Lovely Substitute Bride



"No wonder he's out in the wilderness. That rabbit is so fat!"    


When Min Xinduo heard this, she curled her lips and said this sentence, which caused Xiao Wu to laugh.    


"How is it? Do you remember anything? "    


Ji Yuqing asked nervously.    


Min Xinduo shook her head.    




She would not question the effects of this pill, so she could only console him:    


"The effects won't be that fast."    


However, after staying in the room for two whole hours, there were still no signs of them regaining their memories.    


Ji Yuqing called the doctor that made the pills, but he was told that it would take a period of time, three to five days at the very least, or even a month.    


"Why don't you tell me something we used to know? The ones I forgot. "    


When Min Xinduo saw that he looked like he wanted to beat her up, she suggested with a smile.    


Yet, he was mercilessly rejected by Ji Yuqing:    


"This is useless!" You have to remember it yourself. "    


Otherwise, how would he even know if she was his Duo Duo?    


Min Xinduo answered in a slightly depressed tone, her head drooping as she played with her fingertips.    


The room quieted down.    


Ji Yuqing suppressed his agitated mood and pulled Min Xinduo over. He sat on his lap and said with a smile,    


"No problem, I have plenty of time."    


She seemed to have lost weight again, sitting on her lap without any weight. Her weak and helpless appearance made his heart ache slightly!    


Then he added:    


"Ask Zhang's mother to make a few dishes to supplement your favorite one."    


Min Xinduo pursed her lips and smiled.    


"Hehe, all the dishes I like to eat are mediocre, you don't have any nutrients huh? How can I supplement it? "    


All she had heard was that nutrition should be based on scientific evidence, like what Mommy did, and every now and then she would get people to send boxes of walnut milk to school.    


But she didn't like the taste of walnuts at all.    


Ji Yuqing seemed to be worried. He opened his phone and fiddled with it for a while before saying:    


"Alright!" "Let's go and replenish our nourishment later!"    




Min Xinduo tilted her head and looked at him suspiciously, like a curious kitten.    


Ji Yuqing didn't answer her.    


Soon, Min Xinduo understood why Ji Yuqing said that.    


When she arrived at the dining hall, she discovered that everything on the dining table was filled with nourishment. Golden silk swallow nest, abalone, fish fin, they were all sacred among the supplements!    


"How can we treat all these as food?"    


Min Xinduo smiled bitterly.    


Ji Yuqing raised his eyebrows, walked over and sat down, then urged her:    


"Why can't I? Eat all these! "    


"Eat them all? Ji Yuqing, are you sure you aren't mistaken? After eating all of this, aren't you afraid that I'll bleed from my nose? "    


Min Xinduo was amused by his serious tone.    


"If you don't eat it, I'll give it to the gold and silver ingots in the backyard."    


Ji Yuqing threatened.    


The Origin Treasure was the name Min Xinduo had given to the wolfdogs here, one gold and one silver.    


While Min Xinduo was in the yard barking the new names of the two wolfdogs and playing with them, Ji Yuqing had even mercilessly mocked her naming standard.    


After that, the name spread throughout the villa.    


It was obvious that he received the approval of his master, Ji Yuqing.    


"How can such a precious item be wasted?"    


Min Xinduo puffed up her cheeks as her mouth was filled with food. She raised her eyes to complain to Ji Yuqing, who was still motionlessly opposite her, and ate the bowl of tonic at the same time.    


"I can't do it, I really can't eat even one bite. I say, Ji Yuqing, why aren't you eating at all, you're just trying to push me to death right? "    


Even though she said that, she was still secretly delighted in her heart.    


He specifically ordered for these expensive supplements to be made. He must be feeling sorry for himself!    


It had only been two months since she entered senior year, but she had already reduced so much. Under the immense pressure from the outside, she was unable to cope with it.    


In comparison, he was much more carefree during the weekend in this villa. There were no teachers buzzing in his ears, nor were there piles of exam papers to simulate.    


Ji Yuqing grinned and said confidently:    


"Can you compete with me? I don't need to eat these supplements, but my physical fitness can completely keep up. Furthermore, I don't need to drink walnut milk, so my brain is still better than yours. "    


Min Xinduo knew that what he said was true. In the previous test, he was once again first place, but she always felt displeased with his tone. She pouted her lips and said:    


"Narcissist …"    


"Not only am I narcissistic, there are even more people who love me!"    


Ji Yuqing became more and more pleased with himself. He crossed his arms and smiled at Min Xinduo leisurely.    


"Yes, yes, yes. I know this much better than you do, Master School Grass!"    


Ji Yuqing's popularity had always been high in the school. If it wasn't for Qin Duo'er's sudden appearance, more girls would probably rush over like moths to a flame.    


Regardless of whether it was the external conditions or the internal cultivation character, everyone agreed that Qin Duo'er was the woman with the highest EQ!    


She was good to everyone, she was good at everything, and she got the best results.    


Ji Yuqing Ying's eyes narrowed before he said:    


"How is it? After you've eaten your fill, do you remember anything? "    


"Uh, no."    


Min Xinduo shook her head.    


Ji Yuqing stood up without a word and walked out of the villa.    


"Hey, you haven't eaten yet. Where are you going?"    


Min Xinduo shouted, her mouth still smeared with grease.    


Tom walked down the stairs to the dining table. He picked up the rest of the food on the table and started eating. As he ate, he praised,    


"This taste isn't bad. Zhang's mother's cooking skills are getting better and better!" Aiya, this is delicious too! "    


Tom boasted so loudly that Zhang's mother, who was beside him, felt embarrassed, and hurried into the kitchen.    


Min Xinduo looked at him blankly. After a long while, she asked,    


"How many days have you not eaten?"    


Tom put down the bowl in his hand, waved his big hand, and said:    


"It's not that you haven't eaten, it's that you haven't eaten these good things in a long time! "Little fellow, you have no conscience. I am the one who needs to be nourished after getting injured."    


He then repeatedly sighed three times.    


Min Xinduo covered her mouth and chuckled.    


"You look so lively, you don't look like one! Uncle Tom, have you really been missing for a long time? "    


"That's right! Jerry and I accidentally fell off a cliff in East Africa and walked for a month in the Rift Valley before we found our way out. You've never seen it before, how scary it is inside, what's there to eat and what's not, and there's cannibal fish in the river, hehe! "    


Tom shook his head and gave a big talk, and finally said:    


"Xiao Duoduo, you'd better not disappoint our boss!"    


Min Xinduo's face was burning from his gaze. Her heart was as sweet as if she had eaten honey. Smiling, she expressed her gratitude.    


"Uncle Tom, thank you!"    


Although they hadn't known each other for very long and they hadn't spent much time together, she had to show that she was willing to work hard to find medicine for her. She quickly pushed the supplement cup that she had only taken a single mouthful of.    


Tom smiled and was about to take it when he suddenly reached out a hand, drank up the tonic in one gulp, and looked at Tom with a half-smile.    


"Sister Jerry!"    


Min Xinduo shouted.    


The person who came was red-haired Jerry. He stood beside Tom with a bewitching body and said mischievously:    


"What is it? I've already eaten, and you still want to eat? Aren't you afraid that Ji Yuqing will sew your mouth shut? "    


Being drunk by her, Tom was like a mouse seeing a cat, and said with a fawning smile:    


"Why did you come down?" Didn't you say that I would bring you the food later? Do you feel any pain from your wounds? "    


His concern was obvious!    


Jerry slapped his hand away in annoyance. When he turned around to face Min Xinduo, his attitude took a 180 degree turn as he smiled and said:    


"Duo Duo, long time no see!" How about we go for a walk in the city later? "    


Min Xinduo nodded repeatedly.    


Although Jerry was skilled, he was still a woman after all. If he wasn't busy with regular work, she would have already traveled across the city with Min Xinduo.    


Tom shouted that he wanted to follow along, but was scared away by Jerry's supercilious look. In the end, he could only stand at the villa's entrance and wave goodbye like a resentful woman.    


Jerry drove while Min Xinduo sat in the front passenger seat. The two of them headed towards the city center.    


Min Xinduo was very happy to see her good friend whom she had not seen for a long time. She walked around the shopping mall for a long time, carrying a lot of bags with her. When she went to the front desk to check, Jerry reached out a hand with a bank card in his hand.    


"Here, use my credit card. It's a little gift for you."    


Min Xinduo refused with a smile:    


"Sister Jerry, I know you are a Interpol, you don't need this bit of money. But you don't need to waste these things. "    


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