The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C153 Dungeon

C153 Dungeon

After dinner and settling her friends and hostage into her home, she could finally rest. She soaked herself in the tub, feeling the knots in her body loosen. There was also the fact that she was being massaged by little fairies that fluttered excitedly around her. She sighed with content.    


"Do you like it that much?"    


"Hmm, it's nice. Did you miss me, Madaline?"    


"You worried me but you really came back without a scratch. Berinda is Uriel's territory so I cannot intervene at will. I'm glad it went well."    


"No, I got attacked and that's why I have a hostage. Now that you say it, she's probably Uriel's Saintess."    


"You took another god's Saintess?! Since when did you start acting so recklessly?"    


"It was not a reckless or juvenile decision. You know what my goal is. By the way, I have a question."    


"What is it?"    


"If Adelie is Ducroft's Saintess and Denitra is Uriel's Saintess, does that mean I'm your Saintess?"    


"No, it's not you. It's Marvis's mother."    


"How cruel. You could've reserved that spot for me."    


"There isn't a single god in existence that can claim you. You are already Nataroth's Saintess."    


"Hmm, that makes more sense. Speaking of Nataroth, it seems there is an original god that is still alive."    


"There…is? Who is it?"    


"Maowry, the leader of the spirits."    


"Oh! I can't believe I forgot! Of course they're still alive! If they weren't, the spirits wouldn't exist. It's hard to count them as an original god or a god in the first place. They have always been a vital concept. Mortals have body, soul and spirit. When they die, their souls and spirit merge and they go through the spirit world to reincarnate. That's probably why all the other original gods could be preserved as concepts. So they've been doing all the work by themselves all this time? I feel bad."    


"I don't think they mind. They were against me reviving all the original gods."    


"Well, anyone would be. With that much malice and power, the world could be over before we know it."    


"Why doesn't it bother you?"    


"All I want is to see Nataroth alive. Even if the world ends, even if I die, I still want to see her."    


"All of her children must really love her. I'm glad," she said, rising from the tub. She turned to Madaline who sat on the window.    


"Please help me rescue my sister. She's Ducroft's Saintess but I cannot find her anywhere in the mortal world. I'm not a hundred percent sure but please check the heavenly court just in case."    


"Alright, I'll do that. If you stay in here any longer, that child is going to start scratching and whining at the door like an abandoned puppy."    


"Sounds cute," she remarked, walking out of the bathroom completely naked. Marvis, who was about to start knocking on the door, looked down in shock. He looked back up at her smug face.    


"Y-You're naked!"    


"This isn't the first time you're seeing me in the nude so you need to stop acting like it. It's been a while since we cuddled. Let's sleep together tonight."    


"But A-Adelie, she…she's still…"    


"She's in a trance. She's not dead. It's common for a Saintess to enter a trance and go into seclusion. You all keep acting like it's a death sentence or…is there something you're not telling me?"    


"Nothing. We were worried sick."    


"Well, I'm glad. If that's what stopped you all from coming, then so be it. Berinda isn't a safe place to be right now."    


"With you bringing in their princess as a hostage, I bet it is not. How will you explain this to the other kingdoms?"    


"She broke the treaty and attacked me with the intent to kill. Just because she didn't succeed doesn't mean she will not be punished for her crimes. Once I'm done having my fun, I will let her go…maybe," she put her hand around his neck, rubbing his ear. He flinched, his hands hanging awkwardly in the air. She leaned in to kiss him, running her tongue over his canines that were ordinarily strong enough to pierce through the strongest metals with ease.    


"I asked Madaline to look after Adelie, find her soul and bring it back. Are you satisfied now?"    


"You're so cruel," he groaned, lifting her. He pinned her to the bed and kissed her.    


When he woke up the next morning, her side of the bed was cold and empty. He fumbled out of bed and searched the entire mansion but couldn't find her. Alana and Sebastian were just waking up but she and her hostage were nowhere to be found. It looked like seeing her the day before was a joint illusion they had.    


{She had to leave for the Hazel Estate early this morning. She said she would return as soon as possible}    


They looked up to see Cheese. Marvis translated for them and they could finally put their mind at ease. They got ready and prepared to leave for the Hazel Estate. However, as they were about to leave, a royal entourage rolled into the mansion. They didn't know who it was but they were ready to flee if needed.    


"What a lovely mansion," Crown Prince William commented as he disembarked the carriage. He extended a hand and a fair hand took his. It was Princess Francesca.    


"Yes, it is lovely indeed. If Lady Natalia is willing to sell it, I won't mind owning it," she said, smiling. She saw Sebastian and her smile widened.    




"It is nauseating to be called like that by your highness. Please don't do it again," Sebastian said with a smile of his own. Such a thing would ordinarily be strange but over the years, altercations like this were common. Princess Francesca never backed down, making it her mission to make Sebastian hers. She bore that in resemblance to her mother.    


"Why should I stop? We will soon become a couple. You should get used to it."    


"Why would we become a couple if I'm betrothed to Princess Temara of Polivia, your highness?"    


"Such an engagement is invalid. Our father sent us here with an invitation to Berinda in exchange for your response."    


"We thank his majesty for his generosity but we have no need for the invitation anymore. For our impudence, we will definitely send him a gift," he bowed. Marvis and Alana did the same. The smiles on their faces faded.    


Soon after she moved her family to the Hazel Estate, she borrowed a substantial amount of money from the vault to purchase a wide expanse of land that qualified as a territory. Since it was under the name of the Merchant Association, the Empire turned a blind eye to it. She paid the loan back soon enough and started a peculiar project on it. First, she slowly isolated it from the outside world by building a barrier, disguising it as farmland to the outside world.    


Entering the real property was easy as long as one had a medallion with the inscription of a crow. Since she created the barrier, she could enter without restriction. The difference between what it looked like and what it was, was really vast. There were several people working hard on something. There were several structures that were tall enough to reach the dark skies. It resembled a giant castle but there was something eerie about it.    


"Have you never seen a man-made dungeon before?" Natalia asked as she saw Denitra's look of shock. She chuckled and continued walking. The people they passed bowed respectfully as she passed. At first, they looked like slaves button closer inspection, each one of the labourers were magicians. The eerie aura that constantly surrounded this dungeon came from them as they gave off a sense that they were already dead.    


"They're undead. You'll unnerve them if you stare too much. Keep walking, princess."    


Somehow, the word princess sounded like an insult. Still, it wasn't like she could oppose her captor. The brand still dug into her skin like spikes. This discomfort could be ignored but the more she disobeyed, the worse it got.    


"Why will you build a dungeon?"    


"If you won't answer my own questions, I won't answer yours. Now that you've seen it, there's no point hiding it so I am willing to tell you what this place is for. But if you won't say anything, I won't either."    


"I'll never…"    


"You're Uriel's Saintess."    




"Some things in this life are just easier to know. Now while I would like to know Uriel's plans in full, there is a special guest waiting for us inside there. Don't worry, you'd love her."    


Denitra had a bad feeling after hearing her say that. The portcullis lifted and they walked into the castle. It was already taking shape quite well as the undead worked tirelessly. She was curious as to how she got such a large army of powerful undead magicians. They had only walked through the front door of the castle but they were already in a room.    


"Teleportation is much easier in a place like this. We're already here," she said, walking to the middle of the room. There was nothing in the room save for a glass casket on an elevated platform. It was placed in such a way that you couldn't see what was inside until you went closer.    


Inside the casket, the body of a small skinny dark skinned child lay with a peaceful smile on his face like he was just sleeping. The dark feeling that she felt increased. She fell backwards, crawling away from the body. She felt dread fill her veins and all her instincts screamed at her to escape.    


"Princess Denitra, say hello to the god of death and destruction, Non."    


The eyes of the boy snapped open.    


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