Lovely Substitute Bride



"Don't worry, you'll tell me very soon."    


After saying that, Ji Jingchen's eyes became cold. Very soon, a few bodyguards appeared and carried Wu Tie outside.    


Jason became even more flustered. He struggled and asked, "What are you doing? Let me go! "    


However, the bodyguards' expressions did not change, and they directly pulled him away.    


Ji Jingchen turned around and glanced at Wen Tiantian, who was still sitting on the sofa, and said in a gentle voice, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."    


However, things were not going as smoothly as Ji Jingchen had planned.    


Jason has never done anything illegal in his life. Although he smiled faintly, he felt that everything he did to Ji Yuqing was right.    


He saw everything that had happened before him as a test from the heavens. He displayed an unfathomable level of resolution and conviction.    


If it was anyone else, even a merciless killer would be able to spit out all the information Ji Jingchen wanted under such cruel torture. But when faced with Jason, it became particularly difficult.    


Time passed second by second, but he was still unable to extract any information from his mouth.    


Jason sat on the chair with a face full of blood, but his eyes were filled with determination and calmness like never before.    


"He raised his head, his gaze especially resolute." Even if you kill me, I won't tell you! The heavens will descend upon the sages, and they will first make their hearts and bones suffer. All of this is a test for me! "    


"For the sake of humanity, for the sake of the future of the entire world, I must do this!"    


Ji Jingchen frowned. He looked at her with an extremely cold gaze. He felt that the person in front of him had gone completely crazy.    


At this moment, the sun had already risen, but no information could be obtained.    


Just now, Ji Yuqing's bodyguards who went out to look for him received new news. They saw a small burning house on the lawn by the sea. Someone had clearly detonated a bomb.    


They also found Ji Yuqing's blood near the house.    


When this report was sent over, Wen Tiantian immediately fainted and was still lying in her bedroom.    


Time was of the essence. If he didn't dig up the information from Ji Yuqing earlier, he might really be in danger.    


Ji Jingchen held the knife in his hand, and blood dripped down the blade drop by drop onto the ground. There was no sound coming from the surroundings. The sky was bright and the sun was shining. However, in the basement of the castle, it was completely dark.    


This castle had originally been built during the Republic of China era, and many torture instruments that had been passed down since the ancient times were placed in the basement of this castle. It was extremely eerie. The walls were covered with black moss, making them look more like dried blood from a distance.    


Ji Jingchen slightly narrowed his eyes. His eyes were filled with a ruthless aura. It was extremely cold and filled with an undisguised killing intent.    


"Even if you don't want to say it, say it!"    


He raised the dagger in his hand and, without any warning, a "pu" sound rang out! The tip of the blade pierced the back of Jason's hand!    




Jason's face instantly turned pale without a trace of blood.    


Ji Jingchen's gaze fell on him coldly. He did not even blink as he spun the dagger in his hand. The cut was torn apart forcefully, and more and more blood gushed out from the wound.    


As the tip of the blade grinded against the bone, a cracking sound could be heard.    


Jason kept on screaming and said sternly: "I won't say it, I definitely won't say it! Your child is dead. Give up! That kind of demon, should not have been born back then! "    


Ji Jingchen's momentum suddenly changed. He immediately pulled out the knife that was stabbed into Wu Tie's hand, and his hand dropped down again.    




The sharp knife left a huge wound and nailed the whole hand to the armrest.    


"Ji Jingchen."    


At this moment, a voice came from behind him.    


Ji Jingchen quickly turned his head and saw Wen Tiantian standing behind him.    


"Tiantian, why are you here? "Didn't you say that you were allowed to rest upstairs?"    


He turned his body to the side and blocked Jason's appearance behind him, as he was afraid that Wen Tiantian would be unwell.    


Wen Tiantian had just woken up. Her face was still pale and there was not a trace of blood on her lips.    


She walked over and said, "I have some things that I want to ask Professor Jason personally."    


Ji Jingchen frowned. He thought Wen Tiantian was worried about Ji Yuqing's condition and said, "Go back and rest for a while. I'll be able to get the information soon."    


However, Wen Tiantian shook her head and said, "I can't just sit there and wait for death. He still hasn't said anything for the entire night, right? Let me ask him. "    


Ji Jingchen didn't reply for a long time.    


Jason could use Xiao Yu's safety to coerce Ji Yuqing to show his face, injuring him and then abducting him. He wasn't sure if it would be harmful to Wen Tiantian.    


Wen Tiantian seemed to have noticed his worry and said, "It's alright, he's still tied up, right? If you're worried, you can have someone wait outside at any time. I'll be fine. "    


Ji Jingchen frowned and did not agree. However, when he saw Wen Tiantian's worried and determined gaze, he could only nod his head.    


"Fine, I'll wait for you outside. There's only five minutes."    


The corner of Wen Tiantian's mouth twitched as she forced out a smile. "Don't worry."    


After Ji Jingchen left, Wen Tiantian finally walked up to Professor Jason. Seeing his miserable state, she couldn't help but frown.    


"Even so, you're still unwilling to say?"    


Jason frowned and didn't say a word. He could only hear heavy breathing.    


Wen Tiantian walked over. He bent over and untied the rope from his body.    


Jason saw her actions and said, "Aren't you afraid that I'll run away?"    


"I just have a question to ask you."    


Jason didn't say anything and looked at her in confusion.    


Wen Tiantian continued, "In the 1990s, a five-year-old child was found to have terminal illness. At that time, this disease could not be cured, and there is no such apparatus for him to use now. "    


"And that family is not rich. Even if you use up all of the family's savings, you still won't be able to make the child grow up smoothly in the future. Not to mention, when he grows up, as his symptoms gradually worsen, he will be destined to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. "    


"The father carried the child to every hospital and asked every doctor about it. However, they all received the same reply and it was impossible to cure. Rather than wasting more money on him, he might as well give up. In any case, the child is still young and doesn't know anything. "    


"Just as the father was about to give up, a professor appeared and said he was willing to try to treat the child. After more than ten years of hard work, the child finally grew up without a hitch. Although his body is not able to walk and run freely like a normal person, with the help of various technology, he can walk his entire life as he pleases. "    


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