Lovely Substitute Bride



The two of them were obviously stunned.    


Min Xinduo turned her head away, not looking at Ji Yuqing.    


Ji Yuqing was elated and raised his eyebrows. His displeasure from being disturbed by Qin Duo'er was gone in a puff of smoke!    


Today, Qin Duo'er's makeup was still as exquisite as before. She looked like a real person who had just walked out of a magazine or a magazine. She was also wearing expensive fashion. Hearing that, the smile on her face froze as dark clouds appeared in her eyes.    


"Alright, Duoduo, let's go back and discuss what just happened!"    


Liu Yiyi, who was standing beside Qin Duo'er, did not dare to reach out to her and tried to persuade her.    


Anyone could tell that Ji Yuqing and Min Xinduo shared a mutual understanding, but she was going to clash head on with him. She really didn't understand what was so good about Ji Yuqing.    


Mr. Tom is mature and handsome!    


Thinking of this, a look of longing appeared on Liu Yiyi's face.    


She had completely forgotten that before she met Tom, she was also one of Ji Yuqing's fans.    


Ji Yuqing suddenly stood up and walked to Liu Yiyi's side. He pulled her over with such force that Liu Yiyi felt as if her arm was about to break.    


"What did you call her just now?"    


Ji Yuqing's sinister tone, along with his scarily black face, caused a bloodthirsty gaze to fall on Liu Yiyi.    


Liu Yiyi waved her hand in panic.    


"I, I'm called Qin Duo'er, no, I'm not called Min Xinduo."    


"I'm asking what you called her just now! Do not let me repeat myself a third time, my patience, very, no, good! "    


Gritting her teeth, she glared at Liu Yiyi.    


The current Liu Yiyi was no longer as arrogant as she used to be. It seemed that ever since Qin Duo'er had changed, she had become her loyal follower and no longer displayed her might in school.    


"Duo …" "Duo Duo …"    


Liu Yiyi replied in a low voice, not even daring to raise her head.    


As soon as he finished, Ji Yuqing threw him to the side.    


Liu Yiyi blurrily hit the wall and didn't know what she did wrong. She looked at Ji Yuqing with grievance, only to see him picking up a pen and scribbling something on a piece of white paper.    


In less than a few seconds, Ji Yuqing finished writing and threw a pen without showing anyone what he was writing. He rolled up the white paper into a ball and threw it at Liu Yiyi's face. Then, it rolled and fell to the corner.    


Just when everyone was at a loss as to what to do, Ji Yuqing's ice-cold voice sounded.    


"Pick it up and eat it!"    


Everyone in the classroom looked at Ji Yuqing. The anger around him had turned him into a bloodthirsty devil, so no one dared to speak up.    


Complete silence!    


Min Xinduo didn't know why the situation had developed into this state. She looked at Ji Yuqing and then at Liu Yiyi in confusion.    


Liu Yiyi must have offended Ji Yuqing again!    


Min Xinduo couldn't sympathize with this woman at all.    


She wasn't a saint, and after being murdered, she had to help her.    


"Didn't you hear me? I don't want to repeat myself! "    


Ji Yuqing's voice became even colder!    


Liu Yiyi's eyes were filled with tears. She shakily picked up the paper ball and held it in her hand without moving for a long time. She only looked at Qin Duo'er for help.    


However, Qin Duo'er didn't even look at her. She only looked out the window, pretending to be a passerby.    


Liu Yiyi had no choice but to slowly unfold the ball of paper. She wanted to tear the ball of paper into small pieces so that it would be easier to enter.    


When had she ever imagined that she, who was clearly a young miss, would be reduced to being bullied by others!?    


However, she had no thoughts of resisting.    


Ji Yuqing was too scary!    


She already knew this when she worked with Yuan Tianlee, how could she dare to disobey him again?    


"I mean the whole thing. If you can't even understand such a simple sentence, then you don't need to keep that pair of ears. "    


Ji Yuqing broke the silence once again.    


Liu Yiyi looked at Ji Yuqing with tears in her eyes in disbelief.    


Ji Yuqing glanced at her.    


That glance made Liu Yiyi's heart turn cold!    


If he didn't, he would definitely let that man called "Xiao Qi" cut off his ears!    




Liu Yiyi gritted her teeth and stuffed the paper ball into her mouth.    


The ball of paper was not big, but how could a soft throat allow a foreign object to enter easily? He wanted to vomit several times, but the ball of paper stuck in his throat.    


It made Liu Yiyi extremely uncomfortable!    


"If you dare to spit it out, I will force you into it."    


Ji Yuqing threatened.    


Liu Yiyi's heart tightened as she swallowed the ball of paper. She felt a burning sensation in her throat as she threw herself onto her seat, grabbed a cup of water and gulped down a mouthful of water.    


Ji Yuqing's voice sounded like a nightmare from behind him!    


"In the future, if I hear anyone call their name, they will end up like her."    


Everyone shuddered as they quickly turned their heads around. They did not dare to look at Ji Yuqing, the cold-faced evil god!    


Only the sound of Liu Yiyi's constant pouring of water and her extremely suppressed sobbing could be heard in the classroom.    


Min Xinduo frowned slightly and sat down on her seat. Faang Yuanyuan glanced at her and kept quiet.    


Qin Duo'er also returned to her seat. She was also in the last row. No one could see the viciousness that flashed across her face. Her long, beautiful armor almost dug into her palm.    


That's right, she was the one who had instructed Liu Yiyi to call him by his nickname in advance.    


When Liu Yiyi first heard that her nickname was also "Duo Duo", she hesitated for a moment. However, when Qin Duo'er said only the closest of friends could call her that, Liu Yiyi started to feel proud.    


Qin Duo'er's family wasn't something that a small city's rich businessman like Liu Yiyi could compare with.    


She regarded this as an honor!    


He never thought that this would be a conspiracy!    


Qin Duo'er indignantly shouted in her heart, as expected, he cares about her!    


From then on, the entire class knew that Ji Yuqing only treated Min Xinduo, a female classmate, as an exception!    


The name "Duo Duo" could only be used to refer to Min Xinduo!    


Ji Yuqing was lying on the bed in the dorm in frustration. He didn't know why, but when he heard Liu Yiyi call Qin Duo'er that woman that way, he was so angry!    


Now that he had calmed down and thought about it, there was actually a trace of regret!    


Min Xinduo was an imposter, not the real "Duo Duo", and she did not seem to deserve that title!    


But before this, he had never scolded anyone who called Min Xinduo this way.    


What happened to him today?    


Turning over, he used the blanket to cover his head. Ji Yuqing pounded on the bed and roared in a low voice:    


"Duo Duo, have you really left me?"    


Min Xinduo's adoptive parents had said that the real Duo Duo had been killed in a car accident.    


He did not know if what he said was true or not, and there was no way to find out.    


But Tom had said that no parent could curse their children like that! Unless it was true.    


Ji Yuqing didn't want to believe it. This was why he had to keep Min Xinduo by his side. Once Tom found a cure for amnesia, he would know whether this "Min Xinduo" was his Duo Duo or not!    


The phone on the bed vibrated slightly. A message came in.    


Ji Yuqing lifted the corner of his bed and took a look at his phone. Then, he suddenly got off the bed and walked in front of a few computers. His slender fingers moved across the keyboard as he typed in a series of commands.    


Tom, are you really in danger?    


Ji Yuqing sent out another group of killers, at the same time contacting another organization in the area where Tom disappeared, and told them to go and search for Tom together.    


It was already late at night by the time all the orders were given.    


Ji Yuqing looked out the window at the bright moon. He thought about every night when he visited Min Xinduo as Yin Mian!    


Now that he thought about it, he was really foolish at the time. He had always treated Min Xinduo as that "Duo Duo" and protected her at all costs.    


If he had known earlier that she wasn't her, would he still be standing guard outside her window every night?    


He didn't know.    


Min Xinduo, who also hadn't fallen asleep, looked at the moonlight shining on the floor of the dormitory and thought about Ji Yuqing's rage during the day.    


He might really be furious!    


Could it be that he was that important to him?    


Faang Yuanyuan told her in private.    


She originally wanted to ask Ji Yuqing about what exactly happened during the evening supplementary lesson, but what surprised her was that Ji Yuqing didn't come to the supplementary lesson that night.    


She stood in the doorway for a long time before she realized that there was no one inside.    


It could not be said that she was depressed or happy. When she walked back to the classroom for her evening class, Faang Yuanyuan teased her like that.    


As for Ji Yuqing, he hadn't seen him since the end of the afternoon class.    


During the day, he was like a ferocious beast, recklessly devouring almost everything in his path.    


She suddenly missed Ji Yuqing at night. When he was still Yin Mian, although he was also very cold, but compared to today's him, he was much more approachable!    


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