Lovely Substitute Bride



Ji Jingchen looked at her.    


"You're awake?"    


"How long have I been asleep?" Wen Tiantian moved a little and looked at the sky. It seemed to still be night.    


"Less than three hours."    


Wen Tiantian rubbed her eyes. "Where is this place?"    


He turned his head and looked around. Although it was still night time, the surroundings were brightly lit, allowing him to clearly see his surroundings.    


At this moment, the two of them were walking on a tree-lined road, surrounded by a dense forest.    


At the end of the path, there seemed to be a beautiful white villa.    


"What is this place?" Wen Tiantian couldn't help but ask.    


"The island I gave you." Ji Jingchen said.    




Wen Tiantian thought she had misheard and raised her head to look at him in surprise.    


Ji Jingchen explained, "This is an island in the Pacific Ocean, and also a gift from me. They had already bought it last year, but it was still a deserted island at that time. I spent a year building houses and other equipment. "    


As he walked, he said, "This island is on the high seas. Although it is not very big, the entire island belongs to you. It is not controlled by any country. It is your source of peach blossoms."    


Wen Tiantian blinked. She never thought that Ji Jingchen would actually give her an island as a present.    


When she was in the orphanage, she had never had the chance to travel abroad, let alone own an island of her own.    


This was something that he had never even dreamed of.    


Seeing Wen Tiantian's happy expression, Ji Jingchen smiled faintly.    


As long as she liked it, it was worth it. Wen Tiantian had no idea how expensive this island was and how much it cost to repair it.    


Wen Tiantian looked around hesitantly.    


"Are you saying that we're the only two people on this island?"    


"Yes, I just finished my work ahead of time. We can stay here for the next two days."    


No wonder Ji Jingchen was always busy recently. He came with her just to finish his work ahead of time.    


Wen Tiantian looked around curiously as Ji Jingchen carried her into the mansion.    


As soon as she opened the door, she couldn't help but let out a cry of alarm.    


Pink balloons could be seen on the floor. Not only the floor, but even the tables and sofas were filled with them. There were even quite a few balloons floating on the ceiling.    


Wen Tiantian looked at him in surprise, but Ji Jingchen didn't listen. Instead, he carried him directly through the living room and headed outside.    


Wen Tiantian looked around in bewilderment.    


When he reacted, Ji Jingchen had already brought him through the mansion's terrace and out.    


In front of them was an endless blue ocean. Flames could be seen on the wide beach.    


Wen Tiantian took a closer look and discovered that the beach was actually covered with hearts.    


At some point, the candles had been lit. Everywhere he looked, the beach was covered with them.    


The tens of millions of candles emitted a light as resplendent as the stars. The only place that didn't have a candle was the shape of a love heart.    


Ji Jingchen carried her through the candles and walked straight to the center of the heart.    


Ever since she came to this island, Wen Tiantian's emotions could no longer be described with the word 'shocked'.    


She looked around in surprise, not knowing where she should be looking now. Every place was filled with pleasant surprises.    


Wen Tiantian even forgot that she was carried by Ji Jingchen along the way.    


Only when his legs finally touched the beach did he finally react.    


She walked around in a circle and saw all the candles that were lit.    


When he looked at Ji Jingchen again, he saw that Ji Jingchen had already kneeled down in front of him. Unknowingly, he had already held a bunch of white bell-orchids in his hands, symbolizing the eternal presence of happiness!    


He knelt on one knee in front of Wen Tiantian and raised his head slightly. He gazed at Wen Tiantian as if he was a knight showing his love to his beloved princess.    


The surroundings seemed to have become quiet for a moment.    


No matter how beautiful the scenery was, no matter how dazzling the decorations of the giant candles, no matter how beautiful the villa was, it couldn't compare to Ji Jingchen.    


Ji Jingchen's gaze fell on her and didn't move away for a long time.    


He secretly took in a deep breath, unexpectedly feeling incomparably nervous at this moment.    


Looking at Wen Tiantian, he said slowly, "I have done many wrong things, I hate many people."    


"For over twenty years, for the sake of achieving my goal and taking revenge, I did everything I could. It could be said that I was cold-blooded and emotionless, and I never saw anyone's emotions do anything. I am alone, so even if I die, I don't care. "    


"I thought that a man like me could only live a lonely life, old and ugly in hatred and sin, a slave to hatred. I never thought that God would be so kind as to let me meet you. "    


He paused for a moment, his gaze becoming more gentle.    


"Before I met you, I never believed in God, but he kept you by my side time and time again, so I had to believe, I had to thank, I had to thank him for letting me know you. And thank him for making you fall in love with me. "    


"I don't know when it started, but my plan for the future wasn't just about one person, but rather, it was about you. I became afraid of death because I didn't want to separate us. I wanted to give you the best things in the world, but I was afraid I wasn't doing well enough. "    


"Even at many times, I would harm you. I am so glad that you did not leave. Thank you for always being by my side."    


Ji Jingchen took a deep breath. His tone was emotionally moved. He actually cried a few times.    


He recalled the past. He recalled the first day when Wen Tiantian entered the ancient castle. From the moment they showed their love to Wen Tiantian suddenly falling into the sea, the torture of unknown life and death. All of these scenes appeared in Ji Jingchen's mind.    


At this moment, he was even more determined.    


This woman in front of him was not only the one he wanted to live his life with. If possible, he would give up everything in exchange for travelling with her in the next life.    


Upon hearing his words, Wen Tiantian was visibly moved, tears welling up in her eyes.    


The gentlest thing that could move one's heart was the sudden love of a heartless person.    


Ji Jingchen was such a heartless person. In the eyes of outsiders, he was cold-blooded and emotionless, as if he did not possess any feelings that humans possessed.    


Unknowingly, his seven emotions and six desires slowly revealed themselves.    


It was all because of one person — Wen Tiantian.    


The sea breeze blew gently along with Ji Jingchen's deep and gentle voice.    


He sacrificed his ancestors and said, "I am a greedy guy, an unsatisfied person. With the company of the first day, I can't help but want the next day, the third day … Even for the rest of my life. "    


"God knows how nervous I am right now, but I still want to say, Wen Tiantian …"    


He paused, his expression becoming more tense, and said seriously: "Marry me, okay? "Although I know that what I've done isn't perfect, please give me another chance. Is it okay?"    


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