Lovely Substitute Bride



When Wen Tiantian heard this, she was slightly surprised.    


Min Ann'ge wasn't a slow person, and he was better at observing other people's emotional changes than most people.    


But why was it impossible for Luan Zhi to handle it?    


"Then what are you going to do now?" Wen Tiantian asked.    


Was she really going to let Luan Zhi give birth to her child and raise it?    


Min Ann'ge shook his head, his mind was also a mess.    


"Give me a little more time, and I'll think it through."    


After speaking, his countenance turned ashen, as though he had suffered a heavy blow. He turned and walked out.    


Wen Tiantian watched him stagger down the mountain, frowning as her emotions grew even more complicated.    


What would the two do in the future?    


On the other side, Luan Zhi and Luan's mother had returned from the hospital and were staying in a hotel room that had been prepared long ago.    


"Some people start out like this because they don't have enough nutrition. After a period of time, their pregnancy and vomiting reaction will disappear and they will be able to recover."    


Luan's mother said as she looked at the list in her hands.    


Luan Zhi listened absentmindedly and nodded.    


After reading the list in her hands, Luan's mother turned around.    


Luan Zhi's facial features had become even more three-dimensional due to the rapid thinning out of her body. Her cheeks had even caved in slightly, which made her feel even more heartache. She sighed.    


"Luan Zhi, are you really going to give birth?"    


Luan Zhi placed her hand on her abdomen, gently stroking it.    


"This is my child, of course I am going to give birth."    


Luan Zhi's gaze was resolute.    


Luan's mother's gaze followed her movements and landed on her lower abdomen. Such a life was brewing in her womb …    


She thought for a moment, then firmly said: "If you really want to be born, then I support you. It's just a child, and we, in the Luan Family, are able to support it."    


Luan Zhi looked up in surprise.    


"She did not expect her mother to stand on her side so easily." But, what about dad? "    


When Luan's mother heard this, she was put in a difficult position.    


"I will convince him not to worry, first take good care of his body."    


Luan Zhi nodded and sat on the sofa. In her mind, she recalled the shocked expression on Min Ann'ge's face after knowing the truth. She felt a stabbing pain in her heart again.    


From today onwards, Min Ann'ge should be wishing that he had never seen her before.    


Luan Zhi smiled bitterly and slowly closed her eyes.    


The next day, Wen Tiantian found Luan Zhi's address and personally brought the things to visit.    


After confirming that Luan Zhi was pregnant, she asked the butler and the kitchen maid about the matters they needed to take care of and brought over some body nourishing soup.    


Luan Zhi was simply too thin. Only by eating more would she be able to ensure her mother's safety.    


When he opened the door and entered, he saw that she was resting on the sofa.    


On the other side, Luan's mother was packing her things.    


As soon as she walked in, Luan Zhi turned around and saw her. She quickly stood up.    


"Tiantian, why are you here?"    


Wen Tiantian hurriedly shouted, "You don't have to stand up, just sit down."    


Now that Luan Zhi was so thin she was almost a paper man, and she was over 175, Wen Tiantian was afraid that if she wasn't careful, she would fall.    


She hurried over and placed the items on the table.    


"Rest well, we brought some things to come see you, don't tire yourself out."    


As she was speaking, Luan's mother walked over from the other side and carefully sized up Wen Tiantian.    


"I've heard Luan Zhi mention you before. It was all thanks to you taking care of her a while ago."    


Wen Tiantian waved her hand and turned to Luan Zhi with a smile. "Actually, it's your turn to take care of me all this time. In fact, I'm slightly younger than Luan Zhizi."    


"Is that so?"    


Luan's mother was a little surprised. She looked at Luan Zhi with a doting expression and said, "But even so, Luan Zhi is still a girl with no certainty. It's a good thing that she has finally grown up."    


Luan's mother's tone was a little worried, even though the process of growing up was depressing.    


As he said that, the screen suddenly switched to another program. The scene of Min Ann'ge being interviewed popped up without any warning.    


The program seemed to be broadcasting live, with many people pointing their microphones at Min Ann'ge who was standing in the middle.    


Ever since the incident last time, the two of them had not shown up.    


Today, Min Ann'ge was quickly surrounded by people to promote his movie appearance, asking about him and Luan Zhi.    


"Min Ann'ge, may I ask if Luan Zhi is really pregnant?"    


"Does the child in her womb have anything to do with you?"    


"Everyone says that the two of you have long been a couple. If you are going to get married in the future, is that true?"    


A few reporters successively asked questions.    


Min Ann'ge, who was standing in the middle, didn't look too happy. His gaze swept across everyone and he said coldly, "Today, I'm here to promote a new movie. Please don't ask me about things that have nothing to do with movies."    


However, they had come here with this goal in mind. How could they let go of this opportunity?    


Ignoring the discontent of the other, he continued to ask.    


Min Ann'ge was forced to the point where he had no other choice. Coupled with the director's hint, he had no choice but to answer.    


"Regarding this matter, I will take care of it myself. Whether it's me or Luan Zhi, I will give everyone an answer. Please wait patiently."    


With that, he didn't want to say anymore and turned to leave.    


Silence reigned in the living room. Luan Zhi suddenly took the remote control and switched off the TV.    


Noticing Wen Tiantian and Luan's mother's worried gazes, he could only force a smile, pretending to be indifferent.    


"It seems like I have to hide well in this period of time. I can't be discovered by the reporters."    


Luan's mother took the chance to speak up, "Luan Zhi, come with me. Once we get there, you won't have to worry about reporters and bad people. Luan Family will protect you. There won't be any mishaps."    


Faced with her worry, Luan Zhi shook her head.    


"But father …"    


If she suddenly went back now, with Luan's father's personality, he would definitely go into a rage and blame all of it on Min Ann'ge.    


Even now, she couldn't abandon Min Ann'ge.    


"Mom, didn't we say that you would go back and convince dad? During that time, I stayed at home and didn't go anywhere, so you can rest assured. "    


Luan's mother frowned. After thinking for a moment, she finally compromised, "Alright, but I still don't feel at ease. I have a friend whose son is a fashion designer in the country. I will invite him to take care of you. "Very soon, when I convince your dad, I will bring you there immediately."    


It was his turn to nod.    


"I know, don't worry."    


Luan's mother sighed and looked at Wen Tiantian again, saying, "Miss Wen, I'll have to trouble you again for this period of time."    


"No problem."    


Wen Tiantian nodded. "You can go. Luan Zhi is my good friend. Of course I should take care of her. She'll be fine."    


"And Min Ann'ge …" Luan's mother pondered for a moment before saying, "I hope he won't see Luan Zhi again."    


Luan Zhi was taken aback for a moment before she said in amusement, "He doesn't want to see me right now, does he?"    


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