Lovely Substitute Bride



The leader had a noble aura all over her body. Although she was not dressed in gold or silver, every piece of jewelry and clothing she wore was incomparably exquisite!    


Her face was painted with the right makeup.    


Standing beside her, Liu Yiyi was just like a lousy clown!    


"Who are you?"    


Min Xinduo opened her mouth to ask, but she felt her throat was dry and hoarse, as if there were drops of blood oozing out of it.    


The woman in the lead raised her chin slightly towards Liu Yiyi, but kept her eyes on Min Xinduo.    


Liu Yiyi quickly nodded her head, pointed at Min Xinduo, and impatiently said:    


"It's her! "She's Min Xinduo!"    


The woman smiled. Her jade-white fingers held Liu Yiyi's hand and put it down. Then she walked to the side of the table and poured a glass of water from the kettle. She placed it in front of Min Xinduo and said,    


"It's our first time meeting each other! I am Qin Duo'er! "    


Seeing that not only was her makeup exquisite, her behavior was extraordinary, but even her smile was gentle and warm. She mechanically took the cup of water from her hand and took a sip. Only then did her throat feel better.    


Qin Duo'er straightened her body, still looking at Min Xinduo with a smile, and said:    


"You look haggard, how about I take you to see a patient?"    


Min Xinduo looked down. She was currently in her pajamas. Her hair was messy and her eyes were sleepy. Compared to Qin Duo'er, she did look like an ugly duckling and a white swan. She lowered her head and took another sip of water with a sense of inferiority.    


Then he slowly said:    


"I don't think I know you."    


"Then you'll know each other in the future! How about we be friends? Look at your name and mine, there's only one 'do' in it, this is fate! "    


Qin Duo'er naturally wanted to be close to Min Xinduo and call her a sister.    


Min Xinduo chuckled. She placed the cup of water on the table, looked at her, and said:    


"Speak!" What are you looking for me for? "    


From the looks of it, the person Liu Yiyi mentioned in the afternoon was undoubtedly Qin Duo'er.    


Qin Duo'er bent over and whispered a few words into Min Xinduo's ear.    


"I hope you won't pester Brother Yuqing anymore!"    


Exhaling like an orchid, probably describing someone as elegant as her, right?    


That was Min Xinduo's first impression.    


She quickly reacted and raised her head to ask, only to find that Qin Duo'er had already stood up with a smile on her face.    


Looking at Liu Yiyi beside her and the bunch of women that she had never seen before but was definitely not to be trifled with, Min Xinduo cleverly chose to remain silent.    


"Let's go!"    


Qin Duo'er smiled and turned to leave.    


Min Xinduo watched Qin Duo'er leave with her people, even helping her close the door to her dorm room before falling onto her pillow.    


"Brother Yuqing? "Ji Yuqing?"    


Min Xinduo mumbled to herself as she looked at the ceiling with lifeless eyes.    


After a long time, he closed his eyes and mocked himself,    


"He has nothing to do with me!"    


The dormitory door was opened again, startling Min Xinduo out of her deep thoughts.    


This time, it was Faang Yuanyuan who had returned!    


She was holding a lot of bags in her hands. The moment she entered the door, she asked with a puzzled expression:    


"Just now, I met a group of people. That big sister in the lead sure is impressive!" Oh right, Liu Yiyi is still following her! "    


Min Xinduo smiled but didn't reply.    


Faang Yuanyuan quickly tossed those thoughts to the back of her mind. She excitedly placed the bag in her hand on the table, moved the table next to Min Xinduo's bed, and said:    


"Eat, these are your favorite dishes!"    


Smelling the familiar fragrance, Min Xinduo finally had a bit of appetite. She sat up and took the chopsticks. With the delicious food in her mouth, she didn't forget to say to Faang Yuanyuan,    


"Yuan Yuan, you're so good!"    


Faang Yuanyuan glanced at her and smiled.    


"Of course!"    


Then he asked with concern:    


"Duoduo, is your illness still not well? How about we go home and have a good look! "    


Min Xinduo suddenly shook her head.    


"No need, it's just a minor illness. Now that I've eaten your big meal, my body will immediately recover! I'll go to class tomorrow! "    


"Really? Don't try to be brave until you're sick! I'll take notes for you. "    


Faang Yuanyuan was still worried about her health. If she hadn't recovered in a week, she might get sick!    


But Min Xinduo insisted on her opinion and even stood up to run two rounds around the dormitory.    


The next day, Min Xinduo and Faang Yuanyuan slowly walked into the classroom.    


Along the way, the students had strange expressions. They would point at her from time to time, secretly sizing her up as if they were watching a good show.    


Min Xinduo looked at Faang Yuanyuan with a questioning gaze, only to see Faang Yuanyuan smiling awkwardly.    


Before they even entered the classroom, they could hear the shouts of many female students, and their cheers were getting louder and louder!    


"This is so beautiful! I like this. "    


"Then I want this!"    


He seemed to be fighting over something.    


Even Chen Jiaqi, who was standing at the door of their classroom, was looking in with a face full of envy!    


"Jiaqi, what are you doing?"    


Min Xinduo asked, walking towards the classroom.    


Chen Jiaqi turned around and stopped smiling. She looked at Faang Yuanyuan before turning to Min Xinduo and saying,    


"Duoduo, have you recovered from your illness? "If you don't, you can just continue lying down in the dorm!"    


Min Xinduo turned a deaf ear and looked directly over Chen Jiaqi's head towards the classroom.    


"Duo, Duo!"    


Chen Jiaqi wanted to stop her, but she saw that Min Xinduo had no intention of stopping.    


Min Xinduo walked in and saw that almost all the girls in the class were gathered in the last row, but not around Ji Yuqing.    


At first glance, she saw Ji Yuqing, who was standing outside the crowd, with his arms crossed and his eyes lowered. No one knew what he was thinking about.    


Ji Yuqing seemed to have sensed something. He looked towards Min Xinduo with puzzlement and worry in his eyes.    


Min Xinduo stared blankly at him for a moment before giving him a perfunctory smile. Then, she shifted her gaze to his side.    


The seats next to him had already been surrounded to the third and third levels. The girls were holding their shiny jewelry in surprise as they gestured on their bodies, asking others if they looked good.    


One piece of jewelry after another spread from the center to the outside. Each piece was extremely valuable!    


Min Xinduo tried her best to look through the gap in the crowd, but she still couldn't see clearly who this tycoon was.    


"Teacher is here!"    


It was unknown who shouted this, but the surrounding people all dispersed, carrying the things in their hands back to their seats.    


Min Xinduo was also able to see the person sitting next to Ji Yuqing.    


"Qin Duo'er!"    


Min Xinduo couldn't help but call out.    


On the table in front of Qin Duo'er was a small pile of silver and gold jewelry. Apparently, it hadn't been distributed in time.    


She laughed:    


"Yo, sister still remembers my name!" "Come, I'll also give my sister a piece of jewelry!"    


Qin Duo'er casually picked up a piece of jewelry from the pile and walked in front of Min Xinduo, handing it to her.    


Min Xinduo's first impression of Qin Duo'er wasn't very good. Although she always wore a smile on her face, she always felt eerie and didn't want to talk much with her.    


Min Xinduo silently moved her aside and sat down in her own seat.    


Qin Duo'er's smile only lingered for a second before it returned to normal. She didn't feel awkward at all as she walked back to her original seat and prepared to sit down.    




Ji Yuqing scolded in a low voice.    


Although the pressure was very low, everyone in the large classroom held their breath as they looked in that direction. Even the teacher on the podium did not speak.    


Everyone clearly heard that cold and heartless berate!    


The girls who took the jewelry looked at Ji Yuqing disapprovingly, but when they saw Ji Yuqing's cannibalistic glare, they immediately turned their heads back.    


"Brother Yuqing, there's no one beside you."    


Qin Duo'er tried to explain with a smile, but was interrupted once again by Ji Yuqing.    


"I told you to scram!"    


The coldness in his voice was even more intense than before. It seemed that if he were to continue being displeased in the next second, he would immediately turn hostile!    


Qin Duo'er walked to the right unwillingly and sat a little further away from him. A faint smile still hung on her face, but the twitching corner of her mouth could not be concealed no matter how hard she tried!    


Min Xinduo didn't know whether to be happy or depressed in her heart. When she hadn't come to class for a week, there was already a generous Qin Duo'er in her class.    


Another admirer of Ji Yuqing!    


Min Xinduo thought blandly. Suddenly, her back was poked, and a hand appeared beside her face. It was as if she was clenching her fist, as if she was holding something.    


Min Xinduo was shocked!    


He didn't need to look to know that the owner of this hand was Ji Yuqing.    


Ji Yuqing slowly opened his fist, revealing a pendant in his palm.    


It was the necklace Min Xinduo always wore around her neck!    


Unconsciously, Min Xinduo lifted her hand and touched her neck. There was nothing on her smooth neck.    


She glared at Ji Yuqing and said in a low voice,    


"You stole something from me!"    


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