Lovely Substitute Bride



"So it's all because of you! Because of you. Now, there was a problem with the company! "It's over!"    


They were about to boast to their family about what they had done in the branch office this afternoon. They were very proud of it. However, when they heard this, they were stunned. "What's wrong?"    


The other party frowned and said unhappily, "It's all because of you! Since yesterday, we have had frequent problems with our lists and projects. Either the collaborators suddenly made a strange request or the project ran into a problem. Even the endorser, the star, suddenly said that he would withdraw the contract. It's not just me, it's a lot of people as well. "    


"Now that several branch companies are putting themselves in danger, after investigation, it turns out that all the source is Min Ann'ge. Earlier, we were still thinking about how we offended him, but we didn't expect the problem to be on you guys. Why wouldn't it be good to provoke him? He had to mess with Luan Zhi! Don't you know that Min Ann'ge is very protective of Luan Zhi? "You guys are bullying her, how could Min Ann'ge stop?"    


The man's face changed.    


"But the last time we met, he didn't even dare to reply."    


"How can this be fake? According to the current situation, within a few days our project will be abandoned. "When this matter gets out of hand, I won't be able to keep my position!"    


The man was scared pale.    


They were quite proud earlier. Not only did they suppress Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi's company at the party, they even went to the branch office to cause trouble. They thought that they had the upper hand, but they never expected that Min Ann'ge actually had a backer waiting for them.    


"So what do we do now?"    


"What else can we do? I can only hope for Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi to stop immediately, otherwise, the entire company will be implicated. "    


"But when will they stop?"    


A few people shook their heads. None of them knew.    


The next day.    


Luan Zhi came to the company and looked around, but she didn't see any of her aunts.    


According to what Luan Feiguang said before, they definitely wouldn't let the matter go and would come looking for trouble for the next few days. But he didn't expect that he would disappear the next day.    


After waiting for two whole days without a trace, they thought that they would eventually give up.    


Unexpectedly, a few days later, when Luan Zhi had just walked out of the meeting room, she saw her aunts, who had come looking for trouble the last time, standing in the corridor.    


"Luan Zhi thought they were here to cause trouble again, so she walked over." After so many days, I thought my aunts weren't coming anymore. What problems do you want to pick today? "    


They looked at each other, bowed their heads in unison, and bowed towards Luan Zhi.    


"We know our wrongs, we won't dare to do it again."    


Luan Zhi was shocked by their sudden actions.    


"What are you all doing?"    


The group hastened to say, "It was us who had eyes in the past, Mt. Tai. Now that we know our wrongs, please forgive us."    


Luan Zhi frowned and turned her head to look at the people beside her, not understanding what they were talking about. Could it be that these aunts suddenly found out after a few days?    


She raised her eyebrows slightly.    


"What happened?"    


They shook their heads.    


"No, we are our own fault. I apologize to you in all seriousness. Forgive us. "    


Luan Zhi was still a little doubtful, but she didn't ask any further questions.    


"Even if you want to apologize, you should apologize to the other staff members you've scolded, not to me."    


The few of them nodded.    


"We'll go right away, so you can forgive us?"    


Luan Zhi became even more confused as to why these people were so persistent about the word "forgive". She nodded her head hesitantly.    


His face lit up, and he quickly turned to leave.    


Luan Zhi was even more confused as she turned to look at Luan Feiguang.    


"What the hell is going on?"    


Luan Feiguang smiled. You should ask my brother-in-law about this. "    


"Min Ann'ge?"    


Luan Zhi was confused, but Luan Feiguang didn't explain anything.    


That night, after Luan Zhi told Min Ann'ge about this matter, the other party already expected it and only smiled.    


"Looks like they're quite tactful."    


"It's really you?" Luan Zhi was surprised. "What did you do?" You actually made them come and apologize to me so quickly. "    


"I only found out that most of their family's businesses were tied up with China Art companies, and if there was a slight restriction, they would immediately reveal their true forms. Before I even opened my mouth, they had already come to apologize to you on their own accord, probably hoping that I would stop as soon as possible."    


Luan Zhi frowned.    


"But when they told me this afternoon, they only said that they found out that they had done something wrong and didn't mention anything about you."    


Min Ann'ge sneered. It seems like they don't know enough mistakes. "    


"You …" Luan Zhi turned her head and looked at Min Ann'ge. There was a hint of a smile in her eyes. When did you know they were after me? "    


"Didn't I already say that day at the party? I've taken down all their names. "    


"Luan Zhi couldn't help but laugh." "I didn't expect you to be so evil, I didn't know that, Mr Min."    


Min Ann'ge smiled gently.    


"There are a lot of things about me that you don't know, okay? Would Miss Luan like to explore it further? "    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she noticed that something was wrong and quickly retreated.    


"No, I think I know you well enough."    


A hint of disappointment appeared in Min Ann'ge's eyes. He was like a hunter who had finally lured his prey to the edge of a trap.    


However, there would definitely be another chance next time.    


"Right." Luan Zhi turned her head to look at her and curiously asked, "Then how long are you going to restrict them?"    


Min Ann'ge said in a deep voice, "Tell me, since young, how many times have they bullied you?"    


Luan Zhi thought about it.    


"When I was young, I was always alone, and when I grew up, I rarely interacted with them. Back then, I was the one bullying them, how can they bully me? " Luan Zhi waved her fist and said excitedly, "Speaking of bullying, it should be because they bullied my parents. But I will help them get it back. You don't have to interfere."    


"Alright." Min Ann'ge dotingly agreed.    


Thus, when the few aunts who came to look for trouble with Luan Zhi came home, they waited for a few days and found that Min Ann'ge's restriction on the company did not stop. The more they thought about it, the angrier they got.    


The next day, he simply went to Luan Zhi. His attitude was completely different from the last time.    


"What exactly is going on? Didn't you say that you will make Min Ann'ge stop? "    


Luan Zhi saw their attitude change drastically as she raised her head to look at them. Did I say that? "    


"You clearly promised us that you would forgive us that day. Why didn't Min Ann'ge stop?"    


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