Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge hit the steering wheel with his fist. The loud sound gave Luan Zhi a fright. However, it was as if Min Ann'ge didn't feel any pain at all.    


He suddenly turned around and looked at Luan Zhi.    


"What the hell are you doing? Would you rather do this to force me to divorce you? "    


"No …"    


Just as Luan Zhi was about to explain, she suddenly thought of something and changed her words. "That's right. Since this matter has already been spread, we might as well go through the formalities. You …"    




Min Ann'ge suddenly raised his voice, interrupting Luan Zhi's words.    


He gripped the steering wheel with both hands, as if this was the only way to suppress the impulse in his heart.    


Turning his head, the night eyes that had been waiting all night were bloodshot. Like a beast that had been forced into a desperate situation, he could only repeat, "It's impossible for a divorce."    


With that, Min Ann'ge quickly turned the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator and left the scene at the speed of the wind.    


All the reporters stood blankly on the spot. Seeing this scene, they were almost certain that the two of them had divorced.    


Zhang Ann'yuv stood aside and watched the car leave worriedly. He contacted his people while he walked outside, taking advantage of the reporters' attention away from him.    


As soon as the call connected, he asked: "Didn't you stop Min Ann'ge?"    


"Young master, we've already done our best and created a lot of fake news to stop his progress in the investigation …" "But it was seen through this morning. I don't know who it was, but they contacted all the reporters and made public the whereabouts of you and Miss Luan Zhi. That's why they rushed over there."    


"Young Master, do we have to continue now?" The other party asked.    


Zhang Ann'yuv looked in the direction Min Ann'ge left. "No need."    


It had been a night now, and rumors were flying everywhere. What else could Min Ann'ge do?    


On the other side, Min Ann'ge's foot that was stepping on the accelerator kept getting heavier and heavier. The car was getting faster and faster as it sped along.    


Fortunately, it was early morning and there were few people around. Otherwise, who knew how many accidents would occur along the way?    


It was Luan Zhi's first time seeing Min Ann'ge like this. She was terrified and didn't dare to say a word. She gripped the handrail tightly, afraid that she would be thrown out.    


The car sped all the way until it finally stopped at the villa.    


Before Luan Zhi could recover from her panic, Min Ann'ge opened the car door and pulled her out, walking towards the mansion.    


"Wait a moment!"    


Luan Zhi struggled until it hurt, then said with dissatisfaction, "Let go of me!"    


Min Ann'ge's face was sullen. He turned a deaf ear and directly pulled her into the mansion.    


Just as he entered, Luan Zhi could no longer hold it in and shook him off. She massaged her aching wrist and asked, "What are you trying to do?"    


Min Ann'ge stood at the same place without turning his head. Luan Zhi could feel the anger in his heart just by looking at his back and his clenched fists.    


"I should be asking you that." He lowered his voice and said, "About last night's matter, I'll give you a chance to explain. As long as you tell me, I will believe you. "    


He didn't look back, as if he didn't dare to face Luan Zhi. With his back facing her, he tried his best to grab onto the last straw of hope.    


As long as he explained, he would believe it.    


At this moment, as Luan Zhi watched his back, she suddenly felt that Min Ann'ge, who was standing in front of her, was a bit fragile.    


She hurriedly shook her head, seemingly wanting to use this action to throw out the thoughts that had appeared in her mind.    


He clenched his fists and pierced his fingertips into his palm, further strengthening his resolve.    


"There's nothing to explain."    


As soon as Luan Zhi finished her sentence, she vaguely saw Min Ann'ge's body tremble a little. Gradually, his body became taller and firmer, as if he had made some sort of decision.    


That fragile feeling just now seemed to have been just an illusion. It instantly disappeared.    


"If that's the case, then it's fine." he said.    


Luan Zhi, however, was puzzled.    


"What's okay?"    


At this moment, Min Ann'ge finally turned around. His eyes looked calm, but there were no ripples in them. However, it was because of this that Luan Zhi became even more nervous.    


She vaguely felt that the man in front of her was somewhat different.    


"No divorce." Min Ann'ge's voice was especially calm, and he repeated: "Even if you say that I'm taking revenge on you, that's also fine. I'm selfish, but I'll never get a divorce in my life."    


His voice was exceptionally low, and although it was very light, it carried an absolute certainty that no one could refute.    


Luan Zhi frowned. She really didn't understand why he insisted.    


"In that case, when will you be able to …"    


"Never." Min Ann'ge raised his voice and interrupted him. There was a hint of patience in his voice.    


Luan Zhi looked at him and finally understood that no matter what she did, Min Ann'ge wouldn't agree to a divorce.    


As long as he said that, he would definitely do it.    


She clenched her fists and said in a deep voice, "Even if you and I had to be stuck in this marriage forever, you still wouldn't agree?"    


Min Ann'ge's eyes revealed a hint of madness. It seemed that madness had always been there, but it had been hidden before.    


The voice was particularly calm as it said, "That's right. From the moment you approached me, you had already decided that no matter what you did, you would be bound to me for the rest of your life. We will not be separated. Even if we die, we will be buried in the same tomb. "    


He took a step forward and gently caressed Luan Zhi's cheek with his hand.    


"Isn't that good? Didn't you always hope that way? You told me before that you loved being with me the most, and you spent so many years getting close to me, why are you regretting it now? Or did you really change? "    


Luan Zhi frowned, avoiding his movements.    


"To become you, Min Ann'ge. I've followed you for so many years, and you've never paid any attention to me. Is it worth it to lose your life just for revenge? "    


Min Ann'ge's hand stopped in midair. After hesitating for a few seconds, he slowly retracted it back and put it back into his fist. The other hand was pressed against his wrist and tightened around it.    


As he spoke, he said, "I have never taken revenge on you. But since you feel that way, maybe it will make you feel better. "    


Luan Zhi closed her eyes, as though she had given up on tangling with him.    


"Perhaps I was really wrong. After all, people change after such a long time." She shook her head. "I'll move out of here as soon as possible."    


After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.    


Just as she took a step, Min Ann'ge quickly stopped her.    


"There are still reporters waiting for you outside. If you leave, they will definitely surround you."    


"I'd rather face those reporters outside than you."    


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