Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi hurried over, bending down slightly to lean against the window.    


"Where are you going?"    


Min Ann'ge didn't expect him to chase them out and a hint of surprise flashed across his eyes.    


"There's a liquidized wine party over at the crew's side. We're going to take part in it. I might be a bit late tonight."    


Luan Zhi didn't say anything. She lowered her head to look at her cotton slippers and didn't move away either.    


Min Ann'ge looked at her and advised, "Go back first. It's cold outside, be careful of catching a cold."    


Luan Zhi nodded and said after a while, "If you don't like me going for a show, then I won't be going in the future."    


When Min Ann'ge heard this, he immediately had mixed feelings.    


However, looking at the disappointed expression on Luan Zhi's face, it was obvious that she was begging for help.    


He could not say anything, but he opened his mouth and said, "If you want to go anywhere to participate in the event, you don't need to worry about me."    


Min Ann'ge wanted to tell Luan Zhi in the shortest words that he could do whatever he wanted.    


However, when Luan Zhi heard this, she became angry.    


She frowned at Min Ann'ge and didn't say anything for a long time.    


He pursed his lips, clenched his teeth, and said, "I understand."    


After saying that, he took a few steps back and watched as the car slowly disappeared from his sight. Finally, he turned around and returned to the villa.    


A rock was hanging in Luan Zhi's heart, making her feel depressed.    


Min Ann'ge had been gone for so long. During the filming, the two of them could only communicate with each other over the phone, they didn't even meet.    


He had just returned after such a long time, and the two of them had already quarreled, causing people to feel unhappy.    


Min Ann'ge said that he was going to participate in the liveliness party, but from Luan Zhi's point of view, it was definitely because he was angry at her that he chose to leave.    


In the past few months, she had been hoping that Min Ann'ge would come back.    


Now that he had finally returned, it was only with great difficulty that he had managed to drive away his popularity.    


Luan Zhi was a bit regretful. If she had known this would happen, she would have rather not participated in the show.    


She had always been a straightforward person. If there was any conflict, she would resolve it today.    


Luan Zhi made up her mind and sat in the living room. She decided to explain everything to Min Ann'ge when he came back.    


However, when the sky gradually turned dark, no one came back.    


She couldn't help but go to the window and look outside. The sky had already turned completely dark.    


Min Ann'ge rarely participated in private activities, so he usually came back early after work. This was the first time he didn't come back yet.    


Did he really get angry?    


Luan Zhi took out her cell phone and hesitated for a moment before dialing Min Ann'ge's number.    


The voice on the phone stayed busy for a long time before it finally connected.    


Before Luan Zhi could say anything, she heard loud noises coming from the other side.    


"Min Ann'ge, are you still at the Green Killing Wine Guild?" She raised her voice slightly.    




Min Ann'ge's voice came from the other side, suppressed by the background music.    


Luan Zhi had to concentrate in order to hear clearly.    


Min Ann'ge said, "We'll be back soon."    


Luan Zhi frowned as she heard the racket in the background.    


He had thought that they would be having dinner at a restaurant or at a party, but from the music, it seemed like they had gone somewhere else.    


She wanted to ask, but remembering that they had just quarreled, she swallowed back the words that were on the tip of her tongue.    


"Then be careful, I'll be waiting for you at home." Luan Zhi said.    


Luan Zhi paused for a moment before replying, "I'll be right back. There's no need to worry."    


After saying that, the two hung up the phone.    


Luan Zhi had been sitting in the living room. When she thought about what Min Ann'ge said, she felt slightly relieved.    


He said he would be back soon.    


Just as he was thinking, his phone suddenly rang.    


A text came in.    


She took it over and saw that it was from Min Ann'ge. There was only one sentence on the screen.    


— I'm at the Litian Hotel 504. Come over.    


When Luan Zhi saw the message, she was instantly puzzled.    


Didn't Min Ann'ge just say that he would be back very soon? Why was he letting himself go now?    


She made another call, but the phone was turned off.    


What was going on?    


Was he drunk?    


Luan Zhi thought for a moment, put on her coat and shoes, turned around and walked out of the door, heading towards the Litian Hotel.    


Luan Zhi had also been to the Litian Hotel for a few days. It was only after the success of the fashion show that the Organizer invited a few models to celebrate.    


This hotel was the first choice for those in the industry to celebrate.    


Luan Zhi kept thinking about the text message on her phone.    


Min Ann'ge had always kept himself under control and rarely got drunk. How could he have made such a mistake during the Green Slaughtering Banquet?    


Did he really get angry?    


As he thought about it, he got out of the car and walked inside, pressing down on the brim of his hat.    


Ye Zichen walked in the lobby and looked around. He didn't see anyone from the crew, nor did he see Min Ann'ge, so he walked towards the text message.    




Luan Zhi opened the door and saw a few of the film crew's staff sitting inside, singing.    


When Min Ann'ge was filming, she had seen a few staff members' identities. Now that the lighting was dim, she was able to recognize them at a glance.    


As soon as the director saw Luan Zhi appear in the doorway, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.    


Luan Zhi smelled the faint scent of smoke and didn't walk in. She looked at a bunch of people in the room but didn't see Min Ann'ge.    


Someone recognized her, and the men who had been drinking and punching fell silent.    


"Miss Ruan, why are you here?"    


"Min Ann'ge texted me to come over, where is he?"    


Ye Zichen turned around and looked around. Just now, they were too focused on drinking to celebrate that they didn't notice that Min Ann'ge had already disappeared.    


Just as the few of them were perplexed over the matter, a voice sounded from the corner.    


"I just saw Liu Feifei take him away. I think she went to the room next door?"    


When the others heard this, they immediately became nervous and glared at him with ugly expressions.    


"Don't talk nonsense if you don't know. How could Brother Min leave with someone else?"    


The man retreated to a corner in fright, but he still said, "I did see it."    


"Shut up."    


The director interrupted him in dissatisfaction and turned to look at Luan Zhi, "They should be going to the toilet, right? I told them to go out and look. "    


Luan Zhi shook her head.    


"It's next door, isn't it? I'll just go and look for him. "    


Her face remained calm, but her heart was shocked.    


He knew Liu Feifei was the female lead of this movie. Why would she leave with Min Ann'ge?    


Luan Zhi turned around and left the room as she pondered over this.    


Just as she left, the director slapped the person who spoke earlier on on the head and scolded, "You don't know what nonsense to spout! If we spoil their plans, then let's see how you continue to muddle along in the entertainment circle in the future. "    


Hearing this, the person did not dare to open his mouth again and quietly hid in a corner.    


At this moment, Luan Zhi was standing at the door of the room beside the private box, yet she still hadn't opened the door and entered.    


The reason why the Litian Hotel became the number one location for the film crew and partners to celebrate was because of its unique design.    


There will be several of these rooms next to the banquet box.    


These rooms were nominally a place for actors to rest after getting drunk, but their actual use was well-known.    


In the entertainment circle, quite a few shameful trades were made on occasions like this.    


But now, are Min Ann'ge and Liu Feifei in this room?    


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