Lovely Substitute Bride



Boom! *    


Min Xinduo sent him flying with a kick!    


"The driver was caught off guard and fell to the ground. He looked at the scene in shock." You, why are you still awake? "    


Min Xinduo stood up and checked the dust on her body. She stood in front of Faang Yuanyuan and Liu Yiyi with a cold smile on her face.    


"You think you can lie to me? It's still early! "    


— —    


At the villa on the mountaintop, Ji Yuqing was sitting by the window with his fingers rapidly tapping on the keyboard of his laptop. Suddenly, he felt his heart beating faster.    


Tom came running over with a worried look on his face.    


Ji Yuqing had a bad feeling about this!    


"Something happened on the mountain path."    


Ji Yuqing suddenly stood up and ran to the control room without a word. Over a hundred surveillance cameras had already filled the entire mountain.    


As long as they entered the area, there would be no place to hide!    


Ji Yuqing glanced over and saw the two figures running in the only scene.    


It was Min Xinduo!    


He immediately recognized that the one running in front was Min Xinduo! As she ran, she pulled out her cell phone and looked at it.    


Not twenty meters behind her, a fat, obese, middle-aged man was ferociously chasing her. He pointed towards Min Xinduo's direction, obviously not a good person!    


Courting death!    


On the mountain path, Min Xinduo finally managed to lure them away with great difficulty. Seeing that Yuan Yuan and the others were already safe, her expression changed.    


He lifted his hands and stretched his limbs.    


"Coincidentally, I haven't been exercising for a long time."    


"Creak ~ ~ ~"    


An ear-piercing sound of brakes suddenly rang out. Before the two of them could react, they saw Ji Yuqing running towards them with big strides, kicking the driver in the ribs.    


The driver's arms went numb from the pain. He involuntarily let go of Min Xinduo's legs and rolled to the other side.    


Ji Yuqing walked over and stepped on the driver's face.    


"Do you know whose territory this is?"    


In his eyes, the driver on the ground was no different from an ant!    


The driver gasped for breath. Seeing that Ji Yuqing was still young and was about the same age as his son, he became braver and shouted in dissatisfaction:    


"Little brat, don't meddle in other people's business!"    


Before he could finish, his face was in pain.    


Ji Yuqing stepped heavily on his face.    


"Looks like I have to teach you a lesson!"    


Ye Zichen raised his foot, and kicked the driver heavily in the stomach before he could finish feeling happy.    


The driver's fat body slid back two meters and he felt his stomach churning.    


But it was not the end!    


Ji Yuqing followed and kicked his stomach a few times. Only when the driver started vomiting did he dodge to the side.    


Min Xinduo was stunned on the spot. What was going on?    


Isn't it a bit too fast?    


She hasn't started yet!    


It wasn't easy for him to get a chance to be a punching bag, but he was actually snatched away right in front of his eyes!    


Ji Yuqing walked to her side, picked her up without saying anything and walked towards the sports car.    


Min Xinduo pulled Ji Yuqing by the collar and was furious!    


"What are you doing?" Put me down! If you want to save me, then go find Yuan Yuan and the others. "    


"Don't worry!" They'll be fine. "    


No matter how hard she struggled, Min Xinduo carried her into the car and headed for the villa at the peak of the mountain.    


Faang Yuanyuan and Liu Yiyi had brought them back and were lying unconscious on the sofa.    


Min Xinduo raised her fist and took advantage of Ji Yuqing's dodging to quickly jump down and run to Yuan Yuan's side. Are they all right? "    


"That person was lured away by you, they are fine."    


"I'm worried about you!" He whispered in dissatisfaction: "I don't know if you will be interested in women or not."    


Hearing that, Ji Yuqing raised his eyebrows slightly.    


"Looks like you're full of energy and vitality. Then, you should just stay here and watch over them while they rest."    


With that, he walked up the stairs.    


"Go and bring him back."    


"Bring it back?" Tom came out from the corner, puzzled, and looked at the room where the three were.    


Ji Yuqing nodded with a grave expression on his face.    


"I'll temporarily lock him up in the basement."    


This villa was not only expensive on the surface, but it was also well-developed underground. In times of emergency, it could even be used as a refuge.    


This was the real reason why Ji Yuqing bought this place!    


Tom felt Ji Yuqing's anger, so he didn't say anything else. He stood up and walked to the outside, and patted Ji Yuqing on the shoulder when he passed by him.    


When they returned to the living room, Min Xinduo was still sitting beside Faang Yuanyuan and Liu Yiyi, as if she was really worried that she would harm them.    


Wasn't this woman too vigilant?    


Ji Yuqing was helpless. He walked over, suddenly picked her up and threw her onto the sofa.    


The soft sofa bounced, but it did not hurt.    


Min Xinduo jumped in fright, and quickly turned her head to look at him, fuming.    


"Hey, what are you doing?"    


To be so rude to a lady, it was the face of a nouveau riche!    


Min Xinduo stretched out her hands to take a look. In the fight just now, there were some scratches on her palms. Although they were not deep, the blood drops had already dried up.    


"Don't touch it!"    


Ji Yuqing frowned and quickly pulled her hand over.    


"Does it hurt?"    


"Nonsense!" You can try it once if you're injured. "    


"I was the same two days ago, and it was all thanks to you!"    


Ji Yuqing opened his mouth lightly. Originally, it was just a teasing remark, but because he was expressionless, it became a denouncement in Min Xinduo's ears!    


"I mistook you for someone else. Who told you to wear the same kind of clothes as that scum? "Well, I'm sorry."    


Min Xinduo complained in a low voice. As she spoke, she felt a little guilty!    


This person had even just saved Faang Yuanyuan and Liu Yiyi. Even though he didn't have to come forward, he could completely deal with them.    


"Uh, thank you!"    


Min Xinduo added.    


"This is the first time I've seen someone say 'sorry' and 'thank you' so smoothly."    


Ji Yuqing said.    


Min Xinduo raised her head and looked at Ji Yuqing.    


"Hey, I'm apologizing to you. At least say something nice!"    


He really didn't know what Ji Yuqing was thinking. Not only did he look like a cold-faced iceberg, he didn't even know how to speak.    


Ji Yuqing shrugged indifferently.    


"I'm just telling the truth."    


Was the undisguised truth so hard to accept? That was because their endurance was too weak.    


"My name is Ji Yuqing, don't call me Hey."    


Min Xinduo rolled her eyes in annoyance. Because her face was swollen, it looked a lot more comical.    


"You don't remember that name at all?"    


Ji Yuqing looked straight at Min Xinduo, wanting to see a little bit of her strangeness.    


However, Min Xinduo had no reaction to this name and shook her head.    


"I know your name is Ji Yuqing, you don't need to emphasize it again and again. My name is Min Xinduo! "    


"I know."    


Ji Yuqing walked back to his workbench. He looked at Min Xinduo's appearance and said,    


"The bathroom is over there. You can go wash it."    


She looked just like a little kitten. Although she was lovable, it was likely that the wounds on her body needed to be tidied up.    


Min Xinduo looked hesitantly at Ji Yuqing, who had lowered his head to work, then walked towards the bathroom.    


The bathroom was very large. As soon as he entered, he saw that it was a washstand. The mirror was surrounded by crystals, and there was not a single stain on it.    


There were two cups on the washstand, each with a toothbrush. Presumably, the other one belonged to Ji Yuqing's uncle.    


Strangely, there was no one around. Could it be that his uncle had gone out today?    


Min Xinduo looked down at the small wound on her hand. Although it was not serious, if she were to be found out, she would definitely be taught a lesson.    


"Forget it, let's take a bath first." "Go and ask Ji Yuqing later, I need some elixirs and cures!"    


She still remembered that the injury she left on Ji Yuqing's face two days ago wasn't any less than the injury she suffered today. However, he recovered the next day and looked even more handsome!    


Min Xinduo's clothes were covered in mud and she threw them on the ground.    


When he finished his bath, he found that there was no change of clothes.    


He couldn't just pick up the dirty clothes on the floor and put them on, right?    


He searched around the bathroom and found a small cabinet. Inside the cabinet were a few shirts.    


Not caring about anything else, Min Xinduo picked one up and put it on. It was a little big and loose, but not transparent.    


He picked up another shirt and tied it around his waist, using it as a skirt.    


Looking left and right in the bathroom mirror to make sure nothing was amiss, he walked out of the bathroom.    


Just as he opened the bathroom door, he almost bumped into someone.    


Ji Yuqing looked down. Min Xinduo was wearing her own clothes, and her washed hair looked darker. It was curled up just right and was dripping with water.    


She was half a head shorter than Ji Yuqing, and just in time to see his collarbone.    


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