Lovely Substitute Bride



"I'm sorry!" I'm really sorry! "    


When she spoke the truth, Soong Yaru realized that she could not convince herself at all. That was all she could say.    


Luan Zhi's face also turned red as she sobbed uncontrollably in Min Ann'ge's arms.    


At this moment, the office door opened. A small figure was standing in the doorway, his hand still on the doorknob. Because of his short stature, he was still tiptoeing slightly.    


Seeing Luan Zhi crying, Duo Duo ran over with a flattened mouth. She was about to cry with Luan Zhi, but she still consoled her:    


"Mommy, are those bad guys hitting you? Duo Duo will help you beat him! Mommy, don't cry! "    


The more Duo Duo consoled her, the more Luan Zhi cried!    


She could imagine the helplessness she felt when she was given up.    


Squatting down, Luan Zhi hugged Duo Duo and pressed her face against hers. Yet, her tears continued to flow.    


Duo Duo's large eyes were filled with tears as she used her small hands to help her wipe them away. She even said,    


"Mommy, don't cry! "Don't cry!"    


Min Ann'ge raised his hand and pointed at Soong Yaru, who was wiping her tears on the sofa, then said to Assistant Cao,    


"Send her back!"    


He didn't say anything more and waited for Soong Yaru to leave with Assistant Cao's support. Only then did he walk over to Luan Zhi and Duo Duo's side.    


"I don't believe it, Ann'ge! What about the pictures my mom sent over? I want to see! "    


Luan Zhi raised her teary eyes and looked at Min Ann'ge, unwilling to give up.    


Min Ann'ge sighed and took out a thick packet of information from the locked drawer under the desk.    


Min Ann'ge wanted to carry Duo Duo into his arms, but Duo Duo, who had always been obedient, twisted her body and refused to let him hug her. Her arms tightly wrapped around Luan Zhi's neck.    


Luan Zhi had no choice but to carry her to the sofa and read the stack of documents.    


A lot of them are pictures!    


There was new and old!    


In the old photos, there were actually some discoveries! Isn't there a beautiful woman inside who looked exactly like Soong Yaru when she was young?    


She wore the same qipao, and had the same graceful bearing!    


Although he had experienced the baptism of time, one could still see his calm temperament!    


"She really is!"    


Luan Zhi covered her mouth with her hand. Tears that had just stopped rolling down her face once again.    


After a long and difficult rest, Duo Duo pursed her lips again and went to help Luan Zhi wipe her tears. After crying for a while, beads of sweat started to form on his forehead, as he stuck his fine black hair onto his forehead.    


Gently stroking Duo Duo's hair, Min Ann'ge looked at Luan Zhi and said,    


"Actually, I already knew about it!"    


Luan Zhi raised her head.    




"Do you remember the man who was with you for a while?"    


Luan Zhi had some impression of this:    


"The one wearing the peaked cap?"    


Min Ann'ge nodded and continued:    


"Before that, I already knew that Soong Yaru was your biological mother, but she also felt sorry for you and didn't want you to know about it. He was just worried about your safety, so he sent that man to protect you! "    


"No wonder. No wonder I followed him to her house. But because of the incident with Yang Tianhai, I completely forgot about it. "    


Luan Zhi said. Only after she said that did she realize that Yang Tianhai was her biological father!    


However, such a person was truly unbearable!    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge stopped talking and did not continue. As they gradually calmed down, Luan Zhi carried Duo Duo, who had already fallen asleep from crying, and got into Min Ann'ge's car.    


It was already late at night. The car was like a lonely boat in the ocean, heading home!    


Although Luan Zhi had already eaten some bread when she was at the office, she cried once. She should be hungry by now.    


Min Ann'ge simply cooked three bowls of noodles, woke her up, and fed her some before letting her go back to sleep.    


Luan Zhi used her chopsticks to fiddle with the noodles in the bowl. The noodles entwined with each other, just like her fate, they had an inextricable relationship with many people.    


"Originally, I had already given up on the idea of finding my biological mother! But who would have thought that God would joke with me that his own mother wasn't able to recognize him even after being in front of her for so long! "    


Luan Zhi smiled bitterly.    


Min Ann'ge stretched out his chopsticks and pushed the noodles in her bowl. Miraculously, the noodles spread out one by one and were no longer rolled into a ball.    


He said:    


"Look, as long as I'm here, everything will be settled!"    


Luan Zhi nodded, smiled at him, and started to eat.    


Perhaps it was because he was so hungry, he quickly finished all the noodles in a bowl!    


Luan Zhi touched her warm stomach.    


"It's so good to have you!"    


"Of course!"    


Min Ann'ge rubbed the top of her head, took her over and walked towards the bedroom together.    


On the second day, Luan Zhi fell into a deep slumber.    


When she went down to the living room on the first floor, Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen were already sitting on the sofa.    


Min Ann'ge was sitting beside the two of them.    


Seeing her get down from the sofa, Mei Shanshan walked up to her and held Luan Zhi's hands. She pulled her to the sofa and sat her down.    


"Zhi, we've all heard it from Ann'ge. What are you going to do now? "    


Luan Zhi shook her head.    


"I don't know."    


"Then Jiang Guowei, are you going to help her plead for mercy?"    


Soong Yaruang asked. The reason why Soong Yaru told the truth was because she wanted to convince Luan Zhi to agree to revise Jiang Guowei's judgement.    


However, how could Luan Zhi forgive those who had hurt Duo Duo so easily?    


Not even if he was her mother's current husband!    


"Absolutely not! I will never forgive Jiang Guowei in this life! Such a vile person, only she would willingly go and beg for him! "    


The 'her' that she spoke of, everyone present knew who she was referring to!    




Min Ann'ge was the first to break the silence:    


"Alright, let's not think about it anymore. Let nature take its course! "    


After half a month, Jiang Guowei's final judgment was passed!    


Because Jiang Guowei was a government official, the verdict was posted on all government websites and bulletin boards for a long time.    


Soong Yaru looked at the last few words on the verdict:    


"The death penalty was imposed on 25 March."    


His heart turned cold!    


In this half a month, she still held onto that last sliver of hope, that Luan Zhi could agree to her request for the sake of her own mother!    


It looked like it was all in vain!    


However, thinking about it, she still understood Luan Zhi. After all, if it was her, she would not let Luan Zhi get hurt so easily.    


However, how could fate just happen to be Jiang Guowei?    


On the day that Jiang Guowei's verdict was announced, Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi took Duoduo to Yang Tianhai's cemetery.    


He spent his last days on the street. He died with no relatives to claim his place of residence, and was buried with a few hired men.    


How sad was his fate?    


Luan Zhi looked at the three simple words engraved on the tombstone:    


"Yang Tianhai!"    


He couldn't help but squat down and touch it with his hand.    


This was probably the closest she had ever been to her real father, right?    


Duo Duo held Min Ann'ge's hand and stood aside, unable to understand what had happened. She raised her head and asked Min Ann'ge:    


"Daddy, why is Mommy so sad?"    


A child's intuition is always accurate!    


Luan Zhi's face was indifferent, and there was not even a trace of sadness in her eyes. However, Duo Duo could tell how she was feeling at this moment!    


Min Ann'ge clenched his fists tightly.    


"Duo Duo, it's because there's someone buried here. It's someone your mother knows!"    


Duo Duo asked curiously:    




Min Ann'ge shook his head.    


"He doesn't seem to be a friend."    


"What is Mommy's? Teacher Apple said that when people are not here, they live in the earth. Is it because he's gone that Mummy is sad? "    


she asked innocently.    


Luan Zhi smiled bitterly and stood up. She turned around and took hold of Duoduo's other hand and said:    


"Duo Duo be good. When Duo Duo grows up, I'll understand!"    


Then he looked at Min Ann'ge:    


"Let's go!"    


After walking a distance, Luan Zhi slowly said,    


"No wonder Soong Yaru came to see Yang Tianhai buried!"    


"I think she must have really loved him. Otherwise, she wouldn't have broken up and given birth to her child."    


Min Ann'ge speculated that he thought he had seen through Soong Yaru, but in the end, he found that there were still many interesting things about her.    


For example, how could she be so loyal to Jiang Guowei?    


For example, why did she always have a guilty conscience towards Luan Zhi?    




"Yes," Luan Zhi replied. Just as she was about to leave the cemetery, she turned around and took one last look at Yang Tianhai's grave.    


When he turned around, he had already let go of his father, who he had never touched before!    


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