Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian was caught off guard. Ji Jingchen was obviously teasing her just now to capture that scene.    


She looked angrily at Ji Jingchen.    


Ji Jingchen was very satisfied after looking at the photo.    


He didn't like taking pictures, so he pulled Wen Tiantian over to take another picture.    


Wen Tiantian was shocked.    


"Wait …"    


Before he could finish his words, his chin was pinched again and the two men's lips met once more.    


With a similar "kacha" sound, he was also slapped down.    






Another one...    


In the evening.    


Wen Tiantian was flipping through the photos on her phone, blushing the more she read them.    


"You even said that you don't like taking photos, but you were clearly happier than anyone else!"    


"And he even took so many photos!"    


Wen Tiantian complained. What was even more despicable was that every single one of them was in the form of a kiss!    


How could she let others see her phone? She had to hide it well!    


Furthermore, Ji Jingchen had saved the phone before returning it to her and said that he would wash it out …    


What if the butler saw them?    


Wen Tiantian walked downstairs. Just as she entered the living room, she heard a burst of television sounds coming from the living room.    


"As we can see, this vase is very valuable. Experts judge that it was produced in the Ming Dynasty."    


"The patterns on the vase were exquisite, and the workmanship was exquisite. Unfortunately, when it was received, there were a few cracks left on the vase."    


"But we can now clearly see that these cracks have disappeared without a trace! Even at such a close distance, he could not find any traces. All of this is thanks to our Cultural Relic Restorer. "    


"As everyone knows, Cultural Relic Restorer can be said to be a very rare type of work in the country. Rather than calling them workers, I would like to call them artists! It's simply amazing how flawless the restoration of damaged cultural relics is! "    


"And today, the one we are introducing to everyone is the famous Cultural Relic Restorer who repaired this spherical vase, Lee Jiawei and Miss Li!"    


Wen Tiantian heard the sound of the television coming down the stairs.    


The butler and the cook were in the living room, watching the show. On the TV screen, the camera turned to Lee Jiawei.    


Beside her, the spherical vase looked extremely familiar.    


This is the vase that Feng Ming asked her to repair!    


However, when she recovered to 80%, she found out that the owner of the vase was Feng Ming, so she went back.    


Unexpectedly, he had asked Lee Jiawei to take care of him.    


In the program, Lee Jiawei talked about how hard it was for her to repair the vase.    


It turned out that after Feng Ming's accident, all of his properties were confiscated. A vase that was extremely rare was donated to the National Museum.    


Lee Jiawei was given an interview as the vase's restorer.    


The housekeeper and the kitchen maid did not notice Wen Tiantian's arrival and were discussing the people on the television screen.    


"I didn't expect her to fix it. It seems she has some skill."    


When Wen Tiantian and Lee Jiawei had a conflict in the program, everyone in the castle knew about it, and they didn't like her at all.    


However, luck and ability were two different things.    


If she was powerful, the butler wouldn't deliberately belittle her.    


The chef nodded at the side and added, "But if it's Miss, she can do it too."    


"Of course. Our lady is a disciple personally taught by Elder Peng. How could she lose to her?"    


Wen Tiantian couldn't help but laugh when she heard their conversation as she approached.    


If the two of them knew that she was the one who fixed 80% of the vase, Lee Jiawei would just finish the last part. What would they think?    


Wen Tiantian thought for a while, but didn't say anything in the end.    


Instead, he walked over and asked: "Butler, where is Ji Jingchen?"    


When the butler heard the sound and turned around, he was shocked to see Wen Tiantian.    


"Miss, why did you come down?"    


When the two of them saw him, they turned their heads to look at Lee Jiawei, who was in the middle of an interview. Lee Jiawei was in the limelight, so they quickly turned off the TV for fear of provoking Wen Tiantian.    


Noticing his actions, Wen Tiantian waved her hand.    


"No worries, I'm just here to find Ji Jingchen."    


"Teacher has just left. He should be outside in the garden." The butler said.    


Wen Tiantian nodded before turning around and walking out.    


"You guys keep watching, don't worry about me."    


Seeing that the person had left, the butler frowned and switched on the television again.    


The cook gave her a hand.    


"Are you still looking?"    


Of course.    


"Of course, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy, you will be able to win a hundred battles. "I have to study Lee Jiawei carefully. What's so good about her? How can she compare to our Young Miss?"    


On the other side, Wen Tiantian walked out of the living room and headed outside.    


When he just walked into Rose Garden, he saw Ji Jingchen's figure.    


It was now the height of summer, and the roses in the courtyard were blooming in full bloom. The fragrance of the roses wafted away into the distance in the darkness of the night.    


Wen Tiantian sniffed the flowers and saw Ji Jingchen's wheelchair at the side. She stood up and tried to walk.    


When she saw this scene, she stopped in her tracks. She didn't go forward to disturb him, but instead looked at him from afar.    


Dr Zhang said before that Ji Jingchen combined with the rehabilitation exercise had made a good recovery. He could try to practice at home, but he couldn't tire himself out too much.    


Ji Jingchen was hiding things from her. Perhaps he was afraid that she would worry?    


She watched from afar and waited until Ji Jingchen's body reached its limit before she opened her mouth and spoke with beads of sweat on her forehead.    


"Ji Jingchen."    


Hearing her voice, Ji Jingchen quickly returned to the wheelchair and pretended that nothing had happened.    


Wen Tiantian took advantage of the situation and walked out. She didn't mention the matter of him secretly training just now. Instead, she stretched out her hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead.    


"It's getting late, let's go back."    


Ji Jingchen nodded.    


The two of them formed a tacit understanding between each other. They did not expose each other, leaving the other with some leeway.    


Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen returned to the living room together. When they just entered, they saw the butler and the cook still sitting on the sofa.    


His face was sullen, as if he was angry.    


Wen Tiantian was puzzled. Weren't the two of them happy when she left?    


"What happened to you? What happened? "    


When the two of them heard Wen Tiantian's voice, they turned around and frowned.    


"Miss …"    


The chef wanted to say something but hesitated, which made Wen Tiantian even more curious.    


"What is it?"    


The two of them looked at each other.    


"Lee Jiawei mentioned you on the show just now."    


Hearing this name, Ji Jingchen also looked over.    


Wen Tiantian was instantly puzzled.    


"What did she say about me?"    


The butler frowned, his expression turning more and more dissatisfied.    


"At the end of the program, Lee Jiawei mentioned that you are most proficient at repairing porcelain and sent you a challenge."    


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