The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C86 The Great Era of Theater

C86 The Great Era of Theater

The construction of the theatre was finally completed a few days after the wedding. Natalia, who spent the last few days with Marvis in her quarters, hiding from Reagan, inspected the construction with Sebastian's and Amaika's help. She prepared for the launch while she hid and when the day came, she was finally back out in public. Several people had been invited to the launch, including the foreign dignitaries.    


The nobles gathered in front of the magnificent structure with a large signboard with calligraphy that read 'Adamantine Theatre'. It was clear who it was named after and many of the nobles had a mixed reception. The Queen had already laid it bare when she told them about it but everyone wasn't quite sure what to expect.    


A large ribbon separated everyone from the building. Sebastian held a a pair of scissors in one hand and his wife's hand in another as he gave a speech that was originally prepared by Natalia for herself.    


"I want to thank you all for succumbing to your curiosity and accepting my invitation. Truthfully, I heard of how skeptical all of you were because this kind of project has failed several times in the past. I thought long and hard about how to make up for the flaws of my predecessors. I hope what you will see today would awe you and make you keep coming back to see your wonderful art in a controlled and regulated environment. Cheers, everyone!"    


He cut the ribbon while the crowd clapped. Stewards by the doors led the nobles through a separate entrance that directly connected to the stairs. The commoners took the general entrance and were guided to their seats. The interior of the theatre was grand with a high stage, several painting, and the king's personal musicians setting up in the background. As everyone was getting settled, a particular young lady walked on the stage and got all attention focused on her because of the hat she was wearing and the way she carried herself.    


"I want to welcome you ladies and gentlemen to the grand opening of the Adamantine Theater. I am here to give you quick rules as to how the theatre would be run from today onward. First rule, once seated in the theatre, please whisper quietly if you want to converse. Rough shouting or screams of encouragement or throwing of fruits or loud commentary would be punished with a temporary ban from the theater. If you wish to encourage the artists, you may quietly clap so the performance is not interrupted. Second rule, all seats in the lowest floor are priced at 5 coins. The ones on the first floor can be bought for 200 but from the second floor upwards, they are only accessible to the higher nobility class and royalty. Third rule, our theater offers a membership for a specific amount that may allow you access to the second floor despite not being nobility. If you wish to discuss this membership, our stewards would be available on every floor. Fourth rule, our actors are our valuable assets. We ask that you do not harass them or we would be moved to use our special security on you. Fifth rule, you may gift the actors by sending it through a steward but you may not throw anything on stage except carefully picked flowers that would not injure or kill our actors. These rules would be displayed on the walls of our theater so everyone can abide by them while in the theater. Thank you for listening. The first ever performance in the first ever stationary theater would begin now."    


Natalia left the stage without revealing her face. She felt everyone's curiosity but she was beginning to like the anonymity. She moved to her seat on the second floor, joining Duchess Everon and Lady Lorelei who had already been served tea and snacks. The curtains raised and the performance began.    


Safe to say, it amazed everyone. The actors could safely perform without interruption and with the aid of magical tools that made it easier for them. Because everyone was silent, their voices could finally be heard. They were safely shielded from the sun and everyone was seated while they performed. The nobles could safely discuss the performance in the comfort of their private viewing spaces while snacking. Most of the problems they faced were solved, especially since the actors were under contract to the Adamantine company and were being paid at a rate higher than they could earn being a traveling theatre.    


"This is seriously amazing. When everyone else tried this, there was always something wrong. To think you'd be able to accomplish this in just a few weeks. You're a genius, Lady Natalia!"    


"All I had to do was observe and experiment. If we can put out more entertaining performances and can attract more actors and a bigger crowd, we can expand. The next challenge would be facing the biggest problem in starting the stationary theater. Would you happen to know what it is?"    


"Is it perhaps, the novelty?" Lady Lorelei answered, unsure.    


"Yes, Lady Lorelei. The selling point of the traveling theatre was that it was hard to see them and they always brought interesting stories from wherever they traveled to. This problem cannot easily be solved so we have decided to do something called a theater schedule. We let our actors prepare the stories and practice them while the people can be left in that same anticipation. It would generate more profit for us in the long run. What do you think?"    


"It's wonderful!" The two ladies exclaimed at the same time, giggling. They made sure to keep their voices down so they could enjoy the show.    


"Lord Adamantine, I guess what they said about you being a money horse wasn't untrue. I have never seen anything like this yet it interests me so," Marquis Orland commented, his gaze darting from the performance to Sebastian. Sebastian couldn't say out loud that he too was amazed as to how his sister put it all together. He was refraining from speaking about her lest the greedy Crown Prince developed an unneeded interest in her.    


"This is as a result of my company's hard work and the approval of her majesty. I couldn't possibly take the credit for all of this."    


"It's quite a pity that your majesty had taken him into your family already. Lord Adamantine's talents would be greatly appreciated in the Empire," the crown prince casually commented, his steely gaze on the performance.    


"Well, if your imperial highness is interested in having the Adamantine company in the Empire, then I'm sure we can come to an agreement that works with the both of us," Sebastian offered. Crown Prince Reagan finally looked at him and smirked amusingly.    


"I would be looking forward to that."    


"Ducroft would also like to come to an agreement with the Adamantine company," Marquis Orland quickly added. Sebastian looked at the young marquis and smiled.    


"Well, of course. Since his imperial highness asked me first, then I have no other choice but to attend to him. Not to worry, I assure you won't be kept waiting as Count Umel would attend to you as soon as possible."    


Everyone could see Sebastian's unwillingness to relate with Ducroft and how he maneuvered a situation for his benefit so quickly. Since Marquis Orland is the one who offered, it wasn't like he could demand that he be attended to first nor did he have the luxury of waiting. In that same environment, the first performance came to an end and the huge blue curtains came closed, hiding the actors. The crowd gave a thunderous applause, expressing all their excitement and satisfaction in that applause. This time, it was Princess Temara that came on stage.    


"We are quite grateful that you enjoyed the performance. I am personally a huge fan of theater so this probably makes me more excited than anyone here but we are so honoured you kept to the rules. If you wish to purchase flowers you can throw at the stage, the stewards standing around can provide it for you at a cheap price. Now, we want to talk to you about the theater schedule. Each month, there would be at least five performances that would run three times for those who didn't view it the first time or those who want to view it again. There would be a monthly break in between those months so the actors can prepare their act. The plays being performed would be displayed outside the theaters and the prices for them accordingly. The Adamantine company would be opening two other branches of the theater which would run simultaneously. Which means, if there isn't a play being performed in one branch for that month, there's a play being performed in another branch so you can feel free to visit. Also, as a member of the Adamantine company premium membership, you can get free tube rides to different cities and an opportunity to view the plays for free as long as you have your proof of membership and it is valid. Please enjoy the second play of the day."    


As she walked off the stage, the curtains rose and the music started. Everyone watched this time with baited breath in complete silence. There was quite a crowd outside as well, curious as to what was happening in the theater. The doors were locked and firmly guarded by werecreatures hired by the Adamantine company in special uniforms. They were headed by Marvis who was also somewhere nearby.    


Thus, that was the start of the great era of theater and the rise of art in the continent.    


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