Lovely Substitute Bride



Ji Jingchen smiled as he followed behind.    


After dinner, Wen Tiantian put down the knife and fork in her hands.    


"How's your rest?"    


The moment Ji Jingchen opened his mouth, Wen Tiantian tensed up.    


"I'm still a little tired."    


Her eyes drifted away, avoiding Ji Jingchen's sight.    


"Is that so? You've been out for so long today, I thought you had enough rest. "    


Ji Jingchen said with a smile that was not a smile, but it made Wen Tiantian quiver.    


She glanced at Ji Jingchen's plate and suddenly opened her eyes wide.    


Who did this?    


Surprisingly, there were two oyster shells on the plate!    


Did the cook make it tonight?    


Late at night... Eat what oysters...    


Wasn't this asking for human life?    


Wen Tiantian complained incessantly.    


Ji Jingchen seemed to notice her gaze and looked over mockingly.    


"The Madam specially prepared dinner for me. Of course, I have to work even harder."    


Upon hearing that, Wen Tiantian hurriedly waved her hands.    


"It's not me!" I never said such a thing! "    


She turned to the cook.    


"Cook, help me prove it. That thing... I didn't say that, did I? "    


The cook looked at her in confusion.    


"Didn't Miss say yesterday that she wanted to eat it?"    


Wen Tiantian's jaw dropped.    


"When did I say that …"    


Halfway through her words, Wen Tiantian's voice faded away.    


She remembered!    


Yesterday, she really did seem to have said those words.    


When watching TV, he casually mentioned that he wanted to eat seafood …    


But she wasn't talking about oysters!    


The smile on Ji Jingchen's face became even more pronounced. He wiped his mouth with a spotless white napkin. With graceful movements and a smile in his eyes, he stood up.    


"It must have been hard on you. It seems like I didn't put in enough effort. Could it be that my previous side didn't pass?"    


"No, no, no."    


Wen Tiantian quickly shook her head and said firmly, "I passed. I definitely passed."    


However, Ji Jingchen said: "I'm a person who pursues perfection. It's just that I'm not qualified enough."    


As he spoke, he walked towards Wen Tiantian.    


Wen Tiantian raised her hand to block his path.    


An idea came to him.    


"But we just finished eating. Let's wait a bit."    


"Adequate aerobic exercise will help digestion."    




Wen Tiantian pouted. Since when was it appropriate?    


Just as he was thinking, a clamor of voices came from the living room.    


Someone seemed to be watching TV.    


Wen Tiantian ran over and saw that the television in the living room had been switched on. The butler was watching the report on the television with a frown.    


There was a constant stream of voices coming from the television and the sound of shutter lights flashing.    


The host's voice rang out, "..." Luan Zhi, who had disappeared for two months, finally reappeared at noon today. Her face was haggard, and someone had previously photographed her entering and leaving the hospital. I wonder if it was due to her body … "    


The photos were taken in a hurry. They were blurry, but Luan Zhi's figure could still be seen.    


She was wearing the same clothes Wen Tiantian had seen her in today. She must have been photographed after their meeting.    


Looking at the scene in front of her, Wen Tiantian thought back to her room in the hotel. Luan Zhi looked really terrible. She couldn't be sick, could she?    


She frowned slightly, a little worried.    


While he was thinking, a bodyguard suddenly walked in from outside.    


"Sir, Miss."    


The bodyguard hurriedly looked at the news that was being played and his expression turned complicated.    


"Miss Luan Zhi is outside the ancient castle."    


When Wen Tiantian heard this, she immediately turned around, even more confused than before.    


Luan Zhi?    


Why was she here?    


Wen Tiantian turned around and exchanged a glance with Ji Jingchen. She quickly said, "Let her in."    


After saying that, she impatiently walked forward, wanting to go out and greet him.    


Just as he reached the door, he saw Luan Zhi already walking in.    


She was wearing a thick down jacket, and her facial features were thin. She wore a wide hat and mask, and her head was lowered as she walked quickly.    


The agent was right next to her, looking over his shoulder as he walked, as if he was afraid someone might see him.    


"Luan Zhi, what happened to you?"    


Only after Wen Tiantian asked did Luan Zhi finally look up. Her eyes were filled with exhaustion, which gave her a fright.    


"Sorry, I don't know where else to go."    


There was a self-deprecating laugh in her voice, but it was also somewhat weak.    


"Come on in, I just read about you."    


Wen Tiantian took the person from her manager and led her inside.    


In the living room, Luan Zhi took off her hat and mask.    


Seeing her face, Wen Tiantian's frown deepened.    


"Luan Zhi, what happened to you?"    


Luan Zhi didn't answer, but said, "Tian Tian, can I stay here for a few days and not reveal my whereabouts?"    


Wen Tiantian was even more confused. After looking at her and her manager's appearance, she nodded in the end.    


"I know."    


Hearing this, Luan Zhi smiled slightly and seemed to heave a sigh of relief.    


"Thank you."    


The butler and cook behind her were shocked by Luan Zhi's sudden appearance. Wen Tiantian quickly told them to clean up the room and dragged Luan Zhi upstairs.    


After entering the bedroom, Luan Zhi took off her down jacket, revealing her skinny figure.    


Seeing this, Wen Tiantian frowned deeply.    


"Luan Zhi, are you really alright?"    


"I'm fine." Luan Zhi smiled faintly.    


His eyes were no longer lively and cheerful, as if they were being covered up by something, ready to devour bit by bit.    


Wen Tiantian looked at her and said slowly, "I contacted Min Ann'ge yesterday."    


Upon hearing this name, Luan Zhi's movements suddenly stopped.    


"What did he say?"    


Wen Tiantian observed her expression as she said, "He told me to tell him if I meet you."    


"No." Luan Zhi quickly said.    


"She finally raised her head, looking very serious." You promised me you wouldn't tell anyone I was here. "    


"Don't worry. I won't say it, but I don't understand what's going on between you two."    


Seeing that Luan Zhi had lowered her head again, she didn't say another word.    


Wen Tiantian continued, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, but you need to take care of your body. Do you need a doctor?"    


"No need." Luan Zhi said, "It'll be fine after a while."    


Seeing that Luan Zhi didn't want to talk anymore, Wen Tiantian didn't ask any further questions and instead stood up with a nod.    


"I'll go down first. If you need anything, you can tell the butler."    


After saying that, she turned around and prepared to leave.    


Just as he reached the door, he was suddenly stopped by a shout.    


"Tiantian, will you give up everything for the person you love?"    


Hearing this question, Wen Tiantian turned around.    


Luan Zhi's gaze was serious.    


She pondered for a moment and firmly replied, "Yes."    


Hearing this, a smile slowly appeared on Luan Zhi's face, but she said nothing more.    


Wen Tiantian looked at her as she pushed open the door and walked out.    


As soon as he closed the door, a pair of hands appeared on his waist.    


"I heard you."    


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