Lovely Substitute Bride



Before he even entered the door, the moment he got closer, he saw Ji Jingchen's naked body with a towel hanging from his waist. It was loose and loose, as if it could fall down at any time.    


Wen Tiantian halted her steps. For a moment, she didn't know whether she should continue walking forward or stop.    


Her waist was still sore. Thinking about Ji Jingchen's method last night, she suddenly felt scared and didn't dare to go over.    


From her point of view, she could also clearly see several clear scratches on Ji Jingchen's back, which were all left by her.    


Wen Tiantian's face turned even redder.    


At this moment, Ji Jingchen, who just finished his lunch, turned his head and saw her. A gentle smile appeared on his face.    




At this moment, the sun was high in the sky. Bright sunlight shone in from the window and landed on Ji Jingchen, causing his smile to turn warm.    


Wen Tiantian suddenly felt that all the fatigue on her body had been completely swept away. A gentle breeze blew away the curtain covering the window, causing her to feel refreshed.    


The man in front of them was like a mysterious creature. His current appearance was as dazzling as a god's, making it impossible for anyone to not want to get closer.    


However, just like last night, he could transform into a wild beast and make people complain incessantly.    


After being stared at by Ji Jingchen for a long time, Wen Tiantian's face slightly blushed and turned into a faint pink color.    


"Yes." She nodded, and like a little white rabbit who had been coaxed, she still went over.    


A few dishes had already been prepared on the table. They didn't look the best. To Wen Tiantian, who was extremely hungry, they were already delicious food.    


Furthermore, these were all done by Ji Jingchen.    


Soon, Wen Tiantian discovered one of the fish she liked to eat.    


Ji Jingchen didn't like to eat fish. Other than Wen Tiantian's cooking, he didn't eat anything else, even cooking dishes himself.    


Moreover, it could be said that he was extremely disgusted by the fishy smell. Today, he had personally cooked this dish for her.    


Wen Tiantian's heart warmed. Seeing Ji Jingchen bringing the last dish over, her stomach let out a series of cries.    


"Shall we eat first?"    




Wen Tiantian nodded and was about to sit down when she saw Ji Jingchen also sit down.    


Turning his head, he saw that the other party's skin was exposed. For a moment, he didn't know where to look.    


"You … Is this how you eat?"    


However, Ji Jingchen had a look of certainty on his face.    


"There's no one else here."    


Even though he knew Wen Tiantian was thin-skinned, Ji Jingchen still stared at her intentionally. Sure enough, he felt itchy when he saw her unfocused gaze and pink cheeks.    


Wen Tiantian pursed her lips and lowered her head, almost burying her head into the bowl.    


"But I am here."    


"You are not an outsider." Ji Jingchen said generously.    


Wen Tiantian was helpless. Could he temporarily treat her as an outsider?    


"What's more …" Ji Jingchen continued, "It's not like you haven't seen it before, but you touched it last night and saw my back? "It's full of your scars …"    


Wen Tiantian's face was quickly heating up, and it seemed as if her entire body was on the verge of burning up.    


"You, don't say anymore …"    


Ji Jingchen laughed.    


Last night, Wen Tiantian still had an expression that said she would rather die than submit. Today, in the blink of an eye, she had turned into a little white rabbit, soft and cute.    


"Wasn't it bold last night? "Why are you so shy now?"    


Wen Tiantian was momentarily at a loss for words. She lowered her head and remained silent.    


Seeing that she was really shy, Ji Jingchen decided to stop eating if he continued talking. Then, he finally stood up.    


While stretching, he said, "You eat first. I'll go change my clothes. I'll take you to the beach later."    


Wen Tiantian nodded and waited until there was no sound coming from behind her before she looked back. Only when she saw that the others had left did she finally let out a sigh of relief.    


If he was going to the beach, he should be fine outside, right?    


Moreover, he had just chosen the most conservative dress in the entire wardrobe.    


Thinking of this, Wen Tiantian, who had been hanging in the air all this time, was finally able to relax and eat in peace.    


After having another lunch, Ji Jingchen changed into a light and light set of clothes and walked outside with Wen Tiantian.    


One of the reasons Ji Jingchen bought this island was because the beach here was very beautiful.    


Under the sunlight, the sand shone with a golden light, as if it was a fairyland.    


Moreover, the island was a private property, and the entire beach belonged to them.    


As soon as she saw the golden beach, Wen Tiantian's eyes widened in surprise as she ran towards it.    


She had originally thought that the clothes she was wearing would be conservative enough, but she did not know that the material of this dress was special.    


When you're not walking, it's very nice, but if you're moving a little too much, or you're running like this, the thin fabric will fly up with you.    


His slender white legs were instantly exposed.    


Ji Jingchen followed behind her and squinted his eyes. He could even see the obvious kiss mark on it.    


Her deep eyes darkened even more.    


Soon, Wen Tiantian was on the beach. She took off her shoes and buried her feet in the sand, squinting her eyes in comfort.    


Ji Jingchen followed closely behind. He did not stop his footsteps and walked directly to the seaside and took off his jacket.    


As soon as she stepped into the water, she turned to look at her.    


Seeing that Wen Tiantian was frozen in place, she said without moving, "Come here."    


Wen Tiantian quickly waved her hand.    


"I can't swim."    


However, Ji Jingchen didn't take it back and continued: "I'll teach you.    


Wen Tiantian did not know how to swim. She had learned it when she was young, but she had never learned it.    


If that hadn't been the case, he wouldn't have choked when he was forced into the sea and almost lost his life.    


Ji Jingchen bought the island as Wen Tiantian's gift and planned to teach her how to use it in the next two days.    


If an accident really happened, he would have the ability to save himself.    


He no longer wanted to experience that sort of thing a second time.    


Wen Tiantian frowned, but she was still a little hesitant.    


Her previous experience of drowning made her feel fear.    


Looking at the vast ocean, not only did it not move forward, it even took a step back.    


Seeing her fear, Ji Jingchen walked over.    


"I know you're scared, but if there's a next time, if there's no one else, I'll save you, Tiantian …"    


Wen Tiantian pursed her lips tightly, looked at Ji Jingchen's worried eyes and then turned to look at the blue ocean.    


She took a deep breath and finally said, "Then let's learn. It shouldn't be a problem with you around."    


Ji Jingchen smiled and said, "Alright, let's take off our clothes first."    


Wen Tiantian, who was initially a little worried, looked up in surprise when she heard those words.    




Ji Jingchen said, "You're wearing a dress now, how are you going to learn?"    


Wen Tiantian looked down at her dress and saw a faint smile on Ji Jingchen's face. For a moment, she wondered if learning to swim was part of his plan.    


Seeing that she didn't understand, Ji Jingchen urged again: "Hurry, if you don't hurry, it will be late." Or do you want me to help you? "    


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