Lovely Substitute Bride



Dr Zhang chased after him unwillingly.    


"Mr Ji, wait a moment."    


He called out, but could only watch as the car disappeared at the intersection.    


Several nurses asked worriedly, "Dr Zhang, what should we do now?"    


"What else can we do? Hurry up and prepare the medicine to stop the pain, as well as the operating table. If he goes out now, all his previous work might go to waste! "    


He said in a flustered manner, then thought again. In any case, Ji Jingchen will be the one to suffer, and he'll know very soon!    


Ji Jingchen didn't care about himself at all, his entire heart was already filled with Wen Tiantian.    


Together with a few bodyguards, they arrived at the entrance of the city.    


The Feng Family located near the military area still retained the strict political habits, and a few bodyguards stood at the entrance.    


A few bodyguards at the door were about to go forward to stop them when they saw a few people coming back. However, they recognized Ji Jingchen, who was standing at the very front, and their expressions immediately changed.    


Even his tone had become a bit more cautious.    


"Mr Ji, what can I do for you?"    


"I'm here to pick up my wife." Ji Jingchen said straightforwardly.    


Her gaze landed on the villa behind the bodyguards. It was filled with vigor.    


The bodyguards looked at each other hesitantly.    


After thinking for a moment, he said: "Mr Ji, please wait a moment. We'll go inform the young master right now. "    


After saying that, the bodyguard turned around and was about to leave, but Ji Jingchen had already controlled the wheelchair and was one step ahead of him.    


"No need, I'll go ask him myself."    


Then, he controlled the wheelchair to drive straight into the villa.    


The bodyguards panicked and chased after him.    


"Mr Ji, please don't barge in recklessly."    


However, before they could step forward, they were stopped by the bodyguards beside Ji Jingchen.    


Ji Jingchen pushed the door open and entered the hall.    


She looked around and was about to continue when a voice suddenly came from the stairs.    


"Mr Ji, what's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry?"    


Ji Jingchen turned around and looked towards the direction of the sound.    


He saw Feng Ming slowly walking down the stairs.    


He had already taken off his suit jacket, revealing a white shirt and a grey waistcoat.    


As he walked down, he straightened his sleeves with a fitting smile on his face.    


Ji Jingchen looked at him and scanned his surroundings. When he couldn't see Wen Tiantian, he finally retracted his gaze.    


"Where's Tiantian?"    


"You're looking for Wen Tiantian?"    


Feng Ming was surprised: "She has never been here before, how did you find me?"    


Ji Jingchen looked at him coldly.    


"Wen Tiantian came here at 2 PM today and has not left since. You still dare to say she's not here? "    


"There must be some kind of misunderstanding?"    


Feng Ming shook his head. I did ask Wen Tiantian to come to the castle to discuss some matters, but I was also waiting for her.    


He looked up at the bodyguards and waved his hand. A young woman came out from the side.    


She was wearing the same clothes as Wen Tiantian, and even her hair was slightly curled in a chestnut color. From behind, the two of them looked exactly the same.    


Feng Ming smiled and said, "This is a temporary worker for today. Did you guys see his back and recognize the wrong person?"    


Ji Jingchen looked at the person in front of him carefully, then turned to look at the bodyguards.    


The bodyguard also hesitated.    


They were ordered to protect Wen Tiantian, but they couldn't be detected by her. They had to keep a certain distance between them.    


At that time, they only saw Wen Tiantian enter the villa from afar. There was still a figure standing behind her, and they couldn't even tell if it was Wen Tiantian or this temporary worker in front of them.    


The bodyguards became hesitant, while Feng Ming smiled even more complacently.    


"It's just a misunderstanding. It's actually very easy for you to find Wen Tiantian. She mentioned she wanted to see you yesterday. The moment you appear, he will definitely appear, but he will definitely not be in my villa. "    


"Mr Ji, please go back."    


He reached out his hand to let Ji Jingchen leave.    


But Ji Jingchen didn't move at all.    


His eyes became sharper.    


"Since we are already here, can I take a look at this villa?"    


He didn't believe that the bodyguards would make a mistake. How could there be such a coincidence?    


The moment Wen Tiantian disappeared into the mansion, Feng Ming brought someone who looked exactly like her back. It was as if he had already planned all this.    


Hearing Ji Jingchen's request, Feng Ming's gaze slightly moved as something flashed across his eyes.    


After a while, he finally nodded.    


"Of course."    


Then, he turned around to let Ji Jingchen come forward and looked at Ji Jingchen's wheelchair.    


"I'm really sorry, but my villa doesn't have a slide for walking for a wheelchair. If you want to go up to the second floor, it might be a bit troublesome."    


Although there was a smile on his face, he pointed at Ji Jingchen's sore spot word by word.    


Although it was well-known that Ji Jingchen's legs could no longer walk, very few people would say it out in front of him. They all said it to give both sides face.    


It was the first time for someone like Feng Ming.    


When the bodyguards behind heard this, their expressions all changed slightly, revealing dissatisfaction.    


Only Ji Jingchen's gaze was more assured.    


Feng Ming had always known when to advance and when to retreat. He was good at communication and was the most observant. He would never say anything rude.    


But now, he didn't hesitate to provoke Ji Jingchen. Wasn't it because he wanted him to leave?    


The purpose behind all this was obvious!    


Thinking of this, Ji Jingchen's determination became even stronger.    


"It doesn't matter."    


He raised his hand to stop the bodyguards who were clearly dissatisfied and said, "As long as you want to go, you can go up there no matter what."    


After saying that, a few bodyguards came forward, lifted up the toilet cleaner, and went straight up the stairs to the second floor.    


Feng Ming looked at them and slightly narrowed his eyes.    


Even if Ji Jingchen really went upstairs to check, what could he do?    


It was impossible for him to find that place.    


After Ji Jingchen left, he would move Wen Tiantian away and hide her.    


When the limelight was over, he would convince her to create the most beautiful art in the world with him.    


Feng Ming thought complacently as the corner of his mouth slowly revealed a trace of a smile.    


Wen Tiantian was still caught by Feng Ming.    


The room looked like a bedroom, but it was very narrow.    


Wen Tiantian stood up and nearly hit her head. She had to bend her waist to move forward.    


Although it was low, it had everything in this small room.    


Bed, table, chair...    


Although the sparrow was small, it had everything.    


Moreover, there seemed to be traces of people living here.    


There was a window on the other side of the room. Wen Tiantian ran over and pulled open the curtain, only to see that the window was firmly locked.    


He looked down and saw that he was actually in a four-story building!    


If one were to accidentally fall down, they would be severely injured.    


Wen Tiantian pulled the lock on the door, turned around, picked up the chair on the floor and threw it with all her might!    


Dong! Wen Tiantian's hands hurt from the impact, but the lock was impregnable.    


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