Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Xinduo rushed up and grabbed a wine glass from a person's hand. She poured a glass of wine onto Ji Yuqing's face.    


The girl jumped away in panic.    


Ji Yuqing stood on the spot. The liquor had soaked his shirt. When he looked at Min Xinduo, his face had turned serious again.    


"How shameless!"    


Min Xinduo shouted and ran out.    


Ji Yuqing came back to his senses and chased after him.    


The moment Min Xinduo ran out of the hall, she was grabbed by Ji Yuqing from behind and pressed against the wall of the corridor.    


"Let go!"    


Min Xinduo struggled.    


"Tell me what happened just now."    


Ji Yuqing asked anxiously with a cold voice. Although the force in his hand had been slightly relaxed, he was still able to restrain Min Xinduo.    


"Don't you know what you did?"    


Min Xinduo's voice was harsh and she even used her foot to kick Ji Yuqing. Unfortunately, she was wearing a short skirt and it wasn't convenient for her to kick him too high.    


Ji Yuqing suddenly stopped and frowned as he fell into deep thought.    


Faang Yuanyuan chased after him. Seeing that Min Xinduo was pressed against the wall, she suddenly gained courage and shouted,    


"Let go of Duo Duo!"    


Ji Yuqing seemed to have awoken from a dream and released his grip on Min Xinduo's wrist.    


Min Xinduo took Faang Yuanyuan's hand and rushed out without even glancing at him.    


Lawrence walked over slowly. Seeing that Ji Yuqing was still deep in thought, he patted Lawrence on the shoulder and said,    


"Bro, you have a saying in China! We won't be able to eat hot tofu in such a hurry! "    


He then carried the wine cup back to the main hall.    


On the street, Min Xinduo hailed a taxi and went back to school with Faang Yuanyuan.    


"Duo Duo, what happened?"    


Faang Yuanyuan said.    


"That lecher, he, he kissed me!"    


Min Xinduo's voice was choked with emotions as she continued:    


"I thought he was just a little cold. I didn't expect him to be a stalker. He even drugged my wine."    


Faang Yuanyuan was so shocked that she could not speak. She covered her mouth and held Min Xinduo in her arms as she consoled,    


"Alright, alright, don't be afraid! Tell me, what else did he do? "    


Min Xinduo shook her head.    


"Just a kiss. I was worried that he might be drunk, and when I ran back, I saw him holding another woman in his arms … This is too disgusting! "    


Thinking about Ji Yuqing's ambiguous smile, she felt her lips go numb and wiped them with the back of her hand.    


"Duo Duo, let's treat it as a bite from a dog! "Be good!"    


Under Faang Yuanyuan's comforting, Min Xinduo's heart calmed down.    


Only when he was sleeping did he receive a call from Chen Jiaqi. After being told by Chen Jiaqi to leave without a word, he fell into a deep sleep.    


That night, Min Xinduo woke up again in the middle of the night.    


When she woke up, she was lying on the grass in the playground behind the school.    


Shadow stood beside her, looking down at her. Seeing her wake up, he chuckled.    


"No one will bother us tonight! Die! "    


As he spoke, he raised the white blade in his hand and aimed it straight at Min Xinduoza.    


At that critical moment, Min Xinduo rolled over, dodging the blade as she stood up a few meters away, carefully inspecting the man's appearance.    


"Who are you? Why do you want to kill me again and again? "    


The black shadow laughed:    


"Hehe, women really talk too much!"    


Then the knife came again.    


Min Xinduo raised her arms in front of her and hastily said:    


"Wait, I have something to say!"    


The shadow stopped and swung the blade back and forth, as if considering whether to give Min Xinduo a chance to speak.    


Min Xinduo quickly said:    


"I'm going to die soon, so what if you tell me?"    


The shadow's blade gleamed in the moonlight as it began to circle around Min Xinduo.    


"That's true. You, as a young miss of a noble family, would not be able to pull out the palm of my hand! Tell me your last words! "    


Min Xinduo looked at him warily. In case he hurt her violently, she asked:    


"Who are you?"    


"Who am I? Gaga, change the question. You only have one chance to ask a question. I hate women with a lot of problems! "    


The shadow refused to answer.    


"Then why did you kill me?"    


"Why? Because I want you to die! "    


Black Shadow's words were very accurate. The moment the word "die" came out, Min Xinduo trembled from head to toe.    


"What good will it do you if I die? I'm just a high school student. "    


The black shadow stopped its steps and stopped spinning. It raised its long blade and said with an evil grin:    


"Oh, baby, that's the second question."    


Then he rushed over.    


Min Xinduo turned around and ran in another direction.    


Her speed was not slow, but compared to the black shadow, she was not fast enough. The distance between the two of them was quickly shortening.    


Just as the black shadow was about to catch up with Min Xinduo, a boy in a singlet jumped over and threw the black shadow onto the ground, and the two of them rolled on the ground.    




Min Xinduo was surprised and happy at the same time. She saw that it was Lee Jiawen.    


Lee Jiawen was wearing a vest and beach pants, obviously he was still sleeping a moment ago. However, there was not a single trace of sleepiness on his face. He looked at Min Xinduo full of energy.    


Noticing that Min Xinduo wasn't injured, he glared at her.    


"Yo, another hero here to save the beauty!" However, this is much worse than the previous one! "    


Then, the black shadow charged towards Lee Jiawen.    


Lee Jiawen sneered and used his arm to block the black shadow's attack. After a few rounds, his body had already been scratched a few times.    


Min Xinduo was trembling with fear as she watched from the side.    


This shadow's path was very strange, unlike any other sect in the country.    


Lee Jiawen, who had gone through strict training, was hardly a match for his peers, but was now being pushed back bit by bit.    


If this continued, he would be completely defeated within a few minutes.    


Min Xinduo looked around. The empty playground was desolate. The windows of the school building across the street were pitch black. There was no light coming from them at all.    


She ran over quickly.    


The black shadow drew another line on Lee Jiawen's body. Blood flowed out, but it was just a superficial wound, and it wasn't fatal.    


"Hehe, let's see how long you can last!"    


He was playing with him!    


He could have been killed with a single slash, but he had only left bloody wounds on purpose. He had always been at a disadvantage when he had watched his opponent fight and bathed in blood.    


He really enjoyed this feeling!    


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Min Xinduo running away. Just as she was about to give chase, she was stopped by Lee Jiawen.    


Lee Jiawen wiped the blood from his eyebrows with the back of his hand and stubbornly blocked in front of him.    


"You're courting death!"    


The black shadow let out a furious roar and swung its blade.    


At this moment, the school fire alarm sounded.    


The sound shook the quiet campus, causing the dormitory to become chaotic.    


Countless lights lit up, and the security guards took out their flashlights to search the surroundings.    


"Quick, the playground is on fire!"    


Min Xinduo shouted.    


When the security guards heard the shout, they hurriedly shouted and ran towards the back of the school grounds.    


The black shadow's body froze. It spat on the ground and cursed:    


"Let's wait and see!"    


Then he ran quickly into the bushes at the edge of the playground.    


When Min Xinduo followed the security guards to the back of the field, only Lee Jiawen was lying on the ground, covered in blood and had fainted.    


Min Xinduo felt a pang in her heart as she followed the security guard to escort Lee Jiawen to the hospital.    


Luckily, Lee Jiawen didn't die, he just lost too much blood and needed some rest.    


After settling Lee Jiawen down, Min Xinduo stayed in the hospital all night.    


The next day, Luan Zhi received the news and rushed over. After carefully checking on Lee Jiawen's injuries, she transferred him to the advanced ward.    


Just as Min Xinduo was asking what was going on, Faang Yuanyuan rushed to the ward.    


"Duo Duo, it's good that you're fine!"    


When Faang Yuanyuan woke up and saw Min Xinduo's blanket spread out, she realized that she had been kidnapped.    


After finding out that Lee Jiawen was fine, Faang Yuanyuan pulled Min Xinduo back awkwardly and said,    


"Duoduo, today is the school anniversary, can you still come tonight?"    


Min Xinduo felt a headache coming on as the matter was brought together. She felt extremely guilty towards Lee Jiawen's injury.    


Lee Jiawen woke up and said word by word:    


"Go, I'm fine!"    


Luan Zhi, who was standing beside the sickbed, advised,    


"Duo Duo, you and Yuan Yuan can go to school! I'll just watch from here. "    


To Lee Jiawen, Min Family had always taken care of him, and had never treated him poorly because he was only a bodyguard.    


Only then did Min Xinduo follow Faang Yuanyuan back to school.    


The campus was already in a jubilant mood. The students were all smiling as they moved all sorts of props around.    


In the dressing room, with Faang Yuanyuan's help, Min Xinduo painted her stage makeup. Seeing Liu Yiyi sneakily walk in from the corner of her eye, her heart skipped a beat.    


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