Big Boss Spoiled By Everyone

C661 It Was Fine as Long as He Didn't Know

C661 It Was Fine as Long as He Didn't Know

Shining said: "In any case, ordinary people can't afford to hire the Black Emperor Alliance. It's extremely shady!"    


Quan Xiaoyi nodded thoughtfully: "The Quan clan can't spend billions on finding third sister, it's cheaper to hire special agents, a few million can hire a level 9 agent"    


Shi An sighed, "I suddenly feel like we're so cheap ~"    


Xia JinMian said lightly, "This cannot be compared. The Black Emperor Alliance is an organization that is not recognized by the Empire. Only with money can we open up a path. As for the agents, they are the heroes of the Empire. The Empire has already paved a path for the agents. Any authority would be given priority to the agents. One is profit, the other is fame, they can't be compared "    


" That's true, our agents are still the greatest " Shi An was a little complacent. Then, he said gloomily, "I don't know when I can be discharged from the hospital. I really want to go on a mission with you guys!"    


"If you cooperate with the doctor and take good care of yourself, you can be discharged in less than a month." Xia JinMian said.    


Shi An calculated the time. "Then I can just get out of the hospital before the International Medical Exhibition. Hehe, when the time comes, let's apply to go to the International Medical Exhibition to protect our country's famous doctors. I'll take you to see the male models."    


"Grandpa Xia definitely doesn't know that there are male models showing up at the International Medical Exhibition. Those male models have golden proportions in their figures, and each of them is more handsome than the last. They are all medical models, so even if they casually take a nap, they are all beneficial to the body without any harm. " Quan Xiaoyi explained.    


Five years ago, the few of them used the excuse of protecting a famous doctor to look at a lot of supermodels.    


At that time, they were only in their twenties. Although they knew that they could sleep with a little money, none of them dared to really sleep.    


They only dared to take a look and craved for it.    


Now that she thought about it, Shi An couldn't wait to drool.    


How could Xia JinMian not know that she had seen those male models before, but at that time, she felt that it was meaningless.    


Now that she saw the three of them looking forward to it, she nodded.    


"Alright, I'll go and take a look then."    


"That, Grandfather Han won't be jealous, right?" Quan Xiaoyi asked.    


Xia Jinmian decisively said, "It's fine as long as he doesn't know."    


"Yeah! When the time comes, we'll go together and feast our eyes!" Shi An said agitatedly.    


In the evening, Xia Jinxiu, Little Yi, and Shi Ning left the hospital.    


The next mission was at Haiyue Film Studio.    


The mission stated that there would be assassins mixed in with the audience at eight o'clock in the evening to assassinate a movie queen called Mu Qingzi.    


After the movie ended at 10 PM, Mu Qingzi would be attending the premiere event of the movie, and the killer would most likely take this opportunity to make his move.    


Their mission was to protect Mu Qingzi.    


After hearing the mission requirements from Xia JinMian, Shi Ning became excited.    


"It's actually Mu Qingzi. She's a female celebrity that I really like. After completing the mission, I'm going to ask her for an autograph!"    


Quan Xiaoyi lowered his head and looked at his phone. He was excited for a while, then disappointed.    


"It's Mu Qing Zi and Ice God's movie. I really want to watch it. Unfortunately, I don't have any tickets left..."    


"What? The movie with the Ice God? Is it that movie?" Shi Ning asked.    


"Yes, yes! Did you watch the promotional video? It's super exciting!"    


"I didn't watch it. I actually missed the promotional video. I want to watch it!"    


"I'll look for it for you. Really, let me tell you. Ice God and Mu Qingzi's acting skills are superb. I want to take their CP!"    


... ""    


The two of them began to discuss excitedly.    


Xia JinMian was like an outsider as he lazily leaned on his seat. He could not understand why they were so excited.    


The three of them changed into casual clothes and entered the cinema.    


After sitting in the dessert shop for a while, an assistant ran up to Xia JinMian and said in a low voice:    


"Miss Xia, Ice God invites you to the VIP lounge for dessert."    


Quan Xiaoyi and Shi Ning's ears were especially sharp. They immediately looked up at Xia JinMian with shining eyes and nodded excitedly at her.    


Xia JinMian said helplessly, "Okay, lead the way."    


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