Lovely Substitute Bride



Liu Ann's eyes lit up with lust as he lowered his head and bit at her.    


Jiang Yutian cried loudly.    


The small rental house felt like hell.    


Wen Tiantian forced herself to calm down.    


Taking advantage of them being caught off guard, he quietly stood up, clenched his teeth, and suddenly charged towards Liu Ann, who was lying on Jiang Yutian's body.    


Liu Ann didn't expect Wen Tiantian to suddenly counterattack. He fell off the bed and rolled on the floor.    


Wen Tiantian turned around, took the fruit knife from the table and cut the rope in her hand.    


Liu Ann finally got up from the ground with great difficulty. When he saw Wen Tiantian, he growled and rushed forward.    


"You still dare to attack!"    


Wen Tiantian didn't have time to untie Jiang Yutian's rope. She quickly turned around and pointed the fruit knife at Liu Ann.    


"Don't come over here!"    


Liu Ann laughed sinisterly and spat on the ground.    


"I was going to leave you behind. If you're in such a hurry, I'll start with you!"    


He raised his hand and grabbed towards Wen Tiantian.    


Wen Tiantian was so frightened that she quickly brandished the fruit knife in her hand.    


"Don't come over! Otherwise, I really will attack! "    


"Make your move!" Do you think I'm afraid of you? "    


He suddenly jumped over, not caring about Jiang Yutian, who was still tied up on the bed, as he stepped on her to catch Wen Tiantian.    


Jiang Yutian screamed miserably after being stepped on a few times.    


Wen Tiantian didn't care that much as she waved her dagger randomly, cutting a long cut on Liu Ann's hand.    


"You still dare to attack!"    


Liu Ann shouted angrily and jumped down from the bed.    


Wen Tiantian quickly dodged to the side, confronting him as she once again squeezed into the corner.    


Jiang Yutian screamed on the side.    


"Hurry up and untie it for me! Hurry up! What are you waiting for? "    


Wen Tiantian glanced at her, but before she could get close, Liu Ann had already dragged Jiang Yutian out of bed.    


He grabbed Jiang Yutian's neck.    


"Be good and don't move. Put the knife down, or I'll kill her!"    


Wen Tiantian didn't move.    


Jiang Yutian screamed at the top of his lungs.    


"Quickly put the knife down! "Do you really want me to die that badly?"    


Wen Tiantian licked her dry lips.    


She managed to get the knife, untie the rope, and if she dropped it now, they would die too.    


Seeing that she didn't move for a long time, Liu Ann started to tease her with a smile.    


"Not obedient?"    


He directly grabbed Jiang Yutian's hair and knocked her head to the side of the bed.    


With a "peng" sound, fresh blood dripped from the wound.    


Jiang Yutian screamed miserably while begging for forgiveness. His voice was mixed with his curses at Wen Tiantian.    


Liu Ann turned a deaf ear. He took out a switchblade from his waist and pointed it at her face.    


He said to Wen Tiantian, "Do you want her to die too? "She's the one who stole your man. Don't you already hate her?"    


"This slut, she used her face to seduce who knows how many people."    


The tip of the knife moved across her face.    


Wen Tiantian was so scared that her face turned pale without a trace of blood. She didn't even dare to move.    


"Liu Ann, calm down. I can give you anything you want. I can give you anything …"    


"I don't care."    


Jiang Yutian stiffened his body and screamed at Wen Tiantian.    


"Wen Tiantian!" Do you want me to die? "    


Wen Tiantian's palms were covered in sweat. Just as she was about to speak, Jiang Yutian screamed!    


The knife that was hovering around Jiang Yutian's face just now directly stabbed into his neck!    


Liu Ann's movements were very slow, as if he was deliberately torturing Jiang Yutian.    


The blade slowly stabbed into his face.    


Jiang Yutian screamed and suddenly struggled.    


As she moved, the tip of the blade left a long wound on her face!    


It went from the left side of his face all the way to his right side of his jaw!    


Blood spurted out in all directions!    


It was shocking!    


Liu Ann didn't expect her to suddenly struggle. He was stunned for a moment as he looked at the wounds and blood on Jiang Yutian's face.    


Jiang Yutian held his face, and the whole room was filled with her heart-wrenching screams.    


Wen Tiantian's shock was no less than Liu Ann, but she saw him standing there foolishly. She rushed over and helped Jiang Yutian up before running out!    


Jiang Yutian cried and stumbled out with her.    


The moment he opened the door, Liu Ann quickly reacted.    


"You dare to run!"    


He rushed forward ferociously.    


Wen Tiantian opened the door and followed behind Jiang Yutian.    


Just as he was about to walk over …    


Jiang Yutian, who had already reached the door, suddenly turned around. His face was full of blood and looked scary! His face contorted! Like an evil spirit!    


She abruptly lifted her leg and kicked Wen Tiantian's body.    




Wen Tiantian was caught off guard and was forced back two steps by her kick.    


Jiang Yutian glared at her and slammed the door shut!    


Wen Tiantian's heart sank to the bottom. She did not expect to suffer such an outcome!    


She rushed to the door and pulled it open, only to find that it was locked from the outside.    


Liu Ann rushed forward.    


"She ran away? You didn't think of it, did you? You actually saved her like this. "    


Wen Tiantian turned around, her eyes widened as she pointed the fruit knife at him in fright.    


"Don't come near me!"    


"Other than that, what else do you have?"    


Liu Ann reached out his hand and ripped off Wen Tiantian's clothes.    


Her smooth white shoulders were exposed.    


A ghostly light flashed in his eyes.    


"Even though one of them ran away, you look pretty good too."    


Liu Ann suddenly rushed towards her.    


Wen Tiantian was so frightened that she quickly squatted down and slipped out from the side.    


With a murderous look in his eyes, Liu Ann grabbed back and ripped another part of Wen Tiantian's skirt.    


She didn't dare to stop. She suddenly raised her head and saw a small bathroom in the corner of the room. She quickly rushed over.    


"Don't even think about escaping!"    


Liu Ann followed closely behind.    


Wen Tiantian quickly closed the door and locked it!    


The man's body slammed into the door, causing it to tremble.    


Wen Tiantian took two steps back and fell against the wall.    


She opened her eyes wide, not daring to close them for even a second. Her face was so pale that there was not a trace of blood on it.    


She didn't even notice the red marks on her hands as she gripped the blade tightly.    


Outside the door.    


Jiang Yutian used the iron rod he found to lock the door. After making sure that the person inside had escaped, he staggered and ran outside.    


She held her face in one hand, completely naked, but she couldn't care less.    


A few black cars came to a stop in front of her like the wind as she ran out of the gate.    


Before the car could hear him, the door was slammed open.    


Ji Jingchen walked out with a sullen expression. He was swift and decisive, his face was as vicious as a ghost!    


When Jiang Yutian saw him, he was overjoyed and immediately ran over.    


"Brother Jingchen, you came to save me?"    


She hugged Ji Jingchen tightly and stopped his steps.    


"I'm so scared. Why did you come here so early? I almost …"    


Ji Jingchen pushed her away impatiently and walked straight inside.    


However, Jiang Yutian held onto him tightly.    


"Brother Jingchen, my face is injured. Hurry and send me to the hospital, my face!"    


Ji Jingchen lowered his head and looked at her. Her face was covered in blood and there were long scars across her face. It was a very miserable sight.    


But she asked, "Where's Jiang Nianyao?"    




Jiang Yutian gritted his teeth and said, "She's not here."    


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