Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian was so frightened that her whole body turned cold.    


"Feng Ming!" "Stop!"    


she cried, trying to snatch the gun.    


Feng Ming had already seen her move and pushed Wen Tiantian away, preparing to shoot.    


"Feng Ming!"    


A voice came through the loudspeaker.    


"Put down your weapon, you're already surrounded!"    


In a split-second, several uniformed police officers rushed out from all directions.    


They all had guns in their hands and were pointing them at the people in front of them.    


Standing at the front was none other than Officer Yan.    


Ji Jingchen's face turned ugly when he saw the policemen rushing out.    


"Damn it!" Didn't I tell you not to call the police? "    


Zhong Lee didn't know what was going on either.    


"Our men have indeed set up a blockade at the foot of the mountain. How did they come up?"    


As soon as they left, Ji Jingchen had already instructed Zhong Lee and a group of bodyguards to block off the surrounding roads.    


Not even the news about Wen Tiantian could be leaked. Not a single outsider knew about it.    


How did the cops get here?    


At this moment, the two sides were already facing each other.    


Ji Jingchen had an ugly expression on his face. He was worried that they might accidentally fire their guns and injure Wen Tiantian. What should he do then?    


He clenched his fists, anger on his face.    


On the other side, Feng Ming was looking at the guns aimed at him, but he didn't panic at all. Instead, he raised the corner of his mouth and sneered.    


He pressed his hand against the trigger, aiming it at everyone in front of him. Slowly, he pressed down, a smile in his eyes.    


Bang! A loud sound echoed out.    


The bullets shot out from the chamber and headed straight for the few officers in front.    


Even the police did not expect Feng Ming to be so bold as to arrest him!    


Very quickly, they started to counterattack.    


A gunfight began at the same time.    


Feng Ming dodged while shooting.    


Facing the bullets in front of her, Wen Tiantian was forced to kneel down and avoid the attack from the police.    


When Ji Jingchen saw her expression, he was completely confused.    


"Stop! No one is allowed to shoot, all of you stop! "    


He snapped, but his voice failed to cover the sound of the shot. The scene was a mess.    


Wen Tiantian's hands were tied tightly to the car. Even if she wanted to escape, there was nothing she could do.    


Facing the crowd of policemen, Feng Ming and the two bodyguards quickly fell into a disadvantageous position. They turned around and tried to escape.    


He controlled the car and turned it around, preparing to send the cars blocking the intersection flying!    


Sensing his intentions, Wen Tiantian was so frightened that her breath caught in her throat!    


The car they used was small to begin with, so it swayed and charged forward under Feng Ming's driving.    


Peng! He crashed into the large truck in front of him.    


The truck didn't move at all.    


However, Feng Ming did not give up. He clenched his teeth, retreated again and used an even faster speed to charge over!    


After a good four or five collisions, the truck finally broke apart, revealing a gap.    


The two cars shot out in a flash.    


Ji Jingchen was extremely angry.    


If these policemen hadn't come out at the last minute to stir up trouble, he would have already rescued Wen Tiantian!    




With a curse, he quickly got into the car and ordered the driver to chase after him.    


However, the police who finally found evidence against Feng Ming were unwilling to give up, so they got on the car and chased after him.    


The three groups of people were chasing each other on the mountain road.    


The mountain was very steep, adjacent to the cliff. If one wasn't careful, one could jump off the cliff at any time!    


Ji Jingchen was chasing in fear. He was worried that Wen Tiantian would be taken away by Feng Ming, but he was also afraid that he would chase too fiercely, causing Feng Ming to lose his balance.    


He didn't care whether Feng Ming was dead or alive.    


The only thing he cared about was Wen Tiantian's safety.    


Even if he presented everything in this world to Wen Tiantian, it would still not be a match for a single hair on her head.    


Ji Jingchen's body tensed up as his hands clenched into fists and rested on his knees.    


Her thin lips were pursed, and her eyes burned with fury.    


He swore that as long as he rescued Wen Tiantian and captured Feng Ming, he would definitely experience an unimaginable pain!    


This was the price for kidnapping Wen Tiantian!    


Thinking about this, Ji Jingchen could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. He raised his hand and punched the door!    


Boom! * A loud sound was heard as the steel door of the car was smashed open, leaving a clear mark.    


The driver trembled in fright. He thought Ji Jingchen wanted him to speed up, so he stepped on the accelerator and sped up again.    


Just as they were about to catch up with Feng Ming's car, they seemed to sense the movement behind them and sped up continuously. They happened to reach a corner and almost ran out of the car.    


Luckily, Feng Ming acted in time and turned the steering wheel. The steering wheel barely missed the edge of the road and came back.    


When Ji Jingchen, who was watching from behind, saw this, his heart almost stopped in his throat.    


Holding her breath and waiting for Wen Tiantian's car to return to the safe zone, she finally couldn't hold her breath anymore and shouted.    


"What are you doing?" It was too fast! "Reduce your speed!"    


The driver stopped. He didn't understand that Ji Jingchen didn't want him to chase him, but instead wanted him to slow down.    


However, he still listened to Ji Jingchen and slowly reduced his speed.    


Seeing Feng Ming and the bodyguard's car walking further and further away, Ji Jingchen frowned again and urged them.    


"Hurry up!"    


When the driver heard this, he complained incessantly.    


He didn't know what Ji Jingchen was going to do. He would make Ji Jingchen speed up, then slow him down.    


On the winding mountain road, a big chase was going on.    


At the front were two narrow light cars, anxious to escape.    


Every turn would bring about an unpredictable danger.    


Following behind them were Ji Jingchen and a few others.    


In the rear, there were seven or eight police cars. The name of the police kept echoing in the mountains.    


There were several times when she almost fell off the cliff. Wen Tiantian's face turned deathly pale, and her heart also stopped beating several times.    


She kept struggling, trying to untie her hands.    


Feng Ming observed the situation behind him as he drove.    


Turning his head, he noticed Wen Tiantian's tiny movement and immediately pulled her back.    


"You still want to escape? Impossible! Even if I die, I want you to be with me! "    


His eyes were wide and bloodshot. His eyes were so wide that they almost popped out of their sockets, but he refused to let go.    


One hand held Wen Tiantian's, the other held the gun, while she steered the car back and forth between the winding mountain paths.    


Because he only had one hand controlling the car, he had almost fallen off the cliff several times. Half of the tires were already hanging off his body.    


Wen Tiantian held her breath and didn't dare to struggle anymore. She was afraid that Feng Ming would be impulsive and fall down.    


When Ji Jingchen saw this soul-stirring scene from behind him, he felt like he was suffering a fate worse than death.    


Seeing that Feng Ming and the others had finally left the most dangerous parts of the road, he did not want to continue being afraid and gave the order.    


"Hurry up!"    


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