Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge frowned, his expression was extremely unsightly.    


He had never expected to be recorded.    


After a moment of silence, he said with great difficulty, "This should have been recorded yesterday when I went to find Luan Zhi."    


"Why are you so careless!"    


Brother Jian was so angry that he slapped the table.    


"Now that this recording has spread across the entire internet, how do we end it? Perhaps today, the endorsement company you just received will call to complain and demand compensation from us. "    


Min Ann'ge's expression was also ugly.    


"If they want to break the contract, then tear it up."    


"Well said!" Brother Jian widened his eyes in anger. How many endorsements do you have and how many contracts you have signed? If you compensate for every one of them, the money you have saved up might not be enough! And the movies and endorsements that will soon be chosen are all in vain. "    


Min Ann'ge frowned impatiently.    


"They can do whatever they want."    


After he finished speaking, he turned around and shut the door with a 'bang'.    


Brother Jian was so angry that his eyes were wide open. He raised his hand and knocked on the door.    


"Ann'ge, Min Ann'ge, open the door!"    


"How do you respond to this on the web? "If you really hate it so much that you admit it, then your future is over!"    


However, no matter what he said, Min Ann'ge didn't reply.    


His phone rang again. Brother Jian pressed it and saw that it was a call from the spokesperson for the collaboration. His heart sank to the bottom.    


However, he quickly reorganized his emotions, picked up the phone, and left.    


In the room, Min Ann'ge was lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling with his eyes wide open.    


However, even in such a painful state, Luan Zhi's appearance still kept appearing in his mind.    


Her eyes filled with tears, she looked at him in despair.    


— Do you understand now? Min Ann'ge, I'm not a child anymore.    


Min Ann'ge raised his hand and touched his lips with his fingertips.    


It still seemed to have Luan Zhi's kiss on it.    


Perhaps she had always thought that it was his fault.    


Luan Zhi was no longer a child.    


However …    


Why did it end up like this?    


Why did he have to pay such a heavy price to tell him?    


Min Ann'ge covered his face with the back of his hand. His heart felt like a huge rock had pressed down on it, making him unable to breathe.    


What work? What spokesperson? At this moment, they couldn't attract his attention at all.    


At this moment, the negative news about Min Ann'ge exploded!    


The recording was shocking enough. Anyone who knew Min Ann'ge would recognize the owner of the voice.    


From the beginning of the recording exposure, all the fans refused to believe, trying to find out where the fraud was made.    


But after a round of searching, they didn't find any flaws.    


This recording was indeed from Min Ann'ge, and it was authentic enough to eliminate any traces of editing.    


After receiving this fact, many fans were heartbroken and some even went black.    


Min Ann'ge has always been an ideal boyfriend for the entertainment industry, elegant, decent, the perfect man.    


But now, such a scandal had appeared.    


However, the recording wasn't over yet. That afternoon, someone had posted a photo.    


Last night, Min Ann'ge got drunk at the bar, hit someone, and caused trouble on the spot.    


There was more than one group of the same photos, and quite a few people had taken the pictures.    


All of a sudden, these photos exploded in all directions, drowning out everyone's vision.    


Min Ann'ge's company phone was about to explode from the calls. Even Brother Jian was extremely busy.    


There were companies everywhere asking about the situation and wanting to cancel their contracts.    


On the same day, the endorsements of the three families had already been replaced.    


The computer, television, newspapers, and magazines were all Min Ann'ge's reports.    


Luan Zhi turned off the TV and walked to the window.    


As soon as he lifted the curtains, a commotion came from outside.    


Flashlights flashed continuously and the reporters questioned him.    


Luan Zhi quickly retracted her hand. This morning, when she saw the reporters rushing over, she knew something had happened.    


But he didn't expect it to be so bad.    


When Ke Yanrui came down from upstairs, he saw Luan Zhi sitting on the sofa with her face buried in her knees.    


"Luan Zhi, are you alright?"    


He walked over and pulled his thin coat over her shoulders.    


"Don't worry, I've already informed the security guards. When they chase them away, we'll move out. We can't stay here anymore."    


Luan Zhi raised her head and looked at Ke Yanrui's face.    


In his mind, he could hear the endless stream of reports that he had just seen on television.    


If he didn't clarify anything about this matter, Min Ann'ge would be finished.    


As a professional, water can carry a boat can also capsize, lost fans, Min Ann'ge's star journey will have no future.    


Min Ann'ge was naturally suited to being under the spotlight. He was born to be a celebrity.    


No one could replace him.    


Even now, he couldn't bear to see Min Ann'ge in this state.    


She looked at Ke Yanrui and hesitated for a moment before making up her mind.    


"Big Brother Ke, can you help me with something?"    


"What is it?" Tell me, if I can help you. "    


Luan Zhi placed her hand on her bulging belly and said firmly, "Help me hold a press conference. I want to clarify this news."    


Ke Yanrui looked at her in confusion.    


"Clarification? "But it was originally …" Noticing Luan Zhi's gaze, he frowned and asked, "What do you want?"    


"The father of the child isn't Min Ann'ge, it can't be him."    


Ke Yanrui was stunned.    


After pondering for a moment, he finally nodded.    


"I know."    


The next morning, Min Ann'ge was still at the heart of the struggle.    


It was at this moment that Luan Zhi suddenly stepped forward.    


A press conference had invited all the reporters from all over the capital over.    


The large meeting room was filled with reporters, bustling with activity.    


These people were here for the matter between Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge. Many of the media had already set up cameras to broadcast the entire press conference.    


In the eyes of the crowd, the matter between Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge was already set in stone.    


Although she didn't know why Luan Zhi would suddenly appear at this time, she even held a press conference without restraint.    


But for reporters, no matter what she said, today's press conference would still attract attention.    


After half an hour, Luan Zhi finally walked up from behind the stage.    


Once she appeared, everyone present quieted down.    


In the next second, the reporter's short spear was aimed at her.    


The bright light, the sound of the shutter, filled the entire room.    


If it weren't for the bodyguards stopping them, those reporters would have already rushed up to them.    


Luan Zhi was wearing simple jeans and a long knitted shirt. She was wearing light makeup, and everyone present could see her protruding stomach.    


The rumors of pregnancy were even more positive.    


For a moment, everyone was guessing in their hearts.    


Could it be that Luan Zhi's appearance this time is to accuse Min Ann'ge?    


Or was it to force a marriage?    


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