Lovely Substitute Bride



"Ji Jingchen..." "Ji Jingchen is still in the house!"    


She clapped her hands together and rushed to the door.    


Just as she opened the door, the two veterans standing outside extended their hands to stop her.    


"Miss Wen, you can't leave now."    


Wen Tiantian reached out to push them away, but their hands were as hard as steel.    


No matter how she struggled, she couldn't budge an inch.    


"Let me out!"    


She raised her voice and scolded: "All of you, get out of my way! Do you hear me! "    


"Ji Jingchen is still in the house. If something were to happen to him, if he …"    


As Wen Tiantian spoke, her voice gradually became choked with sobs.    


She lowered her head and covered her face with her hands.    


The next second, he wiped the tears away and raised his head abruptly, his eyes blooming with an ominous glint!    


"If anything happens to him, I won't let you off!"    


Her eyes shone with shocking energy, and even the two battle-hardened veterans stared in shock.    


Wen Tiantian took the opportunity to rush out, but in the next second, she was caught again.    


"Miss, please don't make things difficult for us."    


Wen Tiantian continued to struggle, but was unable to contend against the two veterans in front of her.    


She was pushed back and fell to the ground.    


Just as he was about to get up, the door to the room slammed shut.    


Ka-cha. The door was locked from the outside.    


Wen Tiantian's facial expression changed drastically. She got up and rushed over, continuously pulling at the door handle, but could not open it at all.    


She shook the door, making a loud noise.    


"Let me out!"    


"Open the door!"    


Her teeth were clenched and her eyes were red.    


After shaking it for a while, he was unable to open the tightly shut door.    


Wen Tiantian slowly stopped moving. She lowered her head in a state of collapse, pressing her forehead against the door.    


"Let me out …" "Let me out..."    


"What should we do with Ji Jingchen?"    


"I beg of you …" "Save him …"    


Tears welled up in Wen Tiantian's eyes as she spoke.    


She felt as if all her strength had been sucked out of her in an instant. Her legs went limp, and she fell to the ground.    


"Ji Jingchen …"    


She tightly closed her eyes and hugged her knees. Her entire body was curled up into a ball, but the look of Ji Jingchen and the flames occupied all of her thoughts.    


"Save him... "Save him …"    


In the empty room, only Wen Tiantian could be heard crying.    


She sobbed softly and prayed over and over, like a abandoned child, sad and desperate.    


Even the air in the room seemed to be settling down, watching her silently.    


She buried her face in her knees and thought about what Ji Jingchen had said before. Tears kept flowing out of her eyes.    


Ji Jingchen had said before when Ruan Family found her, that even if it was God, he had to listen to him.    


Because of his request, God would not take Wen Tiantian away.    


"If there really is a God..."    


Wen Tiantian's voice trembled.    


"If there really is one, please save Ji Jingchen..." "Save him …"    


She said it over and over and finally burst into tears.    


The quiet room seemed to forbid time, and only the sound of Wen Tiantian's weeping could be heard.    


Even after a long time, there was still no response.    


After a full day and night, the tightly shut door finally opened.    


A squeak.    


Wen Tiantian heard the sound move for two seconds before she finally reacted and looked up.    


The room was curtained and dimly lit.    


As the door opened, light poured in from the outside.    


Wen Qi was leaning on his walking stick at the door. He looked at Wen Tiantian from afar, who was still curled up in a ball. There was no emotion in his eyes, nor did he say anything.    


Wen Tiantian raised her head and looked at him. After a moment of silence, she pounced on him.    


She widened her eyes as she charged over with a vicious gaze. She pushed Wen Qi, who was at the door, away and ran out.    


The two veterans thought that Wen Tiantian was going to attack Wen Qi, but they didn't expect her to just run away.    


He turned his head in surprise and asked, "General, are we going to capture her?"    


Wen Qi shook his head and said slowly, "Let her go. Even if she does, she won't be able to find anything."    


After saying that, Wen Qi turned around and looked in the direction Wen Tiantian left. The corner of his mouth slowly raised into a curve.    


Wen Tiantian rushed out of her Wen Family, but no one dared to obstruct her.    


She was scared witless. There was only buzzing in her ears. She had a bad feeling about this. Even when she got on the car, her hands were trembling slightly.    


Seeing that she had not spoken a word, the driver asked, "Miss, may I ask where you are going?"    


Wen Tiantian snapped out of her daze when she heard his voice. She turned around, and her gaze finally focused again.    


"Go..." to the Ji Family. "    


When the driver heard this, he was stunned for a moment and subconsciously said, "Wasn't it all burnt out there? You're still going? "    


Just as he finished his sentence, Wen Tiantian's body shuddered violently as she clenched her fists.    


His tone became more forceful.    


"I said go to the Ji Family!"    


She turned her head sharply, and her cold gaze startled the driver.    


The driver quickly nodded his head.    


"Yes, I will set off immediately."    


He immediately lit up the car and the car slowly slid out, heading towards the Ji Family.    


Half an hour later, the car finally stopped outside of Ji Family.    


It could be said to be a Ji Family, but it was only the surrounding environment.    


The place where the Ji Family residence had been previously located had long since been razed to the ground by the great flames, leaving behind only barren and pitch black ruins.    


Wen Tiantian clenched her fists as she walked. Her fingertips left a few bright red wounds on her skin. However, she clenched her fists even tighter.    


When the car stopped, she turned stiffly and looked out the window at the ruins.    


With just one glance, the image of Ji Jingchen being hit by a beam falling from the ceiling appeared in his mind.    


Her nose twitched and her vision blurred as well.    


Before she could cry, Wen Tiantian raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, opened the door and rushed out.    


"Ji Jingchen —"    


Wen Tiantian shouted.    


The sound reverberated in the air, but no one responded for a long time.    


She did not stop and hurriedly walked in.    


In front of him, it was a wasteland. It was impossible to tell where the living room was, or where Ji Jingchen had fallen when he was injured.    


She bent down and moved the charred wood to one side. Kneeling down, she pushed away the debris, moving faster and faster!    


It was as if he could save Ji Jingchen this way.    


"Ji Jingchen, don't be afraid. I've come to save you …"    


Tears rolled down from his eyes and fell onto the black dust, quickly turning into water droplets.    


"Sorry, I came late, sorry …"    


"It doesn't matter how much you scold me in the future. It's fine if you lock me up, but I won't run away …"    


"Ji Jingchen …"    


She continued to rummage through the ruins, which were still warm from the heat.    


Her white, slender fingers had long since been scalded, and no one had ever dealt with her during Wen Family.    


Now he was covered in black dust and burned again.    


But she didn't want to stop.    


He didn't want to give up any chance.    


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