Lovely Substitute Bride



The Luan Feixian on the screen was quickly sent to the hospital.    


Luan Feixian sat on a new wheelchair after sewing the wound. He listened to a subordinate's report with a dark face.    


"President Luan, we've checked the security. We can't find where the car that caused the accident went!"    




Luan Feixian patted the wheelchair and accidentally touched the wound and hissed again.    


The manager of the company quickly rushed over after hearing the news. However, one of them was rather quick-witted. After hearing the report from his subordinate, he quickly bowed and whispered into Luan Feixian's ear.    


"President Luan, have you offended someone in the last few days?" I think this accident was obviously planned on purpose. I just want your life! "Luckily, the heavens are enlightened. President Luan, you, Hong Fu Tian, are able to escape this calamity!"    


After hearing what he said, Luan Feixian remembered a person!    


Jiang Guowei!    


Speaking of the people he offended recently, he was probably Jiang Guowei!    


Didn't he just plan to get rid of me yesterday? You want to die so quickly?    


He thought about the reason why he came here, it was because he received a call from Jiang Guowei to meet up with him. Unfortunately for them, they encountered a car accident on the way!    


This couldn't help but cause him to think too much!    


"Damn it!" "If you really want to kill laozi …"    


Luan Feixian muttered.    


When the surrounding people saw that he was like this, they guessed that he had been set up by someone, so they didn't dare to speak carelessly and just lowered their heads in silence.    


Luan Feixian left the hospital. During this time, Jiang Guowei called several times, but none of them answered, leaving the phone ringing.    


In the end, Jiang Guowei just stopped fighting.    


Luan Feixian was annoyed, but he received news about his grandfather!    


The Luan Building case is about to begin!    


When Luan Zhi received the court's second summons, she called Luan Shen in confusion.    


Previously, when Luan Shen helped her solve this case, he was obstructed by Fourth Master Luan!    


There was no other way. The case was going as planned.    


However, Luan Shen's friend told him that this was just going through the procedure. After all, the court had also seen the information that Luan Shen had provided!    


Luan Zhi finally felt a little relieved. Just in case, she told Min Ann'ge about it.    


Min Ann'ge nodded, put his arm around her waist and said:    


"I'll go with you. At that time, Luan Feixian will definitely be there too. He probably already thought about what he should do in the next few days, what he needs now is a piece of the east wind like us. Let's go and help him! "    


"Hehe!" Good! "However, this is a court, so it's better to keep it in check. Don't scare me again!"    


A cold light flashed in Min Ann'ge's eyes. For those kind of people, if they didn't need him, how could he have a good face?    


On the day of the hearing, Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge saw Luan Feixian walk in with several people surrounding him. A new wheelchair looked brand-new!    


When Luan Feixian saw Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge look over, he turned his head and tried to avoid them.    


But why would Luan Zhi give him that chance?    


The two of them walked forward and blocked Luan Feixian's path.    


"How's it going, Luan Feixian?"    


Luan Zhi held Min Ann'ge's arm and asked.    


Luan Feixian snorted and ignored him.    


However, a lackey behind him said:    


"Who do you think you are? "Don't …"    


Before he could finish his words, he was slapped in the face, and was forced back several steps.    


"Talked to you? Get out! "    


Min Ann'ge moved his wrist, while his cold gaze fell on that person's face.    


Luan Feixian twitched his head.    


The man finally walked out of the courtroom.    


"Luan Feixian, even though you've been thinking about my things, I still want to advise you. If you're stupid, then remember to leave a path for yourself! After all, you don't know when you'll end up in dire straits! Don't you think so? "    


Luan Zhi narrowed her eyes as she looked at him, a faint smile appearing on her face.    


Min Ann'ge's expression froze, as he did not want to give Luan Feixian any face. It was already a blessing that he was able to suppress his urge to attack him!    


"Retreat?" "You mean?"    


Luan Feixian had experienced the car accident, although not much injury, but in his heart he was sure it was Jiang Guowei who did it.    


After hearing Luan Zhi's words, he became vigilant and immediately asked.    


"Weren't you always together with Jiang Guowei? How about it? Do you want to give up on the dark? Let me remind you in advance, Jiang Guowei is well-known for his viciousness. It would be better for you to cooperate with us if you work with him. "    


Luan Zhi was a kind and patient person.    


Luan Feixian was quite smart and wasn't convinced by Luan Zhi's words at all. Instead, he asked,    


"Cooperate with you? I'm not an idiot. "    


Luan Zhi glanced at Min Ann'ge and the two of them smiled at each other. They both had the same thought in their minds.    


Yes, you're not an idiot. Let's see if you'll fall for it!    


Luan Zhi said.    


"If you don't believe me, then forget it." However, although Jiang Guowei was currently running for governor, he still had another competitor. Although I'm not optimistic about the deputy mayor, after all, they are on the same side of the road! In my opinion, Jiang Guowei has a lot of risks! Are you sure you want to continue with him? "    


Luan Feixian was also very concerned about the number of votes the governor would vote for. Naturally, he knew what Luan Zhi said was true!    


Seeing Luan Feixian start to ponder over it, Luan Zhi pursed her lips and smiled. The goal has been achieved!    


The two left arm in arm and sat in the first row.    


Beside them sat Luan Shen and Mei Shanshan.    


"Mom, don't worry! Dad and I are both ready! "    


Luan Zhi said as she held Mei Shanshan's hand.    


Mei Shanshan nodded.    


Luan Feixian sat on the other side of the plaintiff's bench, while the high-paying lawyer sat beside him, constantly reminding him to answer the judge's questions.    


As the plaintiff, Luan Feixian was very absent-minded. As long as Jiang Guowei was around, he would be fine.    


Seeing him at times conflicted and occasionally angry, Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge concluded that he had taken the bait!    


This time, as the plaintiff, Luan Zhi didn't even open her mouth to say a word. All the work was done by their lawyers. After all, with so much evidence laid out there, even if the lawyers Luan Feixian hired were all talented, it would still be difficult for them to win this case.    


Sure enough, it was just like Luan Shen said. It was just a formality!    


Because Luan Feixian's heart was not here, he did not have much of a reaction. Even if he lost the case, he only replied for a moment before continuing to think about his own matters!    


"Zhi, when you go back, quickly put away all the information. Who knows if these people will use this method again! "Be careful."    


Luan Shen looked at Luan Feixian who was pushed out of the court and said.    


Luan Shen hated this descendant of the Luan family a hundred times!    


It was one thing if he didn't study, but it was another if he was a popinjay, and he actually made trouble for his own family!    


If you have the ability, then use all of that cleverness on others!    


He would act in an unreasonable manner!    


What kind of hero is he?!    


However, he was used to buying people's hearts. With Fourth Master Luan's support, he was gradually able to match up to the forces that he had operated for so many years!    


Min Ann'ge nodded and said:    


"Dad, we know. You and Mom need to be careful! "    


Mei Shanshan smiled.    


"We understand. I'm still waiting for things to come to an end before you take us on holiday! Don't work too hard, your bodies are more important! I think Zhi is getting thinner! "    


"Mom, where did I go?"    


Luan Zhi pouted.    


"You're still acting like a spoiled child!" "You don't feel ashamed of it!"    


Mei Shanshan poked her nose and teased.    


"Mom, no matter how old I am, aren't I your child in front of you? So what if he was acting coquettishly with his own mother? I'd love to! "Hehe!"    


Luan Zhi said as she leaned her head on Mei Shanshan's shoulder.    


Mei Shanshan couldn't do anything about her. Although she said that she was being frivolous, she was still happy in her heart!    


Even if Luan Zhi knew that they weren't her biological parents, she would still love them as much as before!    


That's good!    


After returning home, Min Ann'ge gave Assistant Cao a call.    


When Luan Zhi walked over, he had already ended the call.    


"Tomorrow is the time for Luan Feixian to make his decision! "Beat the iron while it's hot, don't give him a chance to catch his breath."    


The next day, all the media companies under Min Ann'ge's name released a message.    


"The truth of Yang Tianhai's murder case has been revealed. The mayor's lead has finally been revealed!"    


There was a picture posted in this message. It was the SUV in Luan Feixian's villa. It did not have a license plate and there was a dent in the upper right corner of the tail!    


The information even gave Jiang Guowei a thumbs-up, telling him that the killer's car was found by the mayor!    


Many reporters rushed over to interview Jiang Guowei, but they were stopped at the door!    


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