Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen finally opened their mouths after getting in the car. "I didn't call her here."    


"I know." Ji Jingchen said.    


Wen Tiantian went silent once again.    


She knew that this was just the beginning for Jiang Nianyao.    


Ji Jingchen saw that she was depressed: "I helped you with the transfer."    


Wen Tiantian looked up at her in surprise.    


"Don't you like antique relics? Leshang has opened a new department, and I will help you transfer the knowledge and repair of cultural relics, how about it? "    


Wen Tiantian stared at him blankly.    


"I've never heard of it before …"    


"This is a new decision. We will only notify you when the school starts."    


Ji Jingchen turned his head. "How about it?"    


Leshang University truly did not have any major in the identification and restoration of cultural relics, and students who applied for such a major were very few and out of the question, even if they did not have teachers, let alone students.    


He was a Cultural Relic Restorer that was even rarer than antiques. Anyone with the slightest bit of ability was invited to leave, who would come teach?    


This was the specialty he had developed for Wen Tiantian.    


From the classroom to the teachers to the cultural relics in the classroom, all of them were provided by him alone.    


Wen Tiantian didn't know, but she really thought it was the school's decision.    


She happily agreed. She had thought that she would always be teaching at the business school, but who would have thought that she would one day be able to study in the field of cultural relics restoration.    




Seeing that she finally smiled, Ji Jingchen turned around to start the car and drove out.    


The next day, Wen Tiantian received notification of transfer as soon as she entered the academy.    


He looked for the address on the list and walked all the way to the classroom in the old school district.    


Elder Peng was looking down at the plate he just got.    


His long, gray beard was neatly trimmed, and he was wearing an elegant gown.    


The corners of her mouth curled up slightly as she wore her reading glasses, making her look extremely solemn.    


As he was reading, the phone suddenly rang.    


He gave her an impatient look, but still answered the call in the end.    


Elder Zhang's voice immediately sounded from the other end of the phone.    


"Eh? Old Peng, I'm telling you the truth, you can't bully a girl like this.    


Elder Peng frowned. He knew he shouldn't have agreed to this job.    


Two days ago, Elder Zhang and the others had been calling him four or five times a day.    


"What do you mean 'not a girl'?" That's all I'm doing, or I'll just tell her not to come. Repairing cultural relics is not something that can be done carelessly. "    


"I know, but the girl is amazing. Didn't you see the Blue and White Porcelain bowl before? How about it? Not bad, right? "    


It was better if he didn't mention this. The moment he did, Elder Peng put down the tools in his hands and sat up straight.    


"You really dare to say that? If you say that she is only 18 years old and I believe you, and that she has never accepted any systematic studies before, I will not believe a single word of it! "Don't think you can fool me."    


Elder Zhang, who was on the other side, was also angered.    


"Pui!" You wouldn't believe me even if I told you hundreds of times! "You'll know when the time comes. If you dare to bully a little girl, I'll beat you to death!"    


Elder Peng was not threatened at all.    


"Come on, one more word if you dare. If anything breaks in the future, don't look for me to fix it!"    


He didn't expect Elder Zhang, who was usually easily threatened by these words, to laugh gleefully today.    


"Who's looking for you now? I have enough girls! "    


With that, he hung off the phone without waiting for Elder Peng to speak.    


Elder Peng glared at the phone in his hand.    


He used to be one of the best porcelain restorers in the Forbidden City and had just retired a while ago.    


A few days ago, when Ji Jingchen came to find him, he wasn't willing to leave the mountain.    


If it weren't for their constant instigation, coercion and temptation, how could he have agreed to this?    


The other party was an eighteen year old girl, so how could she possibly have learned this?    


He had indeed seen Elder Zhang's blue and white porcelain bowl before. That technique didn't seem like it was created by someone new.    


"You want to cheat me by finding an expert to fix a piece of porcelain? "Don't even think about it!"    


He glanced at the door and said with dissatisfaction, "I don't care who you are. Since you dare to come here to study, you should just wait for your hardships!"    


Just as he finished speaking, someone knocked on the door.    


"Come in." he shouted.    


When the door opened, Wen Tiantian was standing in the doorway.    


"Hello, teacher. I'm a new student for this semester."    


Elder Peng looked at her, then lowered his head to check the name and photo on the list in his hands.    


Confirming that it was her, he raised his hand to interrupt her.    


"It's done."    


As he spoke, he stood up and took the books he had prepared earlier and placed them in front of Wen Tiantian.    


"Take these books and go back. A week later, I'll be back."    


It seemed that the thinnest of the books in Wen Tiantian's hands was thicker than her palm, and there were at least ten of them in her hands.    


"All of them?" she said in surprise.    


Elder Peng glanced at her.    


"You don't want to?"    




Wen Tiantian quickly shook her head. Just these many books. A week's time was too short.    


Just as she was thinking, she looked around and saw that she and Elder Peng were the only two people there. Even the desks were taken down.    


"Elder Peng, is there anyone else?"    


"No, you're the only one."    


When he finished, he saw Wen Tiantian blanking out for a moment. He turned his head and said with a straight face, "What's the matter? Are you worried? If you turn back now, you might be able to make it. "    


"No, I will definitely learn properly."    


Elder Peng grunted, his expression became more serious.    


"Repairing an ancient artifact is not something one can say with their mouths."    


He waved outside.    


"Let's go back, I'll come back later to draw my back."    


Wen Tiantian took the documents and left.    


Casually flipping through the documents Elder Peng gave her, they were all about the customs and customs from time to time, the appreciation of porcelain, and the history of official kilns.    


Even if one were to read these complex books, it would be extremely difficult for one to recite them, needless to say, memorize them.    


Once Wen Tiantian returned to the castle, she didn't dare to hesitate at all and quickly started to memorize the book.    


When Ji Jingchen returned from the company, he saw that the dishes on the table were still untouched.    


"Where is he?"    


The butler frowned: "Miss is still reciting."    


"What kind of books?"    


"I heard that it was a task requested by the school's teacher. Such a high level of information."    


The butler raised his hand, roughly matching the height.    


When he thought about how Wen Tiantian had just returned, carrying those books in her hands, the butler became worried.    


With so many books and a week's time, how could he possibly finish memorizing them?    


However, when she returned, she immediately dove into it. Even now, she still did not come out.    


Ji Jingchen frowned after hearing that.    


"I know."    


Finished speaking, he turned around and walked straight up the stairs.    


In the study, Wen Tiantian was still reciting her first book.    


She chose the simplest one, but even then it was difficult to recite, let alone recite.    


She had been reciting in her study ever since returning from school, but now, hours later, she had only recited a few pages.    


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