, Grandmother?" Edna said, entering the room. Dame Violet looked at the servants and they gave a final bow before leaving.    


"This is nothing that concerns you, Edna. Just say what you're here for and leave. I'm sure you're busy, especially now that the crown prince has his eyes on you."    


"But I'm the heir to this family, Grandmother. Are there certain things you can't tell me, even at this stage? Or is this because of Natalia again?"    


"If you know, then you need not ask again. It doesn't concern you, Edna. You will inherit this family. There's nothing else you need."    


"What about the Merchant Association? Does that belong to her?"    


"Yes. Is that what you want to know? You probably don't know this but…" Dame Violet raised her wrists to show Edna and she gasped. The keys were no longer there. The owner of the Merchant Association had changed.    


"Do you understand now? Lay low and don't become her enemy. Unless you're willing to risk more than she already has, then stay out of her way. I don't know what whoever supplied you the information that I am the President of the Merchant Association told you but think about it. Is it worth it to sacrifice your own family?"    


Edna finally left and she sighed. She looked at her wrists and the keys reappeared on her wrists. The enchantment keeping them there was weak but Natalia refused to accept the keys even though she was the one filling up the vault. She made up her mind to hand over the keys the next time she saw her. However, something told her that she wouldn't have that opportunity.    


"Is anyone there?"    


"Yes, family head!"    


"Prepare my luggage and a carriage. I'm going to Ducroft."    


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