Lovely Substitute Bride



Looking at Min Ann'ge's expression, Brother Jian continued, "Now that Luan Zhi has someone to take care of her, and she can eat well and live well, you don't have to worry. "Concentrate on preparing the rest of the work..."    


Before he finished, Min Ann'ge suddenly stood up and walked outside without saying a word.    


Brother Jian panicked.    


"Wait, where are you going? "Ann'ge, don't forget you have work to do later, Ann'ge!"    


However, Min Ann'ge didn't turn around. With a dark expression, he left the city and came to the entrance of Luan Zhi's villa.    


The door was tightly shut, and there were no longer any traces of the reporters around.    


Min Ann'ge walked out of the car in big strides and walked to the door. Just as he was about to knock, he suddenly remembered the scene in the report.    


Boom! *    


Bang bang!    


He pounded on the door with his fists.    


It took a moment for the door to open.    


Ke Yanrui saw him and was puzzled, "Min Ann'ge? "Why are you here?"    


Min Ann'ge didn't answer and just pushed her away and barged in.    


As Wen Tiantian sat in the living room, she could see the obvious bulge in her stomach.    


He angrily barged in, scaring Luan Zhi for a whole day. She held onto the chair as she stood up and looked at Ke Yanrui, who came in behind her.    


"What's wrong?"    


Her obvious reliance on Ke Yanrui made Min Ann'ge slightly frown.    


"What's the news today?"    


"What news?" "What?" Luan Zhi asked, only reacting when she saw his unsightly expression. Are you talking about the reports of Ke Yanrui and me? "    


"That's right."    


Min Ann'ge took a deep breath, as if trying to calm his excitement, he continued, "When will you arrange for the reporters to clarify this matter?"    


"Clarification? How can I appear now? " Luan Zhi lowered her head to look at her abdomen.    


With the current situation, if he were to appear, he would definitely be surrounded and intercepted by the reporters, and he might even be injured because of this.    


Min Ann'ge frowned even more.    


"Are you going to let this go on? The rumors outside are getting more and more unpleasant. You don't care, nor does Ke Yanrui care? "    


He turned around and looked at Ke Yanrui, who was behind him.    


He wanted Luan Zhi to explain the situation to him, but unexpectedly, Ke Yanrui said, "Luan Zhi's current situation isn't suitable for her to appear. Just misunderstand whatever they want to do. Luan Zhi's safety is most important."    


Hearing this, Min Ann'ge held his breath.    


Luan Zhi's safety was the most important thing?    


However, his short sentence made him turn into someone who didn't care about Luan Zhi.    


What was this?    


Min Ann'ge clenched his fist and a burst of anger started to surge in his heart.    


Luan Zhi looked at him and said, "The scandal this time has nothing to do with you, and you won't be implicated. You shouldn't have to worry about it, right?"    


"What if your parents find out?"    


"It doesn't matter. They will understand me."    


"But …"    


Min Ann'ge raised his voice, but then suddenly stopped. He pursed his lips as if he thought of something and got angry at the same time.    


Luan Zhi's attitude was tough.    


"There are no buts. Min Ann'ge, hurry up and leave. It's not easy for you to distance yourself from me now. Now that the reporters know where I live, if they see me, they won't be able to wash me clean. "    


Min Ann'ge was so angry that he sucked in a breath of cold air.    


Clear off the relationship?    


Was she such a person in Luan Zhi's heart?    


Min Ann'ge clenched his hands into fists. His body was trembling with anger and his muscles tensed up.    


"But you have my child in your womb!"    


He suddenly roared.    


The living room suddenly became quiet. No one spoke.    


Luan Zhi's eyes widened in surprise. At that moment, her already dead heart started beating once again.    


However, she soon noticed that Min Ann'ge's expression was strange.    


Min Ann'ge said this because he was angry.    


The temperature in his heart dropped once again, returning to its freezing point.    


Luan Zhi placed her hand on her protruding abdomen, lowering her head slightly and avoiding Min Ann'ge's sight.    


"No, this is my child alone."    


Min Ann'ge's heart skipped a beat. Just as he was about to speak, Ke Yanrui walked forward and held his arm.    


"Let's go, we don't want to cause any more trouble for Luan Zhi."    


How could Min Ann'ge just hand Luan Zhi over to Ke Yanrui like that? He threw him off and took two steps forward, wanting to catch Luan Zhi.    


"Even if you don't, you can't stay here anymore. Follow me, I'll help you find another place."    


"I'm not leaving. It's good that I live here."    


Luan Zhi turned around and avoided his movements.    


Min Ann'ge didn't expect her to be so resistant to him, so he grabbed her hand.    


"I will help you find a new place. This place has already been exposed, so there will still be some reporters here."    


"I'm not going."    


Luan Zhi struggled. "Min Ann'ge, can you stop looking for me?"    


"What do you mean?"    


Luan Zhi shook off his hand and turned around with her back to Min Ann'ge. Don't you want to come, don't you hate me? "    


Min Ann'ge looked at her in surprise.    


"How could I …" "Xiaozhi, you're still a child …"    


Luan Zhi laughed bitterly when she heard that.    


"Child, in your eyes, I will always be a child. Now, I am also a child, that's why I hate myself!"    


She suddenly turned her head, tears flowed from her eyes as she approached Min Ann'ge.    


He grabbed him by the shoulder, tiptoed, and fiercely kissed him.    


Min Ann'ge was caught off guard and took a step back. He almost fell down from the impact, but he was worried about hurting Luan Zhi. He quickly stabilized his body, but was bitten on the lips by Luan Zhi.    


Compared to kissing, it was more like chewing.    


Luan Zhi's eyes were tightly shut, her curving eyelashes constantly trembling, like the last dance of a heartbroken butterfly.    


Min Ann'ge frowned, but didn't struggle free.    


After a long while, Luan Zhi finally left. She took a step back, tears rolling down her face, leaving two streaks of tears on her cheeks.    


"Do you understand now? "Min Ann'ge, I'm no longer a child."    


Min Ann'ge couldn't react for a long time, and his heart was filled with shock.    


Luan Zhi's heart chilled. It was as if a huge hole had been cut open in her heart. An ice-cold, bone-piercing chill continuously rolled in, causing her entire body to turn ice-cold.    


She turned her eyes away.    


"Go back, don't come looking for me again."    


Min Ann'ge opened and closed his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.    


Ke Yanrui walked up and stopped him.    


"I'll walk you out."    


This time, Min Ann'ge didn't resist. He looked at Luan Zhi's back but didn't say anything.    


After walking out of the mansion, Min Ann'ge only stopped when the gate behind him closed the mountain again.    


Clenching his fist, he spun around and punched the wall, leaving a trail of blood.    


But in the end, he did not turn around and directly got into the car.    


Just as the car left, two people came out from the green belt beside them.    


He looked excited.    


"Did you hear what Min Ann'ge said just now?"    


"He said the child in Luan Zhi's womb is …"    


Another person quickly covered his mouth, looked around warily, and whispered: "How is it? Are they all recorded? "    


The man nodded.    




With that, the two sneakily left the villa.    


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