CEO Spoils His Little Ex-wife

C998 A Wise Man Doesn't Need to Worry about Anything

C998 A Wise Man Doesn't Need to Worry about Anything

He handed the phone to Doctor Wu and said, "Doctor Wu, this is a text from my mother. She told me to show it to you. She said she couldn't contact my uncle, so she sent me a text. "    


Doctor Wu originally only needed a certificate, but he didn't read the message carefully. He just glanced at it and let them leave.    


"If that's the case, then hurry up and leave. Be careful on the way!"    


He said goodbye to Doctor Wu carefreely and politely, then took Bai Mo's hand and sat back in the car.    


On the way to the engagement party, Bai Mo had been looking at Wutian Wei in surprise. He asked, "Wuyou, did you tell your mother about this?"    


Wuyou shook his head. "No. "    


Bai Mo was even more confused. "Then what was that message about?"    


If he did not tell Bai Youyou, how did Bai Youyou send the message?    


Hearing that, Wuyou opened his phone again and opened the interface to receive the message. He handed it to Bai Mo.    


Bai Mo saw it and was stunned. "Wuyou, you are too smart! You can even think of this move!"    


He actually got another classmate to fabricate a request for leave and send it over. He also gave this classmate a "mother" note. Naturally, he successfully hoodwinked the student.    


Wu Wei Wei also looked at her brother with admiration: "Big brother, when can I be as smart as you!"    


If it wasn't for Wuyou this time, their plan would have been completely ruined!    


Wuyou, on the other hand, was calm and composed. He explained very calmly, "I guessed that Doctor Wu would call his mother to confirm, so I told my friend in the car that I needed him to send me a message. When uncle gets out of the car, he asked his friend to send me the message. "    


Bai Mo was completely subdued by Wutian Wei's intelligence and foresight. This kind of person was smart and did not learn finance. It was a pity that he did not do business!    


The car drove onto the highway, and as she ate the lollipop Bai Mo gave her, she asked, "Uncle, you haven't told us what to do when the time comes. "    


Upon hearing this, Bai Mo slowed down the car and told them his plan in great detail. Among them, Wuyou also gave a few suggestions to make the entire plan even more perfect.    


When they arrived at the banquet hall, the banquet had not started yet. The waiters and maids were busy at the banquet hall.    


Bai Mo picked an excellent seat and parked the car. He turned around and extended his hand to the two little fellows. "Come on, this time, we can only succeed and not fail!"    


Wu Wei excitedly pressed his hand on the car. Somehow, he felt the thrill of being a small agent.    


Although Wuyou had a lot of opinions about this childish way of doing things, But in the end, he still did not say anything. He coldly pursed his lips and also put his hand up.    


After the three of them finished their fight, Bai Mo handed each of them a fitting suit.    


"Hurry up and try to see if it fits. I'll follow your size and find someone to customize it overnight. "    


When he got off the car without any worries, Bai Mo had already changed into the uniform he had prepared beforehand and pretended to be a waiter.    


The two of them looked like they were born in suits. When they put on the fitting suit, they instantly turned into a noble gentleman. They complemented each other very well in the banquet hall and were not out of place at all.    


Seeing this, Bai Mo was even more relieved. He praised, "En, as expected of my nephew!"    


After they finished their lines again, they swaggered into the hall.    


At the entrance of the meeting hall, a man dressed like a butler stopped them.    


"Sorry, please show your invitation. "    


Bai Mo took out the fake invitation card that he had prepared beforehand and handed it to the butler.    


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