Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi rolled up the paper and knocked it on Luan Feiguang's head. She pretended to be angry and said, "Alright then, you purposely made me up! You mean I can't cook? "    


Luan Feiguang quickly ran away, grabbed the car keys and said, "Sis, I don't dare! The food you make is the most delicious! "Alright!"    


Only then did Luan Zhi let him go, taking Luan Feiguang's sports car to the fish market.    


In the aquarium in the evening, there were many old ladies who were buying vegetables and shuttling back and forth! Luan Zhi didn't mind the fishy smell. She got off the car and went straight to the seafood stall.    


Looking left and right, Luan Zhi didn't find anything suitable.    


The stall owner who wore a leather apron was a chubby old man with fish scales on his head. He probably accidentally caught them while shaving the fish scales for his clients. He didn't mind and continued taking care of the stall just like that.    


Seeing Luan Zhi's well-dressed, spotlessly clean high heels landing on the ground, not caring about the sewage on the ground, he was sure that Luan Zhi was not here to buy groceries!    


Luan Zhi searched in a circle, but didn't find what she was looking for. Embarrassed, she headed straight for the next booth.    


In the end, there was nothing!    


When Luan Zhi passed by this fat uncle's stall once again, he saw that she was still looking around and didn't have anything in her hand, so he asked,    


"Beauty, what are you buying?"    


He only asked casually. Luan Zhi didn't seem like someone who needed to cook personally, so he didn't have any intentions of doing business.    


When he saw that she had been looking for something, he enthusiastically asked her about it.    


Luan Zhi's face was blushing, but when she thought of Min Ann'ge's words, she braced herself and asked carefully.    


"Boss, do you have any turtle?"    


The fat uncle suddenly realized what was going on and noticed that there were two bright red clouds on her face. She also bought a carp that specialized in nourishing the kidney, so she greeted him enthusiastically.    


"Yes, yes! It's inside. Come in and take a look! " He even called Luan Zhi over to the inside of the store.    


Luan Zhi was initially afraid that he would shout out that he wanted to buy a carp, so everyone would definitely know that someone in her family was in trouble!    


Pah pah!    


Luan Zhi only wanted to satisfy Min Ann'ge's appetite!    


No other ideas!    


Not at all!    


He followed the owner to a water tank in the shop. He saw several turtle in the tank, swimming quietly in the water. There was an oxygen machine bubbling in the tank, pumping oxygen into the water.    


The boss picked up a large turtle from the net and said, "Look at this one, it's the biggest one!"    


Luan Zhi didn't know how to choose a turtle, but she could see that the turtle was still alive and kicking. It struggled in the hands of its boss before asking,    


"How much is this?"    


The boss was experienced and knowledgeable! However, there weren't many people who directly asked for the price and straightforwardly said:    


"Not expensive! One hundred and thirty-one Jin, this one must be at least five Jin, so I'll give you six hundred and fifty Yuan! "    


Luan Zhi didn't bargain. She quickly took out seven hundred-dollar bills from her bag and placed them on the boss' table. She said,    


"Lady Boss, help me hide it!"    


The boss quickly helped Luan Zhi put the turtle into the bag. At Luan Zhi's request, he wrapped the bag with a black bag. From the outside, it was hard to tell that it was a turtle!    


Luan Zhi picked up her bag and was about to leave when the owner called out from behind, "I'm looking for your money!"    


"No need!" Luan Zhi left without looking back.    


Returning to Luan Feiguang's car, Luan Feiguang curiously looked at the black bag in Luan Zhi's hand and asked, "Sis, what kind of delicious thing did you buy?"    


How could Luan Zhi be so embarrassed to say it? He perfunctorily urged, "Let's hurry up and go! Your brother-in-law is still waiting for me at home! "    


Although Luan Feiguang was very curious, he didn't want to get to the bottom of the matter. He hurriedly shut his mouth and didn't talk about it. He started the car and quickly drove Luan Zhi to the villa's entrance.    


Luan Zhi got out of the car and ran into the villa without looking back. From afar, Luan Zhi's words came, "Thank you, Feiguang! You should hurry up and go back! "    


Luan Feiguang was halfway out of the car and was about to say something when Luan Zhi stopped him. Then he went back into the car and helplessly drove away while muttering:    


"I was thinking of getting a meal! He ran faster than a rabbit! I really wonder if the black bag is filled with dragon meat! "    


He didn't know if it was dragon meat, but it definitely wouldn't be bad. After walking around the aquatic market for so long, he had bought this bag!    


I really want to know what she bought!    


Of course, Luan Feiguang only thought about it.    


He had really not taken a fancy to anything that could be found in the aquatic products market!    


When Luan Zhi arrived home, Min Ann'ge still hadn't arrived. Previously, he said on the phone that he would pick up Duo Duo first, which meant he was probably on his way.    


"Perfect! I'll stew you first! " Luan Zhi took out the big carp and said to it.    


Luan Zhi had left in a hurry and didn't ask the boss to help her deal with the turtle.    


This soup was fine, but she couldn't handle the killing of fish!    


Previously, the hot pot soup was bought directly from the processed chicken or fish meat. What should he do with the turtle?    


Luan Zhi opened up the all-purpose website and searched for how to deal with the turtle. After searching for a long time, she gestured with her knife but still didn't know where to start.    


In the end, seeing that it was getting late, he decided to grit his teeth and use his saber to chop it up!    


He held the turtle in his right hand and was about to cut it with the kitchen knife, but the turtle seemed to already know that its time was up. It turned its head and bit towards Luan Zhi's left hand!    


Luan Zhi quickly put down her kitchen knife and used her right hand to desperately pull out the carapace.    


However, the turtle was biting so hard, it was hard to let go!    


Luan Zhi tried to wave her hand with all of her might, but the turtle was shaken to the point where he was about to lose his balance, so she didn't loosen her grip.    


Just when Luan Zhi was in so much pain that her tears almost came out, the villa's door opened!    


Duo Duo was the first to walk in, holding a large balloon in her hand, and behind her was her small schoolbag!    


Min Ann'ge followed behind her and closed the door. Then, he put down his stuff and walked in to help her take off her coat.    


The lights were on in the villa.    




Luan Zhi walked out of the kitchen with a sad face, her hands still hidden behind her back.    


Min Ann'ge immediately felt something was wrong and said nervously, "What happened to your hand?"    


With her sharp eyes, Luan Zhi saw the big turtle that was still nibbling on her finger and said, "Wah! "Great Turtle!"    


Min Ann'ge looked over and saw a huge turtle, which seemed to be quite heavy, biting Luan Zhi's finger. It was hanging in the air and quickly caught the turtle with its hands and said:    


"What are you doing?" "Why were you so careless?"    


Luan Zhi felt wronged and said, "I also want to stew some soup for you to drink!"    


It was unknown if it was pain or grievance, but there were tears in his eyes!    


Min Ann'ge's anger was extinguished and he quickly comforted, "Alright, it's fine, it's fine. I'll help you get rid of it first! "    


Duo Duo also came over, and seeing the pain Luan Zhi was in, her face wrinkled. She quickly said, "Mommy, don't cry! Stinky turtle, bite mommy! "You're not obedient!" Little hands struck the shell of the turtle.    


Luan Zhi was amused by Duo Duo's childish actions and wanted to laugh. She felt that the pain on her finger had lessened a bit, and she even comforted Duo Duo.    


"Duo Duo, Mommy doesn't hurt too much!"    


Min Ann'ge carried the turtle into the kitchen and placed it on the table. Then, he put half a basin of water and said to Luan Zhi,    


"Put your hands in the water." The turtle was also placed in the basin.    


The turtle thought itself safe in the water and finally opened its mouth!    


Luan Zhi quickly withdrew her hand. She saw that the flesh of your finger had been bitten through and was bleeding!    


Although there was not much blood, there was no sign of it stopping either.    


Before Luan Zhi made a move, Min Ann'ge had already put Luan Zhi's finger in the deepest part of the ring.    


"What are you doing?" Luan Zhi struggled to get out, but was held back by Min Ann'ge.    


"Don't move."    


Min Ann'ge mumbled two words. His eyes turned cold as he focused on stopping Luan Zhi's bleeding.    


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