Lovely Substitute Bride



When they arrived at Ruan Family, Wen Tiantian got off the car and saw Xu Ping already standing at the door.    


When he saw Wen Tiantian, a trace of pleasant surprise appeared in his eyes.    


"Miss, welcome back."    


Wen Tiantian froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "I just came back to get something."    


Xu Ping was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked at Ruan Lee.    


These few days, he could tell that Mrs Ruan was depressed every day because of Wen Tiantian's absence from Wen Family.    


He thought that Wen Tiantian would stay here forever once she returned, but she didn't expect that he wouldn't stay here for long.    


Ruan Lee did not say anything but nodded slightly towards Xu Ping.    


Xu Ping understood and the smile on his face deepened. He bent down slightly and led Wen Tiantian inside.    


Along the way, they saw a lot of drivers and gardeners. They had a good relationship with Wen Tiantian before, so when they saw her return, they welcomed her warmly.    


Wen Tiantian looked at them, but felt a little uncomfortable.    


Because of Mrs Ruan and Wen Hongyu, their relationship had changed.    


Wen Tiantian ran into the living room as fast as she could before finally letting out a sigh of relief.    


Xu Ping asked with a smile, "Miss, I got them to prepare the coffee, it's your favorite cappuccino."    


However, Wen Tiantian shook her head. She didn't even sit down but looked outside.    


"No need, I want to go to my bedroom first. I'll leave after I get my things."    


Ruan Lee frowned when she heard that.    


Wen Tiantian didn't dare to look at her. Instead, she nodded slightly at Wen Hongyu before quickly heading to her old room.    


After passing through the maple trees that had become dried branches, she opened the bedroom door. The scene inside made Wen Tiantian stop what she was doing.    


The room was exactly the same as Wen Tiantian remembered.    


The cup on the table, the half-opened book, the pillow on the bed, everything was still the same as he remembered.    


However, the floor was spotless, as if someone was cleaning it every day.    


She stood in the doorway for a long time.    


"Every day, Madame would come to the Miss's room to sit for a while. She has always cleaned everything herself."    


The butler's voice suddenly came from behind her. Wen Tiantian didn't turn around, but she heard him sigh.    


"Mrs Ruan has been worried for the past few days since Miss left. I have been in the Ruan Family for so many years, and only Miss and Mr Wen can be happy about it. "    


Wen Tiantian pursed her lips.    


"Xu Ping, you know my identity and background, right?"    


Xu Ping said honestly, "Yes, Miss."    


Wen Tiantian exhaled slowly and walked in.    


Mrs Ruan said, "Now that Mr Wen is here, her long-cherished wish has been fulfilled and she will soon forget about other things."    


She went straight to the desk, opened the drawer and rummaged through it for a moment. Then she pulled out a file in a brown paper bag.    


When he turned around, he was blocked by Xu Ping.    


He frowned slightly, and there was a hint of reproach on his face, but it was not unpleasant.    


It was more like the teachings of a senior.    


"In Madam's heart, the position of young miss is irreplaceable."    


Wen Tiantian's heart sank.    


Of course she knew that if she wasn't important, Mrs Ruan wouldn't have been able to get her back.    


However …    


She stopped and walked around Xu Ping.    


"I'm sorry, but I have more important things to do right now."    


She had thought that Mrs Ruan would do everything she could to make her stay, but she didn't expect that she would say nothing the moment Wen Tiantian walked out of the room.    


Seeing Wen Tiantian walk out, he walked her out the door.    


However, the more they acted this way, the more guilty Wen Tiantian felt in her heart.    


Of the two people in front of him, one was the Patriarch of the Ruan Family and the other in the capital, who didn't respect him?    


One of them was the successor of the Wen Family, who used to shake the world in the shopping mall.    


They were all people standing at the top of the pyramid, and only others would smile at them to curry favor with them. Since when had they been so careful?    


Wen Tiantian lowered her head, not even daring to look into their eyes.    


"You can go back."    


Ruan Lee didn't feel reassured and left. She looked at her with watery eyes.    


"Tiantian, when are you going home next time?"    


Wen Tiantian pursed her lips.    


The home that she spoke of, was Ruan Family.    


"Sorry, I'll be staying in the Wen Family for now."    


Hearing this, Ruan Lee felt both guilty and pained at the same time.    


"You still can't forgive us?"    




As soon as she finished speaking, Wen Tiantian interrupted her eagerly.    


After a while, she softly explained, "I've been thinking for a long time. If I had stood in your place, I might have made the same choice. I was forced to do this."    


She smiled.    


"However, I now have a reason to stay in the Wen Family."    


She took a step back and bent over them both.    


"I'm sorry."    


After saying that, she didn't even dare to stay here any longer and hurriedly turned around to get into the car.    


However, just as he sat down and was about to drive the car, a knock came from the window.    


Ruan Lee stood outside, bending down slightly to look at her.    


Wen Tiantian was stunned for a moment before she put down the glass.    




She called out softly, and her eyes curved into a gentle smile.    


"No matter how long it takes, I will wait for you to come home."    


Wen Tiantian's heart trembled. At that moment, Ruan Lee's appearance in front of her eyes overlapped with the image she had of her mother when she was young.    


The tip of her nose suddenly became sore. She quickly lowered her head and blinked, forcing the sour feeling back.    


When Ruan Lee saw that she didn't say anything for a long time, she initially thought that she wouldn't be able to wait for a reply. A trace of disappointment appeared in her eyes and she was about to change the topic.    


However, he suddenly heard a soft voice.    




The soft voice seemed to come directly from his throat, but was still heard by Ruan Lee.    


She was stunned for a moment. Then, in the next second, her eyes bloomed with joy!    


Very quickly, it filled her heart.    


She couldn't help but reach out her hand to hold Wen Tiantian's hand.    


"As long as your Ruan Family exists, that day will be your home."    


Wen Tiantian nodded her head. She then retracted her hand in gratification as she watched the car gradually disappear into the distance.    


It was a long time before the car disappeared around the corner.    


Wen Hongyu stood to the side and put her hand on Ruan Lee's waist.    


"Tiantian is stronger than we thought. When I saw her, I thought of you back then."    


He gazed into the distance, and the scene from twenty years ago once again appeared before his eyes.    


Ruan Lee appeared again, her bulging belly already flat. A few days had passed, but her face was still as pale as ever.    


The pair of eyes swept across everyone's bodies. They were no longer as innocent as they were before, and all that remained was a calm and collected expression.    


When Ruan Lee heard this, she held back her tears for an entire afternoon before finally letting them drop.    


"Hongyu, you're right."    


Initially, she urgently hoped that Wen Tiantian could take charge of the situation on her own, inherit everything in the Ruan Family, and become her right-hand woman.    


But now, after seeing Wen Tiantian's appearance, she regretted it.    


Reality had mercilessly ripped open Wen Tiantian's scabbard. Even though her edge had already been revealed, it still made one's heart ache.    


She looked at the end of the street and sighed.    


"I'd rather Tiantian live in an ivory tower."    


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