Lovely Substitute Bride



As Luan Zhi was thinking, she heard the man say,    


"Tell us if you need anything later! We'll be leaving first! "    


Xiang Tai didn't retort and left with the man. From the man's back, she could tell that he wasn't even half as strong as Xiang Tai. Yet, such a couple actually went together!    


The affairs of the world were truly unpredictable!    


Tonight, there were a lot of people. In fact, there were a lot more important members of the political scene than last time. The main thing was that this was only an entertainment private gathering, and the crowd was also uneven!    


Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi found a place to sit down, and a lot of people gathered around. Some asked Min Ann'ge for his autograph, while others wanted to invite Luan Zhi to dance.    


They were all blocked by Min Ann'ge's gaze!    


None of the bodyguards came in tonight, only Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi. How could he let her out of his sight?    


"Elder Ling is over there!"    


Luan Zhi suddenly called out. From the crowd, she saw Elder Ling walking in with three people.    


Those three people were also from the design world, but they were very respectful to Elder Ling and didn't dare to walk in front of him.    


Min Ann'ge also looked over.    


Elder Ling seemed to have sensed something and looked over to Luan Zhi's direction. After noticing Luan Zhi, he left Xiang Tai, who was walking towards him, and walked over to Luan Zhi.    


The three people behind looked at each other, looked at each other, then also walked towards Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge.    


Luan Zhi stood up and also walked towards Elder Ling.    


"Elder Ling, long time no see!"    


"Aiya, what a busy man!"    


Elder Ling shook his beard and laughed.    


Luan Zhi quickly said:    




Elder Ling said,    


"Your news has been coming online every now and then recently, and it's always been very lively watching it!"    


Luan Zhi didn't know if Elder Ling's words were a compliment or a derogatory one.    


"Sorry to embarrass you!"    


Elder Ling looked at Min Ann'ge and sized him up a few times before saying:    


"Un, not bad!"    


Min Ann'ge was quite respectful to an old artist like Elder Ling. He bent down slightly and shook hands with the old man.    


"I have heard a lot about you! "We, Zhi, will ask you to guide us in the future!"    


Elder Ling said with a smile:    


"This girl has your protection and her artistic skills are not bad. I'm just a rotten old man. I'll just coax the child and take a look at the scenery!"    


There were also a lot of people surrounding him, hurriedly flattering him.    


"Elder Ling is full of vigor and vitality. How modest!"    


Elder Ling ignored her. He just looked at Luan Zhi and said,    


"Didn't you say that you had a little girl that you wanted to see for a long time and didn't bring today?"    


Luan Zhi shook her head and said:    


"Not tonight. If Elder Ling likes it, he will definitely bring her to visit another day! "    


"Good, good, good!"    


Elder Ling stroked his beard and laughed.    


At this moment, most of the people had arrived, and the bustling crowd headed towards the garden outside.    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge did not know what happened as they followed the crowd.    


It was a bit crowded when he passed by the door. Min Ann'ge let Luan Zhi go first while he followed closely behind her. Even though the crowd blocked their view, he still kept watching Luan Zhi's back.    


The moment they walked out of the door, it became a lot more relaxed. Min Ann'ge raised his head to look for Luan Zhi. Seeing her standing next to Elder Ling, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed her hand.    


Luan Zhi turned around with a gentle smile on her face.    


Only then did Min Ann'ge completely relax. Just now, when the crowd was crowded, he was a little worried. It seemed like he was going to turn everything into grass and wood!    


Boom! *    


A beautiful firework rose into the air and exploded in the air, lighting up the night sky.    


It also illuminated Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge's faces!    


Luan Zhi approached Min Ann'ge and said.    


"So beautiful!"    


Min Ann'ge looked down at her. Her eyes were shining, and the corner of her mouth was slightly raised. She looked like an angel that had fallen into the mortal world.    


"It is indeed beautiful!"    


Min Ann'ge looked at her and said.    


However, what Luan Zhi didn't know was that the beauty that he said was not the same thing as what she said!    


After setting off the fireworks for a while, the surrounding people gradually returned to the living room of the villa.    


As soon as she entered, Xiang Tai walked onto the specially built stage and said:    


"Tonight, I want to introduce you all to a person! Although this person has just entered our design world, he has already displayed a considerable amount of talent! "    


She paused for a moment, and seeing that everyone was looking at her in anticipation, she finally said:    


"She is —"    


Following her words, several lights flashed on the faces of everyone in the hall!    


"Luan Zhi!"    


Xiang Tai's loud voice said the name and all the lights gathered on Luan Zhi. Even she didn't know that something like this would happen tonight. She stood blankly on the spot.    


Applause sounded from the surroundings. With Elder Ling taking the lead, it was getting more and more excited!    


Xiang Tai stood on the stage facing Luan Zhi. She extended her hand and said:    


"Next, let's have a chat with this new designer!"    


Luan Zhi wasn't prepared to speak at all. She looked at Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge was standing beside her, lowering his head slightly and whispering in her ear,    


"I'll be right down there. Go!"    


He knew that this was the critical moment for Luan Zhi, and it was also a good opportunity for everyone to get to know her!    


As soon as Luan Zhi stepped on the stage, he knew that everyone would recognize her talent. This was undoubtedly a very important moment for her!    


Luan Zhi nodded and let go of Min Ann'ge's hand. She lifted her skirt and slowly walked to the platform that wasn't that high.    


When she stood on the stage, everyone held their breath in contrast to Xiang Tai who stood beside her.    


Luan Zhi walked up and said:    


"Thank you, Xiang Tai, for your love and love! I'm just a rookie, so I don't dare to make a move in front of everyone. But since there is such a rare opportunity, let me tell you about my poor opinion of art. I hope that there is something wrong with it, and everyone can correct it! "    


Following that, Luan Zhi started to talk about her point of view. This had always been her design style! At first, she was a little reserved, but when she talked about her area of expertise, she began to speak with confidence.    


The people below the stage all nodded. They had originally thought that she was pretty, but now they discovered that she had an even more valuable side to her!    


Min Ann'ge's gaze was glued to Luan Zhi's body. As he looked at the radiant light radiating from her, a strong sense of pride welled up in his heart!    


At that moment, his phone vibrated!    


He opened his cell phone and saw his home phone number!    


After finding a quiet spot, Min Ann'ge still looked at Luan Zhi, not letting her leave his sight, then picked up the phone.    


"Boss, little master is gone!"    


The woman on the phone was the nanny that Luan Zhi had specially found for Duo Duo. She was crying as she spoke.    


"What did you say?"    


Min Ann'ge's expression changed instantly. Looking at Luan Zhi on the stage, he suddenly became flustered.    


The voice that carried a sobbing tone once again rang out:    


"I just coaxed my little mistress to sleep, and I wanted to clean her up. When I went back, I found that the little mistress had disappeared! "    


The nanny's voice was choked with sobs until she could not speak the whole sentence. Finally, she said it in a staccato manner and burst into tears!    


Min Ann'ge was annoyed by her crying so he quickly hung up the phone and looked at Luan Zhi on the stage again.    


Luan Zhi, who was in the middle of her speech, instantly became gloomy when she saw Min Ann'ge's expression. She hurriedly ended her speech and was about to leave the stage, but Xiang Tai didn't give her a chance.    


"Miss Luan Zhi, it's rare for you to come by today. Why don't we discuss how we're going to develop our designs!"    


He kept tugging at Luan Zhi, preventing her from leaving the stage.    


At the same time, the audience also applauded loudly, as if they had not heard enough of Luan Zhi.    


Luan Zhi looked at Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge nodded at her and then ran out of the villa.    


When they arrived at the parking spot, the bodyguard that was left behind suddenly walked out.    


Min Ann'ge instructed:    


"You guys stay here and protect Zhi!"    


He then rushed back to his home without stopping!    


This banquet was held in a completely different place from his own home! Min Ann'ge drove as fast as he could and finally got home. Before he could stop the car, he ran towards Duo Duo's bedroom.    


In Duo Duo's bedroom, only the nanny was crying as if she didn't know what to do!    


Seeing Min Ann'ge come back, the nanny said with fear and sadness,    


"It's all my fault …"    


When Min Ann'ge saw that the quilts were also gone from the bed, he started to panic even more! He rushed up to the nanny and grabbed her.    


"Didn't you see anyone enter?"    


The nurse shook her head in pain.    


Min Ann'ge let it go heavily, then turned around and left.    


At this moment, the leader of the bodyguards appeared in a hurry and kneeled in front of Min Ann'ge.    


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