Lovely Substitute Bride



When Ji Jingchen saw that Wen Tiantian had returned to the ancient castle, although he was pleasantly surprised, many concerns were also mixed in with it.    


He didn't tell these words to Wen Tiantian. Firstly, he was afraid that she would think too much into it. Secondly, he really didn't want to part with Tiantian.    


If he stayed in the castle, even if it was in sympathy with him, he should still be able to keep him.    


It was difficult to speak of such conflicting emotions.    


Wen Tiantian could probably understand Ji Jingchen's thoughts. He was afraid that she would force him.    


"I don't blame you. I know that everything you've done was for my own good."    


She took Ji Jingchen's hand and put it on her palm. "I was too extreme before. Actually, as long as we have a good talk, we can resolve it."    


Her running away from home was too inconsiderate. Not only was it dangerous, it also hurt those who cared about her.    


The cook, the butler, and Ji Jingchen.    


Even her parents were on tenterhooks because of this.    


She would never do something as reckless as this again.    


"You really think so?"    


Ji Jingchen looked at Wen Tiantian expectantly, waiting for her reply.    


Wen Tiantian nodded seriously under his serious gaze.    


"From now on, we'll live together and take good care of this fetus in my womb."    


Don't think about the odds of survival. Don't mention it again.    


She had seen some news before, and many patients had lost their confidence in living because of their own despair.    


In the end, he was swallowed by the disease.    


With so many people who loved her, even if there was only a 40% chance of survival, she still believed that she could pass through.    


Ji Jingchen looked deeply at Wen Tiantian, then slowly nodded, "I promise you."    


After Wen Tiantian felt relieved, she snuggled up to Ji Jingchen with a smile on her face.    


"If I didn't mention it today, are you planning to keep your thoughts hidden so that I won't know about it?"    


Wen Tiantian asked snappily.    


If it wasn't for the fact that she mentioned it, she wouldn't even know that her return had surprised Ji Jingchen and left him with such a big worry.    


Ji Jingchen caressed her long hair, lowered his head and kissed the ends of her hair before nodding slightly.    


"Don't hide anything from me anymore."    


Wen Tiantian said seriously, "We are husband and wife, we should talk about everything." "Previously, you were the one who hid the truth from my child. That's why I …"    


Wen Tiantian didn't finish her sentence.    


She didn't really want to talk about what had happened before. After all, to them, everything that had happened before wasn't very pleasant.    


Although she didn't finish her sentence, Ji Jingchen was very sharp. He immediately understood what she meant by that.    


He quickly admitted his mistake. "It was my fault …"    


"You said that you won't hide anything from me anymore."    


Wen Tiantian held his hand. "Tell me quickly."    




"You're not hiding anything from me, are you?"    




Ji Jingchen shook his head, "Alright, I promise you that I won't hide anything from you in the future."    


The reason why he was so worried was because he had something on his mind. It might not be a good thing if Wen Tiantian knew about it.    


Take the matter of Wen Honghai abducting her for example. He suspected that Ruan Jiani had something behind her back, but he didn't tell this conjecture to Wen Tiantian.    


He was worried that Wen Tiantian would think too much and delay her recovery.    


"However, I have to say this in advance. Leave some things for me to worry about. Right now, your biggest mission is to safely give birth to your child."    


Ji Jingchen emphasized on the word "child".    


As expected, Wen Tiantian was convinced by him.    


"Don't hide it from me."    


she conceded.    


After all, children were the most important thing right now.    


"Mhm," Ji Jingchen heard her say this and felt relieved. "I have something important to report to Mrs Ji right now."    


Report? Did he take himself as an officer?    


Wen Tiantian laughed at him. "Go ahead."    


"It's Luan Zhi. Yesterday, when she and Min Ann'ge went to the hospital for an examination, the doctor said that there was a slight malposition of the fetus. "Since there were less than four weeks left before the due date, she was arranged to stay in the hospital to recuperate."    


Ji Jingchen truthfully told Wen Tiantian about Luan Zhi's hospitalization and recuperation.    


Wen Tiantian: "…"    


It was this morning that Luan Zhi felt the fetal movement.    


Usually, when a fetus is six or seven months old, it will have slight movement. This is a normal occurrence.    


However, this time around, she felt her fetal movement become more intense than before, to the point that it was even painful.    


Min Ann'ge immediately sent Luan Zhi to the hospital for medical examination as if he was facing a great enemy.    


"The doctor said that there were some malpositions, but they were very slight and wouldn't affect her."    


Luan Zhi was afraid that Wen Tiantian was worried, so she quickly explained to her, "It's just that Ann'ge is too nervous, so there actually isn't much of a problem."    


Even though he knew that Luan Zhi had more or less the intention of comforting him.    


Wen Tiantian finally relaxed a little and nodded, "That's good. But I think Ann'ge did the right thing. We should be more careful."    


Luan Zhi looked like she was about to have a baby. Min Ann'ge was good at everything.    


Didn't she come here as soon as she heard Luan Zhi was hospitalized?    


Luan Zhi nodded slightly and looked at Wen Tiantian with disapproval. "Your body is not fully recovered yet. You look even more haggard than me."    


With a pained heart, she touched Wen Tiantian's face, which had become much thinner. "Rest well at home. Don't worry about me."    


Wen Tiantian curled her lips in a noncommittal manner.    


How could she not worry? Luan Zhi was about to be born!    


However, even though she was worried, she wouldn't let Luan Zhi know about it.    


While speaking, Wen Tiantian noticed Ji Jingchen and Min Ann'ge appearing at the ward's door out of the corner of her eyes.    


But they didn't come in. They seemed to be talking about something.    


Perhaps he was afraid of disturbing Luan Zhi's rest?    


That was true. Luan Zhi needed some rest now. If he came to see her, it would affect her work and rest, and that would be a huge loss.    


"Luan Zhi, I'm relieved to see that you're fine." Wen Tiantian straightened her hair. "You should rest well in the hospital. I'll come see you again in two days."    


Luan Zhi shook her head and politely declined. "My problem is not that big. Just stay home and rest. Don't keep running around and make me worry."    


"But …"    


"Don't 'but', I'm almost out of labor, are you still going to make me worry?"    


The concern in Luan Zhi's eyes fell into Wen Tiantian's eyes, making it impossible for her to reject Luan Zhi's good intentions.    


Wen Tiantian knew that Luan Zhi was afraid that her health wasn't good and that she would be in trouble if she kept going back and forth.    


It was because she knew, that she couldn't think of a reason to reject him.    




Wen Tiantian had to compromise. "But if you want to call me, I need to hear your voice before I'm able to relax."    


Luan Zhi looked at her helplessly.    


"Tiantian, my phone was confiscated by Ann'ge 800 years ago."    


She pointed to her empty pockets.    




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