Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi thought for a while, but in the end, she still couldn't help but knock on the door before her.    


Then, a woman's voice came from inside.    


"Who is it?"    


Luan Zhi could tell that it was Liu Feifei's voice.    


Upon hearing the voice, Luan Zhi's remaining hope vanished in an instant.    


She stood in the doorway, unsure for a moment if she should really go in.    


If Min Ann'ge and Liu Feifei were really inside …    


Luan Zhi felt a sharp pain in her heart, as if a knife had been twisted into her heart just by thinking of this possibility.    


Min Ann'ge, is he really inside?    


Luan Zhi felt a lingering fear in her heart. She didn't even dare to reply Liu Feifei as she turned to leave.    


But right at that moment, the door in front of them was opened.    


Luan Zhi hurriedly turned her head and saw Liu Feifei already standing inside the door.    


She was wearing a bathrobe from the hotel. It looked like she had just finished her shower.    


Luan Zhi froze on the spot, momentarily at a loss as to what to do.    


Liu Feifei, on the other hand, laughed when she saw her.    


"Are you looking for Min Ann'ge? It just so happens that he's asleep. You can come and take him back. "    


Luan Zhi pursed her lips when she heard what he said.    


"Min Ann'ge, is he here?"    


Liu Feifei nodded and said with a faint smile, "It's just that he's not wearing any clothes yet. Come in with me."    


That sentence seemed to have detonated an atomic bomb in Luan Zhi's mind!    


She opened her mouth, but did not know what to say. Subconsciously, she lifted her heels and walked in.    


As soon as she entered the room, Luan Zhi suddenly felt a little regretful. However, when she raised her head, she saw Min Ann'ge lying on the bed with his eyes closed.    


He was not wearing any clothes, only a quilt covering his crotch to protect his vital parts.    


Luan Zhi was stunned as soon as she saw the scene before her. No matter how much luck she had, all of them had collapsed.    


"He …"    


Luan Zhi opened her mouth wanting to ask something, but in the end she could not.    


Seeing the scene in front of her, what else did she have to ask?    


Everything was already laid out in front of them.    


Liu Feifei, who was standing to the side, saw the change from shock to disappointment. She secretly raised the corner of her mouth and let out a satisfied smile.    


"By now, those economic people and the media should already know that we are having a celebratory feast here. When we go downstairs later, there will definitely be people watching us. If they find out that I'm going out with him, the media will definitely report about it."    


She smiled and said, "Bring him back first. As for today's matter, I hope you can keep it a secret for us."    


Luan Zhi didn't react, but her heart felt as if it had been stabbed by a knife when she heard these words.    


The scene in the room was stabbing her every second, so painful that she could barely breathe.    


After a long while, she finally took a deep breath. Her face regained its calm, but her voice was almost cold.    


"No need. Since he came over himself, send him back. I have no relationship with him."    


With that, she turned around and walked out of the room without looking back.    


After she left, Liu Feifei, who was standing on the spot, smiled in satisfaction. She took off the bathrobe she was wearing, but inside, she was still fully dressed. There was no change at all.    


Liu Feifei turned around and looked at Min Ann'ge, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed. She smiled and caressed his face.    


"This is bad, your little girlfriend seems to have misunderstood you. For the sake of the movie, I'll make you sacrifice a little."    


Saying that, Liu Feifei smiled in satisfaction.    


The person on the bed was still sleeping soundly, and didn't realize what had just happened.    


Luan Zhi left the Litian Hotel in a hurry. However, her mind was a mess. In her mind, she could see Min Ann'ge sleeping soundly in bed, and she could hear Liu Feifei whispering in her ear.    


He had known Min Ann'ge for so many years and had liked him for so long, but it was the first time that he realized the distance between the two of them was so far that even Luan Zhi didn't dare to speak up when they were in front of each other.    


Even if she really did like him, with the matter right in front of her, how could she deceive him and continue to trust him?    


After leaving the Litian Hotel, Luan Zhi took a deep breath.    


Then, he saw the film crew behind him walk out, preparing to interview the film crew as all of the reporters around them rushed over.    


Seeing Liu Feifei supporting Min Ann'ge out, the few reporters' eyes lit up and they immediately recorded the scene.    


Liu Feifei didn't show any sign of cowardice, nor did she hide anything. Instead, she smiled up at them and openly helped Min Ann'ge into her car.    


Luan Zhi stood in the corner and watched them leave. In the end, she didn't step forward and only watched them leave.    


At this moment, she felt the distance between her and Min Ann'ge getting wider and wider.    


Perhaps using the child to keep him was the wrong decision.    


Stolen feelings would always disappear one day.    


She already knew about it, didn't she?    


Luan Zhi laughed at herself, but didn't know where she was going.    


Go home? That was Min Ann'ge's home, and it no longer belonged to him.    


Luan Zhi laughed bitterly and got on the car.    


When he reacted, he found himself in front of Ji Jingchen's ancient castle.    


It was already late at night. If he went in now, would he disturb them?    


Wen Tiantian hadn't returned to the castle in a while, and the moment she came back, she remembered the toolbox that she had placed here before.    


Thinking about Ruan Family's broken enamel, Wen Tiantian took the time to look for everything.    


Ji Jingchen finally managed to bring Wen Tiantian back after a long day of hard work. He could only stare at the busy Wen Tiantian in the studio as he felt that he was unnecessary.    


After a while, Ji Jingchen couldn't bear it any longer and directly brought the person back to the bedroom to rest.    


But in the next second, there was a knock on the bedroom door.    


The butler's voice came from outside the door.    


"Sir, Miss, a guest has arrived."    


Wen Tiantian didn't quite understand what he meant.    


Who would come at this time?    


Wen Tiantian looked at the time. It was almost midnight. If it wasn't something urgent, she wouldn't have insisted on coming here.    


He thought for a moment and asked, "Who?"    


The butler replied, "Luan Zhi, Miss Luan."    


When Wen Tiantian heard this, her eyes widened in surprise.    


"Luan Zhi, why is she here?"    


Remembering everything that had happened at the show this afternoon, she felt a little worried and sat up nervously.    


"Did he really have a conflict with Min Ann'ge?"    


In the afternoon, Wen Tiantian had been somewhat worried and insisted on going over to take a look.    


However, Ji Jingchen had said that Luan Zhi would be fine, but now, Luan Zhi had called him in the middle of the night.    


Something must have happened to her.    


Wen Tiantian headed out in a hurry.    


When Ji Jingchen heard this, he also frowned slightly.    


As far as he knew, even if Min Ann'ge was really angry, he wouldn't be able to kick Luan Zhi out in the middle of the night.    


What was going on?    


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