The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C154 Alana's Goal

C154 Alana's Goal

“W-What do you mean the god of death and destruction?!”    


“Yes, what do I mean indeed?” she just smiled, looking at the body in the casket. He just stared back at her with his eyes open.    


"I was very lucky to find him, you know. Gods are not just objects you find on the side of the streets. I actually built this whole thing because of him but not for him. He belongs in another world so you have to be curious as to why he's here. He won't say anything though which is disappointing."    


"Are you insane?! That is the most dangerous of the original gods!"    


"I doubt he is as dangerous as Nataroth. Anyway, now that I've shown you my treasure, let's take you to your room, shall we?"    


They left the room, the doors locking behind them as they left. The boy laying still in the casket rose to sit up and stared unblinkingly at the door.    


As they faced down the two royal heirs, a servant came running out from the mansion, handing a letter to Sebastian. He frowned and burnt the letter immediately.    


"You would have to excuse me, your highness but I just received word that my grandmother is here," he said, turning to leave. Marvis followed him but as Alana was about to leave, William called her back.    


"Father asked us to bring you home."    


"I doubt you would allow me to travel in the same carriage as you so I will just take another carriage and arrive late," she replied.    


"No, join us. We…" he looked up at the two backs disappearing, "...have much to talk about."    


Sebastian and Marvis kept their heads low as the carriage door opened and the old woman came out of it. She looked around and didn't find the one she came to see. She turned to Sebastian.    


"Where is Natalia? I definitely thought she would have arrived by now."    


"She arrived but she went back home today. You didn't see her?"    


"I must've missed her. You send a message to her that I'm here."    


"Yes, grandmother."    


She finally turned her gaze to Marvis and walked closer to him. He gulped, expecting the worst. She extended her hand to him, expecting him to lead her inside the mansion. He took her hand and they walked inside together. Sebastian stared at the two go inside and realized that Natalia and Dame Violet were very similar women. But for some reason, despite her age, Natalia had a more domineering presence than her grandmother.    


"It must've been urgent for you to come by yourself all this way, grandmother," Sebastian started, serving her tea. She picked the cup up and drank from it. He left Marvis to send the letter to Natalia.    


"It is urgent. I wanted to pass something to Natalia. I felt if I didn't give her soon, I may never get the chance. This is something that should never fall into the wrong hands."    


"Is it…?"    


"Yes, it is. There's also the fact that the crown prince is conspiring something against our family. He has Edna on his side and I fear for that girl. She's very confident and outspoken but her complex could be insurmountable. She compares herself to Natalia too much and you know exactly what that does to someone."    


"Yes," he smiled wryly, "I am well aware."    


"It's become tiring for a frail old woman like me. I didn't realize how much I needed relaxing time off like this. How calming," she said, closing her eyes. The tea he gave her was a gift from Princess Temara to him. His grandmother was aware of the engagement but like Natalia's refusal to get engaged, she didn't comment on it. It was easy to see why the other grandchildren were envious of them.    


"I sent the letter…oh, ma'am, please don't sleep there. The servants have already prepared a room."    


She opened her eyes and saw Marvis standing over her with a worried look on his face. She remembered when Natalia brought him to the estate, a scared little brat. She didn't know why he was always terrified of her but seeing his relationship with Natalia, it could be his guilt.    


"I told you to call me Grandmother."    




"When are you going to get engaged to Natalia? You two aren't getting younger."    


"But we are young…grandmother. If she refuses to do something, you know there isn't a single person in this world that can convince her otherwise."    


"You're right. That brat is too stubborn. But she's also selfish. If she doesn't want you, she should leave you for someone else. I'm sure if she isn't constantly shadowing you, you would have a long time of ladies willing to marry you."    


"Haha," he awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of his head. Sebastian drank his tea, amused by the situation. His grandmother always favoured Marvis but the brat was really likeable.    


"Werewolves live a very long life, grandmother. I want to enjoy the time I have with her with no regrets."    


"You…are a good child."    


"Thank you, Grandmother."    


"By the way, I don't see your sister, Sebastian. I thought she would've come out by now."    


"She's…in seclusion at the church, grandmother. The priests there say she's fine and there's no need to worry. They don't know how long it will last."    


"Hmm, I see. I wonder why that child chose a hard life of being a Saintess. Nevertheless, if it is her decision, I shall not interfere. Have you heard from your parents?"    


"They are actually in Polivia now. They said their vacation is going well and they will be returning soon."    


"To be young," she said, smiling warmly. As someone who took sole responsibility for her family from a young age, she had been through a lot of hardship. She raised her children and her grandchildren, holding a prestigious place in high society and presiding over the Merchant Association. It was about time she retired and handed over to the younger generation.    


The carriage ride was silent at first. Alana sat with her back straightened, refusing to be intimidated by her siblings. They never stopped with their relentless bullying over the years but she refused to be easily defeated. Being a core part of Natalia's circle ensured she was protected physically and politically. Although she said countless times that she wasn't interested in becoming Queen, the road was slowly becoming clearer.    


"You're getting bolder these days, Alana. One would think you want to become a legitimate heir," William said, sneering at her.    


"I already am a legitimate heir with documentation to prove it. If you still think that's not enough proof, you can take it up with his majesty."    


"I see your words have become sharper. Do you think you're Natalia Adamantine?"    


"Why would I? I don't recall having a similar surname. Although, I think it's easier to get. The surname Adamantine and the Surname Kristen. Isn't that so, sister?"    


"Just because you're close to them doesn't mean you can just get an engagement. You value yourself highly for a bastard. The pity they have for you will run out one day and I will gladly see you fall into the depths of hell, Alana," Francesca calmly replied.    


"You're right. My legitimately isn't something I can control. However, the way my life turns out is something I can control. That's why I would do anything to drag myself from the depths of hell and seat among you proud children of heaven. I do depend on their pity but that pity ran out a long time ago. Now, I have their respect and love. I can make silly jokes and play silly games with them. We can make ridiculous bets and we can go everywhere together without shame. And I can tell them exactly how I feel. We can argue, fight and still get back together. Do you think just pity can foster such a relationship? Or do you think it's fear?"    


"What are you trying to say, Alana?" William glared at her, annoyed.    


"Warm your throne for me, brother," she smiled. In a split second, the sword at his waist was pointed at her neck. She didn't flinch, looking at the sword like it was a mild inconvenience.    


"If you swing something like that wildly in such a small space, you might hurt yourself, brother. I'm surprised you didn't know that."    




Even though the sword was directly on her neck, it couldn't pierce her skin. It was her time to sneer.    


"What would people say when they find out the crown prince isn't as bright as he's supposed to be? It would be a shame."    


"What are you trying to achieve, Alana?! What is the meaning of this?"    


"Isn't it obvious yet? None of you legitimate heirs are fit to run this kingdom. So, I'll be stepping in. Don't worry, I will spare your lives but like you did to me, I will make living hell for you. I'm daring you both to stop me. I've got powerful allies and an ambition that makes me less willing to just bow to you. I'm in this…for the long haul."    


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