Lovely Substitute Bride



Due to Ji Jingchen's order, all the airports and ports in the entire capital were stopped in their tracks.    


The passengers did not understand what was going on, but when they looked at the other flights, they saw that they were all in the same situation.    


Some said it was the weather, some said it was a temporary delay. The reasons were different, but they all had the same purpose — — stop shipping!    


Everyone panicked and waited anxiously at the airport.    


At this moment, he saw another group of people rushing in as if they were looking for someone.    


Seeing this scene, everyone was even more afraid.    


Just as everyone was panicking, an ordinary-looking car was parked outside the airport.    


A few tall men checked the situation at the airport and hurried out to the car.    


Inside, Feng Ming and Wen Tiantian were walking in the backseat.    


"How is it?" Feng Ming asked.    


"It's full of people, even the flight has stopped. Someone is searching for someone inside, even the port has stopped."    


Feng Ming frowned as he did not expect Ji Jingchen to act so quickly. This had completely exceeded his expectations.    


"How long will it take to sail?"    


"Even the airline isn't sure. After the people inside have searched the airport, they will definitely continue to head outside. Young Master Feng, what should we do?"    


Feng Ming turned around to take a look. Wen Tiantian was still unconscious, leaning on his shoulder.    


He reached out and tucked the hair by her ear behind her head.    


"The plane can't fly anymore. Let's go back for now." he ordered in a low voice.    


The bodyguards quickly nodded, started the car and left the airport.    


Just as Ji Jingchen was ordering his bodyguards to stir up trouble at all the ports and airports, Ji Jingchen arrived at Wen Family.    


Standing outside the door, he looked at the Wen Family Big House in front of him. His expression was ugly, without the slightest bit of improvement.    


He knew Wen Qi wouldn't let it go, but he never expected him to be so bold.    


In order to cooperate with the Feng Family, she had actually sold Wen Tiantian as a commodity.    


Perhaps Wen Tiantian's only value to him was that, right?    


Ji Jingchen rushed straight into the car.    


A few soldiers who were standing by the door quickly walked up, their weapons still in their hands.    


"Mr Ji, please stop."    


Ji Jingchen did not stop his actions and remained calm.    


Behind him, a few bodyguards rushed out and stood in confrontation with the soldiers in front of them.    


Taking advantage of this gap, Ji Jingchen went straight in and went through the Wen Family gate.    


"What does it look like?"    


Just as he arrived at the living room, he heard a voice coming from the second floor.    


Ji Jingchen looked over and saw Wen Qi standing on the stairs, looking down at him.    


After recognizing Ji Jingchen, he sneered.    


"Oh, so it's Ji Jingchen. What are you doing?" "I didn't hear about it today. You're coming over."    


With that, he looked towards the door and saw a few bodyguards staring at each other, dark lights flashing in the depths of their eyes.    


"Could it be that you barged in? What do you take our Wen Family to be? "    


"Where's Wen Tiantian?"    


Ji Jingchen was too lazy to argue with him, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Where did you send him? What kind of deal did you make with Feng Ming? "    


"You're looking for someone here?"    


Wen Qi played dumb: "Did you come to the wrong place? Isn't Wen Tiantian stuck with you all day now? You're asking me? Why don't you ask yourself? "    


The loud noise coming from the living room brought out everyone from Wen Family.    


Ji Jingchen glanced around and saw Yao Yan on the second floor.    


Without batting an eyelid, he said to Wen Qi, "What did my people say when they saw you sending the unconscious Wen Tiantian into the Feng Family?"    


"My people, are you sure?"    


Wen Qi panicked. He never thought that Ji Jingchen's men would see his actions.    


He frowned slightly. He didn't know where Ji Jingchen had planted his eyes.    


Even though he was deep in thought, his expression didn't change at all.    


"Since that's the case, then why don't you go to the Feng Family to look for him? What are you doing here?"    


Ji Jingchen's expression turned dark again.    


Time was running out and he didn't have the time to circle around Wen Qi.    


As long as he thought that Wen Tiantian might have already been taken to the plane by Feng Ming, he could not help but feel angry.    


"Wen Qi, how many benefits do you want from Wen Tiantian before you give up? "She has nothing to do with you guys. Now, for a few projects, she sold her to Feng Ming. Do you know what kind of person Feng Ming is? Aren't you afraid of pushing her into a fire pit?"    


"Fire pit?"    


Wen Qi said indifferently: "As long as Wen Tiantian marries, I don't care who she marries. As long as it can bring about benefits to the Wen Family, that's her value."    


"Everyone in the Wen Family knows this. As a child of the Wen Family, she should also have this realization! It's not because of some so-called love, abandoning the entire clan and turning your elbows outwards, instead going against us! "    


When Ji Jingchen heard this, a burst of anger burned in his heart. He pursed his lips and wished he could rush forward and beat Wen Qi up!    


"You are not worthy to be Tiantian's grandfather! With a father like you, no wonder Wen Hongyu chose to leave back then. "    


Hearing that, Wen Qi's body shook and his eyes quickly filled with anger.    


"Ji Jingchen!" I'll make it so that you won't be able to find Wen Tiantian for the rest of your life! "    


Ji Jingchen didn't turn back, but controlled his wheelchair and left.    


After Ji Jingchen left, Wen Qi still couldn't suppress the anger in his heart and turned around angrily.    


The sharp gaze swept past everyone, as though trying to see through their thoughts.    


He flew into a rage as he brandished the cane in his hand and berated.    


"Go investigate!"    


"Just who leaked Wen Tiantian's information to Ji Jingchen? I must find that person!"    


Yao Yan, who was standing to the side, felt a burst of fear in her heart, and lowered her head, trembling.    


Taking advantage of the others' lack of attention, he turned around and quietly returned to his room.    


Two hours later, all airports and ports resumed operations.    


The person Ji Jingchen sent would report it.    


"We checked all the customers, but we didn't see Miss Wen or Feng Ming."    


"Very good."    


Ji Jingchen, who was always nervous, finally relaxed.    


From the looks of it, Feng Ming did not leave with Wen Tiantian.    


"Keep searching! Even if you have to dig three feet into the ground, you have to bring him back!"    


On the other side, Wen Tiantian finally woke up from her coma.    


She blinked and saw a wooden ceiling.    


A sharp pain came from her neck, reminding her of what happened in Wen Qi's study room.    


"What is this place?"    


She quickly sat up and looked around.    


It was already late and the room was dimly lit. A person could be seen standing by the window, but only the outline could be seen.    


"Who are you?"    


The man turned his head.    


"You're finally awake."    


Wen Tiantian's eyes widened, her pupils contracting to a single point.    


Fear and madness filled his heart!    


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