Lovely Substitute Bride



"Who are you?"    


Min Xinduo sensed something strange and asked again.    


There was still no answer from the other end of the phone.    


"Chen Feifann, is that you?" How childish! You've done the same trick twice, and your way of chasing a girl is so bad! "    


After some thought, Min Xinduo continued,    


"If you call me again, I'll call the police!"    


After saying that, he fiercely hung up the phone.    


In junior high school, Chen Feifann had also used such childish tricks. Every night, he would make a phone call without saying a word.    


It could be said that his heart was slightly abnormal!    


How boring!    


Min Xinduo threw her phone aside and hugged the soft quilt. She comforted herself not to be angry, but to close her eyes and fall asleep.    


It was a full moon! The moon was shining like a jade plate in the middle of the sky.    


The moon was a little different today. It seemed to be a lot bigger than usual. It fell from the sky as if it was within reach!    


The summer night's wind was refreshing. Many people had their windows open when they slept, letting the wind that occasionally passed through the hall disperse the sultry heat of the day.    


Min Xinduo slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was the full moon!    


"Hmm? "Where am I?"    


Her mind was still muddled, as if her body had awoken while her soul was still sleeping. He shook his head before sitting up.    


Only now did he see where he was.    


She was half lying in a pile of rubble, a roof of tiles, strictly speaking. All around them were almost all green brick houses, with roofs stretching out in rows until the fog obscured the view.    


"Where am I?"    


She had never seen such a house in real life. Every day, she would come in contact with buildings that were either tall or concrete. She had only seen such an old-fashioned house on TV.    


Before she could figure out where she was, Min Xinduo felt her body slip. Before she could react, she had already started sliding towards the edge of the sloping roof.    


Dust accumulated in the cracks of the roof tiles, and the seeds brought by the wind took root, blooming into small, fiery flowers.    


"Undead Bird!"    


Min Xinduo recognized these plants that she had learned from her lessons. She wanted to catch these plants that were full of life, but she could not stop them from slipping away.    


Just as she was about to slip to the edge, Min Xinduo saw that the eaves were about five to six meters above the ground. Falling down at this height was very painful!    


Min Xinduo was still in her pajamas. Her feet were bare, and she did not wear shoes.    


Just as she thought she was about to make intimate contact with the earth, Min Xinduo's body was blocked by something.    


Turning his head, he saw that it was a person!    


A man!    


His long legs were wrapped in black pants, straight and slender!    


Standing firmly on the edge of the eaves, he had become Min Xinduo's last hope!    


Min Xinduo immediately hugged the man's long legs. Her gaze followed the black pants up and met with a silver mask!    


The mask covered the man's entire face, revealing only his eyes and his neat short hair.    


"Thank you …"    


Min Xinduo thanked him.    


"Let go!"    


The word "cold" came out emotionlessly from behind the mask. It sounded somewhat dull.    


Min Xinduo was no fool. If she let go now, wouldn't she fall down? Plus, he took the initiative to come over and save her.    


Thinking of this, not only did Min Xinduo not let go, she tightened her grip on the man's leg.    


The man's eyes deepened and he slightly narrowed them. He was not used to the softness coming from his legs. Suppressing the urge to shake her off, he said again:    


"Let go of your hand."    


Even if she let go of his hand, she wouldn't fall.    


This woman who was afraid of death!    


"I don't! Unless you tell me why I'm here? What is this place? "Who are you?"    


Min Xinduo lowered her head and asked all her doubts in one breath.    


This place was too unfamiliar to her!    


And this man in front of him didn't look like a bad guy!    


He wouldn't let himself fall, she was sure.    


The man looked up and down the rooftops, but didn't answer Min Xinduo's question.    


"You're too noisy!"    


Min Xinduo curled her lips. She wasn't scared so easily. She wasn't afraid of anything!    


No, that was the old her!    


She was afraid now!    


Ji Yuqing!    


Tsk, in such a tense moment, why would she think of that person?    


Min Xinduo dispiritedly said as she wiped away the bone-piercing eyes in her mind:    


"Anyway, you won't harm me! As long as you answer my question, I will consider letting go! "    


Just thinking.    


"It's too late."    


The man's voice came from above.    


Min Xinduo raised her head and looked at him blankly when she heard his words. However, all she saw was his Adam's apple and looked in the direction that he was looking at. A black shadow was squatting on the rooftop opposite her.    


There were many undead birds on the roof of this place, covering the lower half of the shadow.    


"What's that?"    


Min Xinduo asked. The shadow gave her a bad feeling, and even his face was covered by a huge black hood, making it impossible to see his face.    


"Don't talk."    


The man stopped her with a low voice. With a tug of his right hand, Min Xinduo, who was initially lying on the ground, was pulled up.    


A ray of light flashed into Min Xinduo's eyes!    


This kind of light was extremely eye-catching in the night!    




The person facing him had a knife with him!    


The appearance of this thing made Min Xinduo nervous.    


The man at her side stared at her for a while, then threw a rope around Min Xinduo's waist, lowering her to the ground.    


Min Xinduo, who was full of doubts, was untying the rope around her waist when she heard a low shout from the masked man on the roof.    




There was a narrow alley between the houses. There was only a dim yellow light at the end, making it the only light in the night.    


Min Xinduo turned her head to look at the masked man.    


"If you don't want to die, then run!"    


The man urged again.    


Min Xinduo dashed toward the only lighthouse.    


A shadow passed over her head.    


It was the man with Yin Mian's gear who crossed the alley and jumped onto the roof where Shadow was.    


Then came the sound of tiles breaking!    


Min Xinduo knew that the black shadow was definitely not a good person!    


Right now, they could only run!    


If he ran out of this alley, perhaps under the bright light, he would be able to return to the civilized world that he was familiar with.    


When his bare feet stepped on the cold and rough stone pavement, it was somewhat stinging, but he could only endure it.    


What Min Xinduo was worried about was all that man, Yin Mian, and she wondered how he was doing.    


In her heart, she had already regarded him as her savior. Even though he didn't know anything about what had happened tonight.    


Min Xinduo was not slow and soon arrived under the street light. Indeed, there was a fork in the road next to them. The other road was different. It was asphalt and there were white lines on the ground.    


Time did not give Min Xinduo a chance to hesitate!    


Turning a corner, Min Xinduo darted onto the tarmac. This road looked exactly the same as the road she usually saw, the isolation belt, road signs, and the traffic lights at the intersection. It was exactly the same!    


The only difference was, there was no car!    


There were also no pedestrians!    


Min Xinduo's chest was heaving up and down as she breathed in the chilly air. She didn't know if she should take the left or the right path.    


Since they were so close to the black shadow, it was safer to get away as soon as possible.    


Min Xinduo didn't care too much about it. She turned right and ran to the right. Not long after, there was another crossroad. It was still a completely unfamiliar place.    


"What's going on?"    


Despair assaulted Min Xinduo, but she quickly cast it aside.    


She couldn't be trapped here.    


Since he didn't know them anyway, he might as well go along with the flow!    


She continued to run in the same direction.    


Strangely, the doors and windows on both sides of the road were tightly shut. Even when Min Xinduo knocked loudly on the door, she was unable to get any response.    


It seemed to be an empty city!    


He could only run!    


After running for an unknown amount of time, she finally saw the name of a street that was no longer unfamiliar to her. She ran along the road sign in excitement, but her body suddenly fell limply to the ground.    


When Min Xinduo regained consciousness, she was already lying on her bed in her bedroom.    


On the soft pink quilt was a flamingo, familiar to her.    


Blinking her eyes, Min Xinduo muttered:    


"Was it a dream last night?"    


He slightly moved his legs and felt a swelling pain.    


When the blanket was lifted, the soles of his feet were already covered in dust.    


"It's not a dream."    


This all reminded Min Xinduo that what happened last night was real. She was sleeping in her own house, but she suddenly appeared in a strange place. She met two strangers, one to protect her, the other to harm her.    


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