Lovely Substitute Bride



"I thought you were brave."    


Luan Zhi raised her head in puzzlement at these words. Are you laughing at me? "    


"No." Zhang Ann'yuv had a gentle smile on his face. This was Min Ann'ge, who would dare to talk to him like that? "See, those staff members were scared to death just now, but aren't you brave enough to speak out your opinion and bear the consequences in order to gain your own rights and interests and to not let everyone in the studio waste their efforts?"    


The corner of Luan Zhi's mouth twitched as she revealed an ugly smile.    


"Actually, I'm not brave at all."    


She touched Zhang Ann'yuv's hand and smiled wryly, "Look, my hand is covered in sweat."    


Zhang Ann'yuv took her hands and gently rubbed them.    


"He is also the bravest person in my heart. It was with great difficulty that I managed to get them to agree to that plan. If they were to give up here, wouldn't all their efforts go down the drain? "You must let Min Ann'ge and those people know that your insistence is correct."    


Luan Zhi nodded and immediately got her spirits up.    


"That's right!"    


"She patted her cheeks and quickly put away the information on the table." Let's hurry back to the studio and tell them the news. "    


At this moment, their every move was transmitted through the camera to the CEO's office.    


In the dark room, only the computer screen emitted a faint light on Min Ann'ge's face. Anger quickly gathered in his eyes, rolling into a huge wave and ready to break out at any time.    


On the screen, Luan Zhi and Zhang Ann'yuv's actions were very intimate. Under Zhang Ann'yuv's comforting words, Luan Zhi burst out laughing. The way the two of them sat together looked very much like a pair.    


It was a perfect match.    


Damn good match!    


Min Ann'ge's eyes were glaring at the person on the screen. He wanted to rush in right now and tear the two of them into shreds!    


The assistant stood to the side, terrified. What the hell was going on?    


It was one thing for Luan Zhi and Zhang Ann'yuv, the love rivals to come to the company together, but now they were actually flirting in front of President Min …    


Although it was not really in front of his eyes, Zhang Ann'yuv definitely knew that there was a camera in the meeting room. Zhang Ann'yuv definitely knew that there was a camera in the meeting room.    


"President Min?"    


The moment he opened his mouth, Min Ann'ge suddenly stood up and walked outside without saying a word.    


The assistant hesitated to follow him. Two minutes later, Min Ann'ge's figure appeared on the camera at the door of the meeting room. He was relieved and quietly waited in the room.    


Luan Zhi and Zhang Ann'yuv were finally ready to leave after discussing the details of the cooperation. When she opened the door and saw who was standing outside, Luan Zhi's voice was cut off instantly.    


Min Ann'ge, who he thought had left, suddenly appeared at the door again.    


Luan Zhi quickly took a step back, subconsciously wanting to hide behind Zhang Ann'yuv. However, Min Ann'ge didn't give her the chance. He raised his hand and grabbed, pulling Luan Zhi's wrist and pulling her behind him.    


"What are you doing?" Zhang Ann'yuv was instantly anxious and hurriedly scolded.    


"It has nothing to do with you."    


Min Ann'ge said those words and turned around to look at Luan Zhi. His expression was still ugly as he suddenly said, "Let's go eat together."    


"What?" "Luan Zhi was stunned." Is that why you waited for me to eat? "    


Min Ann'ge nodded with a stiff face.    


"Anything you want to eat is fine. You decide where to eat."    


Luan Zhi hesitated as she glanced at Zhang Ann'yuv. Recalling what happened this time, she indeed had some questions that she wanted to ask Min Ann'ge personally, so she nodded in agreement.    


"Luan Zhi!" Zhang Ann'yuv said worriedly.    


However, Luan Zhi said, "I'm fine. You don't have to worry. It's just a meal."    


Then he turned to leave.    


Min Ann'ge turned around and glanced at Zhang Ann'yuv. His gaze clearly carried contempt and threat as he followed behind Luan Zhi.    


The two of them had just reached the elevator when the elevator door opened with a "Ding dong". It turned out to be Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan. The two of them had a lot of things in their hands, and when they saw Min Ann'ge, they stopped him happily.    


"It's time! "Ann'ge, we made dinner for you."    


"Not interested."    


Min Ann'ge didn't even look at them as he pulled Luan Zhi away.    


However, Lee Daimei refused to give up. She gave Lu Yuan a look and the two of them quickly went up to separate the two.    


"Don't go, Ann'ge. These dishes were your mom's favorite dishes in the past. If you don't eat them, won't you be letting down on our good intentions?" "At that time, if I say something, I can't say for sure …"    


She looked at Luan Zhi meaningfully.    


Min Ann'ge's footsteps were sudden and his face became extremely ugly. His eyes were dark as he turned his head to look at the two of them. His cold gaze seemed to hide a blade that could cut off a piece of flesh at a glance.    


Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan, on the other hand, were confident. Although they were afraid, they did not retreat. They even went up to Luan Zhi and pushed her away, saying, "You can go back alone. Min Ann'ge will not follow you."    


Luan Zhi frowned, she knew the personality of these two people and turned to look at Min Ann'ge.    


"What do you think?"    


Min Ann'ge was silent for a while and then said, "Go back first."    




Luan Zhi thought she had heard wrongly.    


Min Ann'ge looked away. I've booked a restaurant, you can go over for dinner, or I'll be there in a minute... "    


"No need."    


Luan Zhi rejected him directly, turned around and walked into the elevator, and looked at Min Ann'ge, who was standing in front of the elevator door.    


After waiting for a few seconds, the other side didn't come in and just closed the door, disheartened.    




At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.    


Luan Zhi's face instantly lit up. She looked up and saw that the one running over wasn't Min Ann'ge, but Zhang Ann'yuv.    


He put a hand on the elevator door, opened it, and walked to Luan Zhi.    


"I'll accompany you back."    


"No!" Min Ann'ge suddenly said.    


Zhang Ann'yuv turned around and looked at him, with obvious ridicule in his eyes.    


"President Min, if you don't go by yourself, are you still not allowing others to go?"    


Min Ann'ge frowned slightly as he looked at Luan Zhi. However, Luan Zhi avoided his gaze and obviously did not want to reply.    


Zhang Ann'yuv directly pressed the close button, blocking the three people outside the door and left the company.    


Min Ann'ge clenched his fist tightly, his joints releasing cracking sounds due to excessive force. His gaze was fixated on the elevator in front of him, watching the elevator doors close bit by bit. From start to finish, Luan Zhi did not turn back.    


His face contorted as he turned his head to look at the two people behind him. His voice sounded like a devil that had crawled out of hell.    


"What are you guys going to do?"    


"What can we do?" The two of them laughed and said, "I just suddenly remembered your mother's favorite dishes from the past, so I made it for you to have a taste. You might have already forgotten, but your mom really likes my cooking skills when you're young.    


She urged Min Ann'ge towards the office.    


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