The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C90 How Important?

C90 How Important?

“Your actions are very questionable sometimes but they lead to great results. I know you put great trust in me by showing me this. There hasn’t been any Transcendental in our kingdom in many years. You wish to protect your kingdom in exchange for the title of Duke?”    




“Why should we trust you? How do we know you won’t betray us like the former duke and current king of Ducroft, your husband?”    


“I don’t have answers for the future, your majesty. I do know that this is important for the both of us. I guarantee it. And please, your majesty, he is not my husband anymore and I’m nothing like him.”    


“I’d say…’re rather impressive, Lady Adamantine. I wondered why they were hiding you so desperately. It turns out, it’s you. The precious flower of the capital, Natalia Adamantine. An honor to meet you, my lady.”    


Frma corner of the throne hall, Crown Prince Reagan appeared like a poltergeist. He looked mighty pleased with himself, even though the Queen looked mighty displeased with himself. To save the situation from conflict, she released a bit of her aura. It humbled them both almost immediately.    


“I know the emminence of the stars has reigned free in his empire but I must remind you, this is not the empire, this is Polivia. Please respect her majesty and the statue of the law. I will not ask again.”    


“Alright, point taken. I will not act out of place again.”    


She released her aura and he was able to stand on his feet again. He wiped the blood from his nose nonchallantly. He still grinned but didn’t dare to move closer. The queen glared at them both.    


“My land used to be so much peaceful before foreigners arrived,” she spoke in her language, resentful.    


“I apologize, your majesty. Please, consider my offer.”    


“Why beg me when you have the power to take it for yourself?”    


“I have a simple wish to save the world.”    


They left the throne room together, Reagan one step behind her. He studied her from behind, being a semi-transcendental himself. Her aura was more powerful than anything he had ever felt in his life and it interested him.    


“Never in my life have I seen a Transcendental. I didn’t even know of the existence of another Semi-Transcendental. I am severely intrigued. How can someone like you achieve so much?”    


“I am interested in knowing what you consider to be someone like me, Crown Prince Reagn. A woman? A person of conflict? Or my personal favorite, a pawn? I know your kind, your imperial highness. I have seen what your hands can do. I am someone who knows exactly how to place and use pawns. But pawns aren’t all useless, even if they have lost their obvious usefulness. No, you keep milking them dry, don’t you, Crown Prince Reagan?”    


“Why are you talking like you know me so well?”    


“It is because you know me as well as I know you. You’ve been watching me for a long, long time. You know almost everything there is to know about me, planting a spy that I trust with my very life.”    


“Hmm, I never thought you’d find out.”    


“Of course I wouldn’t have found out because they themselves didn’t know there were a spy. Your power is so despicable, it makes me sick to my stomach. Mind control is nothing but a curse and you’re the bastard that makes it possible.”    


“Hmmm… curious. Now you interest me more than anyone, Lady Adamatine. Alas, my time is short. Until we meet again, my lady.”    


“Unfortunately, it is an event bound to happen. But do not forget, destiny is an outlaw that cannot be contained by the wills of men. An everlasting curse is laid on those who toy with the destiny of others.”    


“Are you trying to threaten me?”    


“Can you touch destiny, Crown Prince Reagan?”    


“Hmm,” he scoffed, walking away. She could tell he was obviously annoyed which made her feel pleased. She waked away to tell Sebastian the good news. She soon found him having tea with Temara and Amaika. She smiled, going to Amaika first. She patted their head, smiling.    


“You look pleased. What sort of great news have you brought to us, dear sister?”    


“I am being appointed Duke of Graviscera soon. Isn’t that great?”    


“How ever did you get my mother to agree to that?” Temara asked, amused.    


“I negotiated with her and thankfully, she seemed to like my terms. My appointment would happen tomorrow.”    


“Why so soon?” Temara asked, surprised.    


“It’s because I’m also joining the delegation to the Leader’s Conference.”    


“No.” Sebastian immediately said and Amaika nodded.    


“What makes you think you have a choice in this matter, Bastian? Besides, you’re going too. I’m sorry to say this but you’re not in the position to make decisions for me anymore.”    


“You might be the most powerful person on this continent but you’re still my younger sister and it is my duty to keep you safe. Meeting with Fredrich again is not a guaranteed way to keep you safe.”    


“It is unavoidable for as long as I live so I might as well get it out of the way. I need to do this, Sebastian. It’s important.”    


“You had to fake your death to escape this man. How important is it that you’d risk seeing him again?”    


"What if I told you it concerns the fate of the very world itself?"    


In the heavenly court, Quene and Madaline got themselves settled in Quene's palace, both holding steaming tea cups. The matter wasn't the kind that could be discussed outside so they both took it inside.    


"The circumstances of Nataroth's death were strange, especially since she was the first god. Although we want to point fingers against the other ascended gods like Uriel and Thriton, we cannot do so easily. The truth is, if Nataroth dies, the end of this world and everything on it is nigh. There are still traces of Nataroth everywhere, seeing as the destinies of humans and gods alike are still being woven into the order of the world. These traces are enough to keep the world running but I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. Perhaps this incarnation you found would be able to tell us what it is."    


"I thought you were staying out of troublesome matters, Quene."    


"I can't stay out of things that directly affect me. In the past, I used to have a purpose, a direction. Now….. everything makes less sense, even to me who is supposed to have infinite wisdom. Because of Nataroth's death, all gods and all creations have been stuck in a delirious loop that has blinded them all and it seems there is no way out. You broke that chain when you ascended, Madaline. Whoever facilitated that change might be the key to finding out what has been veiled from us the entire time."    


"I will create an opportunity to talk to her. She is someone that should know about changing destiny. She is someone who managed to change an entire timeline without any gods being the wiser."    


"What do you mean by that?! If time has been altered, how could we not know anything about it?! That's ridiculous!"    


"How are you supposed to know something is wrong if the goddess of destiny is dead? I suspect this isn't the first time it has happened. In your infinite wisdom, Quene, have you ever heard of timeline alteration?"    




"Yet, it seems to have happened multiple times. I don't think it happened intentionally on her part because according to her, she killed herself to arrive at this present timeline. The timeline shifting, taking an entire world to the past can only mean one thing; there's already a hole in our time and space, a hole that has existed for such a long time that it is essentially easy for any superior being to invade our world. It's only a miracle it hasn't happened yet. We have to do something about it, bring the gods together and save this world before carelessness destroys it further. What do you say, Quene?"    


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