Lovely Substitute Bride



Ji Jingchen retracted his gaze and looked at Wen Tiantian.    


"Since this is your room, you can put it however you want."    


"As for your school."    


He slightly raised his voice and continued, "You started applying to this school half a year ago. Why do you go back on your word now?"    


Was it requested by Jiang Nianyao?    


Wen Tiantian carefully glanced at Ji Jingchen, afraid that he would see through her and come up with an excuse.    


"I wasn't too sure before. Is this school's tuition so expensive?"    


"You're saving money for me?"    


Ji Jingchen completely didn't think that Jiang Family's daughter would be so considerate.    


According to the research done previously, when Jiang Nianyao was studying abroad, her yearly expenditure was already over ten million. How could she think that Leshang's tuition fees were expensive?    


Doubt flashed through his heart.    


A tiny fold appeared on Ji Jingchen's forehead.    


But if she was the one who was performing, then her acting skills were too flawless.    


He sized up Wen Tiantian without anyone noticing.    


"As the largest shareholder in Leshang, I can still make it possible for you to attend school. Don't ever mention these kinds of words again."    


After leaving Wen Tiantian's room, Ji Jingchen walked towards his own.    


He paused at the door.    


"Butler, get Zhong Lee to investigate Jiang Nianyao's information again. I need all of them."    


"Yes, sir."    


Once the butler left, Ji Jingchen pushed open the door and walked into the room.    


Jiang Nianyao felt that something wasn't right.    


Two days later, Wen Tiantian stood at the entrance of Leshang University.    


In front of him was a magnificent school gate with tall trees growing on both sides, extending from wide to narrow.    


The four words "Yunshang University" were carved on the gate. They were written in a natural and smooth manner in high spirits. It was said that the current calligraphy masters were the ones who were invited to write them, and each word was worth more than a thousand gold.    


The main gate was already so rich and imposing, and the situation in the university was clear to see.    


Today was the start of school, so a few parents led their students inside.    


All of them were rich and powerful, competing with each other for glory.    


The cars that drove into the campus were luxurious and elegant. Each car was more luxurious than the last.    


Almost all of the country's richest men were gathered here.    


The housekeeper originally wanted to get the driver to drive her directly in, but Wen Tiantian had already gotten out of the car.    


"Butler, I'll go in myself."    


The butler looked at the school gates. Almost everyone who came to school today drove directly into the school.    


The only ones who didn't drive were those specially hired by the school.    


Learning was good, but his family was poor.    


As far as he knew, the situation in the school was not that good either.    


Wen Tiantian didn't know what the butler was worried about. It was just that she didn't seem to have attracted much attention.    


Previously, when she was looking up information about Leshang University on the Internet, she had seen the university's forums.    


Before the school term had even started, someone had already informed everyone that Ji Jingchen's wife, the only girl from Jiang Family, would be entering the school.    


The marriage between the Ji and Jiang Families caused a sensation throughout the country, and everyone was talking about it.    


This time, Jiang Nianyao's entrance into the school also caused everyone in Leshang to boil in excitement.    


Ji Jingchen was the most popular rich and powerful person, he was handsome and had a lot of gold. For the past few years, he had always been the target of everyone's praises. Mrs Ji's position was on the verge of breaking down.    


Unexpectedly, it was taken over by Jiang Nianyao, who had always been abroad and had never shown her face.    


Who would be willing?    


If he had entered in Ji Family car swaggering, he would definitely be torn apart by those people who adored Ji Jingchen.    


Seeing Wen Tiantian's insistence, the butler could only nod his head.    


He handed the schoolbag to Wen Tiantian.    


"At four o'clock in the evening, I'll come pick you up."    


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