The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C66 Speculations

C66 Speculations

“You don’t have a fever and your pupils aren’t dilated. You should be completely healed soon. How are you feeling inside?”    




“That’s not really an answer. Do you feel unstable inside?”    


“I’m asking why you saved me.”    


“A favor should be repaid in kind, shouldn’t it? You saved my life, I saved yours,” she replied plainly as if it was that simple.    


“Do you even know the gravity of what you’ve done? If you keep harboring me, then you won’t be safe! You don’t even know who I am!”    


“Then, do you know who I am? You don’t think it’s strange that we met in Ducroft and now we’re both at the border town of the Empire?”    


“What….do you mean?”    


“Marvis Jane. A personal knight of Crown Prince Reagan of the Empire. A Werewolf capable of mass destruction and the secret weapon of the crown prince. Am I right?”    


“How did you……?”    


“It’s funny that despite being the personal knight of the crown prince, you still haven’t recognized me. Well, maybe it’s because I’m supposed to be dead.”    


“I am very confused right now.”    


“Don’t worry about it. You should get some rest. Someone will come to deliver breakfast to you. If you have made up your mind to trust me, then you should trust them. Now, if you would excuse me,” she rose, walking out of the room. The Countess and Cage were waiting for her outside. They didn’t look like they slept properly, just like Natalia.    


“What is the matter?”    


“Every noble in the kingdom has been summoned for the new king’s coronation. I’m afraid I might have to leave, my lady,” Countess Quartz replied.    


“Return if you must. This is the last time we will see each other so I wish you well in all your endeavors. Just take my warnings to heart.”    


“ lady, I wish you safe travels. Please take proper care of yourself.”    


“Cage, accompany the lady back. When you return to Ducroft, you will find that I have fulfilled my promise. You used to be a despicable man but you have my thanks for helping me when you didn’t have to. Goodbye now.”    


Hearing about Natalia’s death, the first emotion Alana felt was horror. As Natalia was the anchor, her death would pull them back in time. But as the days passed, especially on her way back to the capital, there was no distortion or major incident. In fact, everything progressed smoothly. Things like that made Alana question what she knew.    


Was Natalia truly the anchor or was there something else that happened in that 10 years that drew them back to the past? She couldn’t answer that question on her own. She needed Adelie’s help. If Natalia truly wasn’t the anchor and they didn’t need to worry about being drawn again to the past then….could she finally live the life she wanted?    


Her family was mostly dead and Fredrich had promised her the position of Queen, just like her last life. Natalia died earlier than expected so she didn’t need to feel guilt over taking someone else’s husband. Perhaps, all the feelings she buried could finally rear their head. All she needed was to fill the gaping hole that Natalia left behind in the kingdom’s high society.    


She reached the capital just in time for the coronation. The palace felt different when she entered. For one, the servants finally paid attention to her and directed their gaze to the ground respectfully when she passed by. She smiled, liking the feeling of finally getting the respect she deserved. She was led to Fredrich’s office and all sorts of thoughts and emotions went through her head while she waited for him to call her in. when she finally saw him, she felt like time stopped.    


He looked….different. He looked more like the Fredrich she knew in her past life than the younger, more vigorous one she knew in this life. She could only wonder what had happened as she walked up to him.    


“Your majesty,” she courtseyed when she got in front of him. Using his hand, he pulled her back up and stared into her eyes. The two of them…..were finally going to be together with no worries. They could only go forward from there. She smiled at him but he didn’t return her smile.    


“Your journey must’ve been stressful. I’ve asked them to prepare the Queen’s quarters for you. The coronation is tomorrow so you have to rest properly. Don’t worry about your dress. Corren has already prepared it,” he said to her. She nodded and turned to leave. He, however, hugged her from behind. He didn’t say anything, just inhaled her scent. They stood there like time had stopped, feeling each other’s presence. He finally let her go and she headed to the Queen’s quarters with a satisfied smile on her face.    


“How’s the search for Natalia’s body going?”    


“We haven’t found a trace yet, your majesty. It seems like a flawless pre-planned operation, almost like they knew exactly when she was going to die and took her body away before we could react. We will try our best to find her immediately,” Corren replied.    


“That’s impossible. If you say it like that, then…..she must’ve planned this. She said not even I could take her from the jaws of death. What if….she isn’t dead?”    


“What are you even talking about? No one can survive the Basilisk’s breath unless……they had an antidote. You may be on to something, your majesty.”    


“Have the men search for her alive, not dead. If you find her, bring her back to me alive with any means necessary.”    


“Your majesty, is it necessary to find her? You are already going to be with her highness. The nobles would not contest your union as long as they believe that Lady Adamantine is dead. You can easily swoop in and control the nobles without having to find her. You don’t need her. Why do you still want to find her?”    


“Do I need any reason to find my wife? Find her and bring her to me.”    


“You are being unreasonable, your majesty. You need to focus your energy on other things, especially on ruling this kingdom,” Corren firmly said.    


“Corren, you have been with me since I was a child. I can see you are getting older. This work is a little stressful for you so I suggest you take a little break. Don’t you worry, Wilbur would do your work perfectly. All you need to do is take a well deserved break,” Fredrich smiled, his red eyes glowing in the dark.    


“Sending me away is not going to solve the problem, your majesty. But if you need me out of your sight, then I will accept your order. I just don’t wnat to be the person that tells you ‘I told you so’,” Corren sighed, turning to leave the room. Fredrich looked outside the window, right at the sky.    


“Find her,” he commanded in fae language before turning to leave the room.    


After the second treatment, Marvis could no longer feel his body protesting in pain whenever he moved. Her treatment was flawless and the magic he felt coursing through his body was more powerful than anything he had ever felt before. It sent shivers up his spine.    


“Thank you for your generosity. I would never forget this,” he bowed. They stood in front of their temporary accommodation, both ready to leave. The carriage waited for her to say her goodbyes to him.    


“I only saved your life because you saved mine. If you decide to throw your life away again, then I will not be responsible for you.”    


“I know and I’m grateful for that. If you take the route I have charted for you, you will reach the north safely. I’m not sure how you would be able to make it past the Berden pass with your weak body though,” he said, eyeing her worriedly. She raised an eyebrow at his gaze.    


“If you’re that worried, why don’t you accompany me?”    


“I would’ve but I have someone I have to find quickly. If I find them before you begin your journey through the Berden Pass, then I will join you to cross it,” he promised, extending his hand. She shook it and climbed into the carriage. He stood there, watching it drive off. Once it was gone, he was also gone in the blink of an eye, flying over trees.    


His body felt lighter than before and he could feel the magic circulating in his body move with ease. She did not only heal him, she enhanced his body. For that, he was more than thankful. He was also hopeful because of the scent he caught of his kind in the surroundings. He was sure if he looked harder for them, he would find them and he would be able to fulfil his promise. He convinced himself that it was the promise but his face couldn't hide his curiosity to meet his saviour once more.    


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