The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C76 Gelta Salon

C76 Gelta Salon

"A traveling theatre?"    


"Yes. It's a group that goes from city to city to tell stories of legends with their words and songs. It's beloved by almost every noble in the capital. I personally haven't had the chance to check it out but I think you should go."    


"I'll talk to her highness."    


The very idea was strange to Natalia but it sounded interesting. There were bards in the cities and in the royal court but it was nothing more than a pastime ignored by the nobles of Ducroft. Legends were ridiculous to adults, only enjoyed by the common people but if it was enough to impress the high society of Polivia, then she was curious to see it.    


"The traveling theatre? Of course. I was just getting ready to leave. I'll tell the servants to fetch us hats so we can leave soonest," the princess replied excitedly.    


"We….are leaving?"    


"Of course. They perform in the middle of the town square and if we don't leave early, we might not be able to watch it at all. It's quite popular, after all!"    


"Oh…. alright."    


Once again, Natalia was reminded of the difference between their cultures. There was no noble in Ducroft that would go to a common street performance because it was viewed as vulgar. Whatever it is, it was probably worth the trouble. The servants seemed to be used to the situation, picking out hats to go with their outfits.    


The traditional clothing of Polivia was made to suit their unique weather. It was a sunny day so their clothes were light but modest. The frills were just appropriate and the light blue colour was well appreciated by her as someone with an eye for fashion. Business ideas churned in her head as they rode in the carriage.    


"You two really are siblings. You have that same look in your eyes," Temara commented with a smile.    




"You have that look when you're thinking up something incredible that would definitely work in your favours. It's a look I've come to know and perhaps, fancy."    


"Does your highness love my brother?"    


Temara's blush was enough answer for her. Temara could not deny, as she was betrothed to him already but it was embarrassed to be asked upfront. Love. It was an emotion that held a lot of gravity, an emotion she didn't get the opportunity to receive in both lives. Love was a complex, unattainable emotion that she really only felt with her brother. She used to feel love for Fredrich as she viewed him as someone who would finally liberate her from the tyranny of her father. That love was one of her many regrets.    


"We're here and thankfully, we're early!" The princess exclaimed, pulling Natalia out of the carriage. They were accompanied by two knights who matched with their pace. It wasn't quite what Natalia was expecting. It was a small stage set up with an orange background, backing the direction of the sun. People buzzed around the stage while others were waiting eagerly around the stage. There was a mix of commoners and nobles, mostly ladies. What was intriguing was that both nobles and commoners stood around, waiting for the performance to start.    


"There….are no chairs?"    


"If you bring a chair, you won't be able to see with all the people standing so we have no choice but to stand."    


"Ah, I see," Natalia replied, already regretting her decision to come. It didn't take long for the performance to start and it took about an hour. Perhaps it was worth the effort, Natalia couldn't tell. The voices of the commoners constantly cheering drowned the voices of the people performing. Standing was a pain as she had to avoid being constantly stepped on. The sun was also an issue and she was parched after standing like that for an hour. There were many other things she could complain about but she was being too critical for something she was seeing for the first time.    


"So, did you like it, my lady?"    


The princess looked too excited for Natalia to start launching off her complaints. No, that was reserved for someone else.    


"The performance was unlike what I've ever seen before. It was intriguing to see a story being told like that," she replied pleasantly.    


"Oh, I know you would like it. I'm feeling quite parched so let's get a drink nearby. Don't worry, I know just the place for that," the princess said, dragging her away once more. They stopped in front of a building with a signboard that read Gelta Salon. Opening the door, she was presented with the largest gathering of noblewomen that was not a tea party. It resembled a restaurant but it was also vastly different from that because although the tables were filled with snacks, the ladies were more focused on other things.    


Some were painting, some were playing certain instruments while most were knitting something. Because of the way the salon was designed, the ladies didn't interfere with each other and there was a certain type of order. The two drew attention right away when they entered. A certain noblewoman walked up to the Princess and bowed.    


"Welcome, your highness. What brings you here today?"    


"I just finished watching the performance of the traveling theatre and I insisted on coming here to talk about the performance today."    


"If that is so, please follow me. I'm sure the other ladies would be glad to see you here."    


"Thank you, Lady Lorelei."    


Lady Lorelei led them to a table that had two seats reserved. It was obvious whom both seats belonged to. Natalia was curious to see what would happen but the issue was quickly resolved. The Lady called for a steward to bring another seat that was placed beside the first princess's.    


"Your highness, who might this be?" One of the ladies was quick to ask.    


"This is Lady Natalia Adamantine, the younger sister to Lord Sebastian Adamantine," Princess Temara introduced.    


"It's a pleasure to meet you ladies," Natalia smiled. In the past, she was the one who hosted these kinds of events for the ladies to get together. For her to become a guest, it was quite a novel experience, more so in another kingdom.    


"So she's the one rumored to be the flower of Ducroft's high society? I see. Little wonder there. You look as exquisite and delicate as a flower," another lady exclaimed.    


"Thank you for your praise. It's my first time in a salon so I hope to learn from all of you elegant ladies."    


"Your first time, huh? Well, if that's the case, we do have a tradition."    


"Lady Lorelei," the princess said in a warning tone.    


"What is it, your highness? You know how strictly our Salon abides to traditions. Lady Adamantine, does this interest you?"    


"Yes, I would like to hear of this tradition."    


Princess Temara sighed defeatedly. Natalia could vaguely guess they were trying to test her. From experience, she could tell they were going to give her something difficult. She never experienced something like this in her past life but if there was something she learnt about reigning on top of Ducroft's high society, it was the ability to adapt to any situation.    


"We just want to give you a little test to see your level of artistic intuition. Don't worry, it won't be anything difficult as I am learned in foreign art and culture."    


"It just so happens that I, as well, am learned in those subjects. I am ready whenever you are, Lady Lorelei," Natalia smiled gracefully.    


"King Stuart Salman, an ancient scholar once said 'the beauty of the world is not in the complexity of human nature or the superiority of the gods. It's in the flap of a bird's wings and the burden on the shoulder of an ant'. This is his most famous quote. Which is his most impactful yet least famous quote?"    


"That is quite a subjective thing to ask, Lady Lorelei. Nevertheless, I will answer with this 'When the thunder rolls and lightning rules the sky, kings and peasants run for shelter and the gods do not stick out their tongue. Everyone is equal under nature'. Is this the answer you were looking for, Lady Lorelei?"    


"You were right when you said the answer was subjective. Why is this his most impactful yet least famous quote?"    


"Because it was said in the context of him mocking the ascended gods. King Stuart Salman was a man of religion and his belief was as strong as any other. However, with strong evidence proving the existence of gods, his words were not appreciated by his people and were hidden in passive history books."    


"King Stuart Salman was a man known for his contrasting words. His life remains a mystery in history despite it being documented by historians. You are clearly someone of high intelligence to find such an obsolete quote."    


"I feel very acknowledged hearing that, Lady Lorelei."    


The ladies looked forth and back in amazement. The two seemed to be competing against each other but held a mutual respect and an almost equivocal level of intelligence.    


"Hearing you answer my question so easily, I am tempted to ask you more. May I continue to do so, Lady Adamantine?"    


"Please, be my guest."    


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