Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian looked at him worriedly.    


"But your illness …"    


Ji Jingchen lowered his gaze and landed on Wen Tiantian's hand.    


The resplendent diamond ring accentuated her white and slender hand.    


He smiled slowly and said: "Dr Zhang already has a new way, the effect is remarkable."    






Ji Jingchen nodded. It was the same method he used when he was examined in the hospital.    


As the two of them were talking, they saw the butler walk in from the outside with an unhappy face.    


Seeing Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen standing together, he walked over and lowered his voice beside Ji Jingchen.    


"Sir, the people from Ji Family have arrived."    


Ji Jingchen frowned slightly when he heard that.    


"They said they were here to deliver something," the butler replied.    


If he didn't think they were being honest, the butler wouldn't have come to inform Ji Jingchen.    


"They are outside, clamoring to come in, saying that you will not regret what you have seen."    


Ji Jingchen looked outside the castle. At this point, what other tricks does Ji Family have?    


After pondering for a moment, he finally nodded.    


"Let them in."    


With that, he turned to look at Wen Tiantian.    


Wen Tiantian said, "Shall I go with you?"    


Ji Jingchen shook his head.    


"You continue to rest, I will handle this matter."    


Wen Tiantian nodded and stood on the spot, watching Ji Jingchen and the butler leave together.    


When Ji Jingchen walked into the living room, Xu Cuiqin and Ji Yiyan were already sitting on the sofa.    


Ji Jingchen walked over and did not sit down. He looked down on them and obviously did not want to stay.    


"What is it?"    


Xu Cuiqin turned to look at him and said, "I heard that you and Wen Tiantian are getting married?"    


Ji Jingchen didn't have the slightest bit of warmth in his gaze as he coldly looked at them.    


"What did you bring?"    


Seeing that Ji Jingchen didn't pay any attention to her, Xu Cuiqin's expression turned ugly.    


After a while, he said: "We have discussed and Ji Family does not agree with your marriage this time."    


Ji Jingchen heard this and laughed.    


"When will I need your permission for my marriage?"    


He sat down across from the two of them and said bluntly, "This matter is not up to you two to handle."    


Xu Cuiqin turned her head to look at Ji Yiyan, who was beside her, and said while clenching her teeth, "I have something in my hand. I think you might want it."    


The moment she opened her mouth, she felt that she had gotten one, and her tone became even more haughty.    


"If you agree to our terms, maybe I can give you something."    


Ji Jingchen frowned as he saw her confident look.    


"What condition?"    


Xu Cuiqin continued, "We have arranged for someone more suitable to marry you. We will handle the matter of the marriage."    


"And Yiyan, in the M.I. group, give him a position that's on par with yours, a total of managing the company."    


Hearing her series of requests, Ji Jingchen smiled.    




He rebutted with a question, and his face instantly froze as he stood up.    


"Butler, see the guests out."    


With that, he turned around and prepared to leave.    


Ji Yiyan suddenly raised his voice, "Ji Jingchen, why don't you take a look at what we brought?"    


When Ji Jingchen heard this, he frowned.    


Just as he turned around to speak, he saw something on the table.    


Ji Jingchen's body shook violently as the words coming out of his mouth instantly disappeared.    


His expression suddenly became gloomy as he coldly asked, "Why do you guys have this?"    


Seeing his reaction, Ji Yiyan laughed.    


"Whether you want to take these things back depends on your sincerity."    


Ji Jingchen stood on the spot, clenching his fists and not saying anything for a long time.    


His gaze turned even deeper, so ferocious that it was as though he could tear the two people in front of him apart.    


Wen Tiantian waited in the yard for a long time, but didn't see Ji Jingchen come back.    


Curious, she put down her things and walked into the living room. There was no one there.    


Ji Jingchen sat motionlessly on the sofa on the other side.    


It was already rather late, and the living room was dimly lit with no lights on.    


Half of his body was hidden in the darkness, leaving only an outline.    


"What's the matter with you?"    


Ji Jingchen seemed to be immersed in his own thoughts. Hearing Wen Tiantian's words, he suddenly raised his head.    


After looking at Wen Tiantian for a while, he finally shook his head.    


"I'm fine."    


Looking at his expression, Wen Tiantian was obviously absent-minded. Immediately, she frowned in worry.    


Ji Jingchen walked over and smiled: "Are you busy?"    


Wen Tiantian nodded and sized him up as she said, "There's a gardener cleaning the yard."    


As she said that, she reached out to hold Ji Jingchen back.    


"Ji Jingchen, what happened to you?"    


Ji Jingchen glanced at him and then quickly looked away.    


"I'm fine."    


But looking at his expression, Wen Tiantian couldn't feel at ease no matter how hard she tried.    


She still wanted to ask more, but Ji Jingchen had already walked up the stairs.    


Wen Tiantian stood on the spot, frowning as she looked at him.    


Ji Jingchen felt like something wasn't right.    


Even after the matter with Ji Family was over, Wen Tiantian did not go back to the company, but she quickly noticed Ji Jingchen's abnormality.    


The first person to tell her was Elder Zhang.    


Elder Zhang had been sizing her up while Wen Tiantian was studying restoration at Elder Peng's house.    


"Little girls, when will you get married?"    


The news of the marriage proposal had spread like wildfire. Everyone knew that Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen would soon get married.    


When Wen Tiantian heard this, she said embarrassedly, "I haven't set the time yet."    


Elder Zhang hesitated for a moment, then said, "Have you heard what happened with Ji Jingchen's company recently?"    


"What?" Wen Tiantian turned her head doubtfully.    


Elder Zhang waved his hand. "My son asked me to ask."    


Saying that, he moved closer and said: "Since the Ji has already fallen on me, why did Ji Jingchen arrange for Ji Yiyan to join the group? And even give him half of the company's decision-making power? "    


Wen Tiantian looked at him in surprise.    


"Ji Yiyan is in M.I group?"    


"Don't you know?"    


Wen Tiantian shook her head.    


She had never heard Ji Jingchen mention it in the past few days.    


Elder Zhang frowned, "That's strange, but why is it like this? My son is in the middle of a collaboration with them, so he asked me to ask you what's going on. "    


"I'm not sure either …"    


Wen Tiantian listened absentmindedly for a while, her mind filled with Elder Zhang's words.    


In the afternoon, Wen Tiantian left the Peng residence and got on the car.    


After a moment of hesitation, he said, "We're not going back to the castle. We'll go to M.I."    


The driver nodded, stepped on the gas pedal and the car slid out.    


When they arrived at the entrance of the group, all the staff inside looked over when they saw Wen Tiantian.    


She didn't know if it was because of the influence of Elder Zhang's words, but she felt that the gazes of these employees were a little strange.    


Wen Jingtian frowned slightly and sat on the elevator on the top floor.    


When the elevator door opened, Ji Yiyan stood inside.    


That is to say, what Elder Zhang told her is actually true?    


But why did Ji Jingchen bring Ji Yiyan back?    


And this is the elevator for the top floor, he came down from the top floor CEO's office?    


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