Lovely Substitute Bride



On the other side, Min Ann'ge left the mansion and sat in a car parked at the side.    


The economy man Brother Jian, who was waiting in the car, finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw him return.    


"Hurry up, it would be terrible if someone saw us."    


Although he didn't know if Luan Zhi's pregnancy was related to Min Ann'ge, but once this matter was exposed, it would definitely deal a huge blow to Min Ann'ge's work. Just the loss of his endorsement would cause him to go bankrupt.    


However, Min Ann'ge's face did not look good.    


"Brother Jian, help me find a person."    


Brother Jian looked up from the rearview mirror. Who do you want to find out? "    


"Ke Yanrui."    


"Why are you looking for him?" He pissed you off? "    


Min Ann'ge frowned and looked impatient.    


"Just check."    


Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Brother Jian immediately nodded and said, "Okay, you can do whatever you want, but don't let the reporters find out, and don't let it get out of hand."    


Min Ann'ge nodded, and Brother Jian finally felt relieved.    


He stepped on the throttle and the car slowly slid out.    


As time passed by, under Ke Yanrui's care, Luan Zhi's body gradually recovered and even became a little fatter than before.    


Her lower abdomen began to swell. With a single glance, one could tell that she was pregnant.    


Luan Zhi rarely went out, and only Wen Tiantian would often come to visit her.    


But there was no news regarding him within the Luan Family.    


"Be careful. Smile at the camera."    


Ke Yanrui set up the camera, while directing Luan Zhi's actions.    


Luan Zhi leaned her back against a cushion and said hesitantly, "I've gained quite a bit in weight. Brother Ke, it's better not to pat it."    


As she spoke, she tried to get up and leave.    


"How can this be?"    


Ke Yanrui quickly walked over to her and pulled her back onto the chair. He said, "You promised me that before."    


Luan Zhi said helplessly, "But what does my promise to help you find creative inspiration have to do with this?"    


In this period of time, Ke Yanrui had fed her and she had gained a lot of weight. Plus, her four limbs were swollen from her pregnancy and she couldn't put on makeup, so she definitely wasn't good-looking.    


However, Ke Yanrui said, "Of course it does. Every creation of mine is inspired by you. I want to design a suit that belongs to you personally."    


Luan Zhi had no choice but to sit down obediently and smile at the camera.    


After continuously taking a few pictures, Ke Yanrui finally put away his camera tools when he was satisfied with it.    


Seeing Luan Zhi's eyes looking out of the window as if she wanted to go for a walk, Ke Yanrui walked over and asked, "Do you want to go for a walk?"    


It had been almost a week since Luan Zhi had left home. She was worried that someone else might recognize her or remember her.    


"Isn't it inconvenient to go out now?"    


"What's inconvenient? The sky is about to turn dark. There shouldn't be anyone outside. Let's go for a walk together."    


Ke Yanrui took the jacket from the side and helped Luan Zhi put it on.    


"I'll be back in a while."    


After saying that, he reached out his hand to open the door. Just as he was about to look out, he was instantly blocked by the short cannon.    


A few people remembered that they had been waiting here for quite some time. They saw Luan Zhi's slightly bulging belly at a glance and quickly rushed in, pointing the microphone at her.    


"Miss Luan Zhi, are you really pregnant?"    


"You live with Ke Yanrui, is he the father of the child?"    


"Do you have anything to say about the rumors on the internet and Min Ann'ge?"    


"When did you and Ke Yanrui start dating? Will they be married in the future? "    


Surrounded by a group of people, Luan Zhi could not react in time. She had not expected the reporters to find her.    


Her face was slightly pale, and she tightly pursed her lips without saying anything.    


However, the reporters still refused to budge. They kept getting closer and closer, almost pushing Luan Zhi to the ground.    


"Everyone, please be quiet for the time being." At this moment, Ke Yanrui's voice suddenly sounded out.    


The reporters were silent for a moment before he squeezed in to protect Luan Zhi behind him.    


"Luan Zhi won't accept any interviews. Please leave now, or I'll call the police!"    


Ke Yanrui, who was usually gentle and refined, had a cold expression on as he looked at the person in front of him with an imposing manner.    


For a moment, the reporters were so frightened by him that they did not dare to speak.    


Ke Yanrui coaxed the reporters out and closed the door before hurriedly walking towards Luan Zhi.    


"Luan Zhi, are you alright?"    


Luan Zhi's face was slightly pale as she shook her head.    


"I'm fine." She raised her head and looked outside the door. She could still faintly hear the voices of the reporters outside.    


"How did those reporters find them?"    


Ke Yanrui shook his head.    


"I'm not sure either. Maybe it was discovered by people around us when we were out."    


He opened the curtain and looked at the people outside. Someone had taken the photos just now and they would be posted online soon. When that happened, Luan Zhi would be in the dark.    


Luan Zhi frowned slightly and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I dragged you into this too."    


"What nonsense are you spouting? I want the reward." With that, Ke Yanrui waved the camera in his hand.    


"Then what should we do now? Want to move? "    


"We'll see after a while. If they get worse after coming over here, then we'll move out."    


The preservation facilities of the park were very good. It would not be so easy for the reporters to break in.    


On the same day, news about Luan Zhi and Ke Yanrui spread online.    


The photos of the two of them living together, the scenes of Ke Yanrui protecting Luan Zhi, and Luan Zhi clearly pregnant were all clearly captured.    


The report was very clear that Luan Zhi and Ke Yanrui were already together. Even the child in Luan Zhi's womb belonged to Ke Yanrui.    


When the news came out, it caused a huge uproar.    


When there was a rumor that Luan Zhi was pregnant and Min Ann'ge, Luan Zhi didn't come forward to explain and let the rumors spread freely.    


In the eyes of the fans, this was intentionally trying to get on Min Ann'ge's good side.    


For a moment, everyone was scolding Luan Zhi.    


Min Ann'ge looked at the report on the TV with a sullen face.    


The screen stopped on the scene of Luan Zhi hiding behind Ke Yanrui, making his expression turn even uglier.    


The host of the program continued.    


"..." From the photos, it seems like Ke Yanrui is very protective of Luan Zhi. It seems like the two of them have a deep relationship with each other, and after a while, there should be good news coming.    


"Bang ~ ~ ~"    


The remote control on the television suddenly smashed over, hitting the television screen and producing a loud sound.    


Brother Jian, who only knew how to use his assistant on the other side, turned around when he heard the sound.    


Seeing Min Ann'ge's unsightly expression, he waved his hand towards the others.    


He waited for them to leave before walking over.    


"Why are you so angry with the TV?"    


Brother Jian picked up the remote control and turned off the television, "Isn't that the best development?"    


Min Ann'ge's face was tense and he didn't say anything.    


Brother Jian looked at his expression and said, "No matter who's the child in Luan Zhi's belly, as long as the fans and reporters don't get involved with you, it's fine."    


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