Lovely Substitute Bride



What Lee Jiawei wanted to pick was a relic that looked gorgeous, noble, but had small cracks and was easy to repair.    


Soon, she found a target.    


It was a snuff bottle, beautifully crafted and likely a product of the Qing dynasty. However, there was a very small crack on the bottle that could be repaired very soon.    


Moreover, this was the area that she was most proficient in, and it was very easy to repair it.    


Lee Jiawei heaved a sigh of relief as she held the snuff bottle in her hand.    


This time, she would definitely be able to defeat Wen Tiantian!    


But soon, she remembered that she was hit by Waterloo and couldn't help but look over at Wen Tiantian to check on the situation.    


Wen Tiantian's footsteps stopped at the table and her gaze fell on one of the necklaces.    




Lee Jiawei followed her line of sight. That thing was at least a product of recent times, and it had only been around a hundred years.    


It couldn't be considered a cultural relic at all. It couldn't even be considered an antique.    


Furthermore, the degree of damage on the necklace was beyond imagination. It had already been broken into three pieces.    


Did she have to choose that one?    


As she was thinking, Wen Tiantian picked up the necklace.    


He opened the photo pendant that was hanging on top of the photo.    


There was a black-and-white photo in the necklace. It looked like a wedding photo from that era. Their smiles were shy and sweet.    


Even the host, seeing that Wen Tiantian had chosen the necklace, couldn't help but try to persuade her.    


"Miss Wen, this necklace should be a product of modern times. In this competition, the older you are, the more your advantage. Are you sure you want to choose this necklace? "    


Wen Tiantian nodded firmly.    


"This necklace reminds me of something. It's broken to this state, but I can still see that my master is still meticulously protecting it. I want to repair it."    


Seeing how determined she was, the host sighed and shook his head.    


Wen Tiantian was taking the risk.    


Looking at the other side, Lee Jiawei finally chose the right one.    


It was old and the damage was small, so it was much easier to repair it.    


It seemed that Wen Tiantian had won the first match today and would lose the second.    


He sighed, but the match had already begun and he could not go back on his word.    


Seeing that Wen Tiantian had indeed chosen the necklace, Lee Jiawei smiled complacently.    


What a fool!    


Glancing at Wen Tiantian, he quickly threw himself into his work.    


The snuff bottle that she had chosen was indeed the smallest and easiest to repair. It should be completed very soon.    


The two of them sat separately on both sides of the stage. The long process of restoration seemed somewhat boring, but the host's laughter gradually became more interesting. From time to time, the laughter of the audience members could be heard.    


As if he knew what the audience wanted to see, the host quickly changed the topic to the relationship between Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen. The camera also focused on Ji Jingchen.    


"To be able to see the CEO of the M.I Group at such an event can be said to be quite rare. One look and you can tell that the two of them have a deep relationship."    


The host seized every opportunity to improve the viewership ratings.    


"I wonder if Mr Ji has any confidence in Miss Wen?"    


Seeing that his gaze was fixated on Wen Tiantian, the host took advantage of the opportunity and asked, "Mr Ji, do you think your wife will win?"    


Just as he finished asking, the host was already regretting his decision.    


Ji Jingchen was notorious for being difficult to get along with. He had almost never been interviewed by reporters before.    


Even if there was a press conference, no matter what questions they were anxious to ask, it would be known for their lack of cooperation.    


Perhaps it was because the atmosphere at the scene was too cordial, but the host had actually forgotten about this and asked.    




If Ji Jingchen didn't answer, he would definitely be very embarrassed.    


He thought about how he should get over the awkwardness in front of him. Unexpectedly, Ji Jingchen, who was sitting in the first row below the stage, suddenly opened his mouth.    


"He will win."    


These three words instantly silenced the entire audience.    


Even the experienced host widened his eyes.    


Did he answer?    


He actually answered!    


The few of them looked towards Ji Jingchen, but they saw that the expression on his face didn't change at all.    


Did they hear it wrong?    


How could Ji Jingchen answer such a question?    


Just when they were hesitating, Ji Jingchen repeated himself.    


"My wife will win."    


This time, when he took a closer look, he saw a warm smile on his face, and Wen Tiantian was the only one in his line of sight.    




Isn't her gaze too gentle?    


How could it appear on Ji Jingchen?    


And he did answer! And he even answered it twice!    


The host was stunned for a moment before immediately overjoyed!    


I wonder what's going on with Ji Jingchen today, to be so friendly!    


Could it be that his personality had really changed?    


What they didn't know was that Ji Jingchen only answered because of one word.    




The host had said that Wen Tiantian was his wife.    


Ji Jingchen said he was in a good mood.    


If she didn't have this title, she probably wouldn't even bother with him.    


Just because of his answer, the crowd burst into an uproar once again.    


The host was even more sure that the viewership ratings would definitely be out of the question this time!    


Seeing that he had stopped talking, he changed the topic to the repair techniques of the two people. In addition to the explanations given by the several master collectors, it also became very interesting.    


An hour passed quickly. As the host was looking for new topics to talk about, Lee Jiawei put down her tools and rang the bell on the table.    


She had finished repairing the snuff bottle.    


On the other side, Wen Tiantian was still recovering.    


Seeing this, the host took the opportunity to walk over.    


Wen Tiantian had already put the snuff bottle back on the plate. The red satin made it look even more dazzling. Under the light, it was extremely beautiful.    


He took a closer look and exclaimed, "There's really no trace at all. It's as if there's never been a crack at all!"    


Hearing his comment, Lee Jiawei felt even more pleased with herself. "Please, several master collectors, help me see how I am doing."    


With that, an assistant brought the snuff bottle to the judges table.    


The receiver, wearing white gloves, carefully picked them up and held them up before his eyes.    


After reading it, they nodded in satisfaction.    


"That's right!" Perfect! "    


"He is indeed powerful. I was unable to see any traces of him at all. He truly lives up to his reputation."    


When Lee Jiawei heard this, she became even more pleased and looked towards Wen Tiantian.    


However, when he saw that her head was buried in the ground, not even lifting up her head, he felt a little bored.    


No matter what, she could finally take back one city!    


Wen Tiantian's repairing skills were definitely inferior to hers. Moreover, she had even chosen a necklace like that, it was simply asking for trouble!    


Elder Zhang took the snuff bottle and looked at it carefully.    


"It was indeed perfectly restored."    


He frowned, but this way, Wen Tiantian would be in danger.    


He raised his head and glanced at Wen Tiantian. When he saw her, he became even more worried and put the snuff bottle back in his hand.    


And when would the repair be completed?    


If the duration of the match exceeded that of the match, it would be deemed as a loss.    


The damage to the necklace was very serious. It was the most difficult and thankless item out of all the items. I don't know why Wen Tiantian chose it.    


Could it be that Wen Tiantian really did not want to win?    


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