Lovely Substitute Bride



"Is this really how it's going to go?"    


Wen Tiantian didn't know if the makeup artist had also been brainwashed by the chef, but the makeup on her face was extremely exaggerated. She had thin, long eyeliner and bright red lips.    


Her long hair was tied up in a high bun. It was extremely exaggerated.    


By the side, the makeup artist was extremely pleased with her work.    


"This is imitating the makeup of the Tang Dynasty, vividly displaying the traditional culture. It will definitely make people's eyes light up. Your facial features and skin are also very suitable. This is simply my most perfect masterpiece. "    


No matter how Wen Tiantian looked at herself in the mirror, she felt like a bright red apple.    


"Indeed, it would make one's eyes light up."    


She mumbled to herself, "There's no need to exaggerate so much. I just need to make it simpler."    


"How can this be?"    


When the kitchen maid, who had a satisfied expression, heard this, she quickly waved her hand, "Miss, this is the only way to perform during the royal ball."    


Although this aesthetic did not suit the Chinese, to the tycoons who came from abroad, this was the beauty of the East in their hearts.    


However, Wen Tiantian couldn't accept it and could only say, "Don't be like this. Take off your exaggerated makeup and your hair …"    


The cook looked regretful.    


"Take out your clothes …"    


Wen Tiantian turned her head to look at the clothes that they had painstakingly picked out, feeling a wave of helplessness in her heart.    


The bright red dress was extremely exaggerated, and with her makeup, it looked like she was about to ascend to the throne.    


"Let's change it. I remember there's something suitable in the wardrobe."    




The cook was worried.    


Wen Tiantian smiled and said, "I'll go with you to take a look later."    


Every quarter, Ji Jingchen would help her customize clothes for each brand. Wen Tiantian herself could not understand the clothes in the entire cloakroom, many of which had never been used before.    


Seeing that she was so insistent, the cook had no choice but to compromise. She sighed and put the clothes back.    


Wen Tiantian allowed the makeup artist, who had a displeased expression on her face, to remove her makeup.    


Liu Ye's eyebrows, pink lips, and skin that could be broken by the blowing of the wind, she didn't even need to use her exaggerated blush and foundation.    


Her long curls were put down and combed back from her neck, down to her waist.    


Her pretty face was exposed, and her eyes were watery, as if there were stars hidden within.    


Seeing Wen Tiantian's current appearance, the makeup artist's complexion finally recovered. She excitedly helped her to apply a pure white feather to her forehead.    


A long white dress was emitting a faint ancient aura, and at the corner of the skirt, there were a few cyan dots.    


Water comes out of the hibiscus, natural to carving.    


Wen Tiantian moved around a bit and felt relaxed. The makeup on her face was still within her acceptable range.    


Only then did she raise her head to look at the chef and makeup artist.    


"How is it?"    


The two of them stared blankly at her.    


After a long time, the chef finally nodded his head, his eyes filled with amazement.    


"Too beautiful! This is indeed the most suitable for young mistress! "    


The makeup artist, who had been reluctant just a moment ago, had now completely changed her attitude.    


"I take back what I just said. This is the most suitable for you. Miss Wen, I believe that you will definitely amaze the entire audience tonight. "    


Wen Tiantian was like a fairy that had fallen from the heavens to the mortal world. She was spirited and graceful, her eyes were like a fairy from the mountains, stunning people.    


The feather makeup on her forehead made her even more enchanting.    


Dressed in a long skirt, her figure looked even more slender.    


When Wen Tiantian walked down from the second floor, Ji Jingchen was still engrossed in the information in his hands. He was very serious and did not notice anyone's arrival.    


The surroundings instantly quieted down.    


The butler, who was standing at the side, slowly opened his eyes. Seeing that Ji Jingchen hadn't noticed, he could not help but cough.    


Ji Jingchen raised his head and saw Wen Tiantian standing on the stairs.    


He slowly stood up, but his gaze was still locked onto Wen Tiantian.    


Wen Tiantian was chatting with the chef as she walked down the stairs. Suddenly, there was no sound coming from beside her. She looked down and her gaze was caught by Ji Jingchen.    


Under his gaze, Wen Tiantian gradually became nervous and slow down.    


After walking down the stairs with great difficulty, he arrived in front of Ji Jingchen.    


Wen Tiantian's face was flushed.    


"How is it?"    


Ji Jingchen didn't speak for a long time, while Wen Tiantian became even more nervous.    


When he looked up, he saw Ji Jingchen frowning slightly as if he was slightly unhappy.    


Did he feel that he was not wearing proper clothes?    


Wen Tiantian looked carefully, the dress was very conservative and there was no makeup, or did Ji Jingchen like what the designer prepared?    


She started to worry. After a while, Ji Jingchen finally breathed out, as if he had been holding his breath.    


"Remember to stay by my side tonight. Don't run around." he repeated very seriously.    


Wen Tiantian was even more confused as she looked at him in confusion.    


Ji Jingchen said in a serious tone, "Stay by my side. Otherwise, you might be taken away casually. Where can I find you then?"    


Wen Tiantian was taken aback, but her face still blushed.    


"What nonsense are you spouting …"    


At this moment, the butler handed over Ji Jingchen's coat and said, "Mister and Miss, everything has been prepared."    


Ji Jingchen nodded, put on his coat and led Wen Tiantian out.    


The banquet was held in the suburbs, and it didn't look very eye-catching.    


"I received the news that Ruan Family has also received an invitation letter. Mrs Ruan should be here by then." Ji Jingchen said on the side after Ye Zichen got in the car.    


"I heard Xu Ping talk about it." Wen Tiantian gripped the leather bag tightly and said with a smile, "I've prepared gifts for them."    


The car drove along the outskirts of the city for twenty minutes before finally arriving at another area.    


Even before entering the venue, he already saw quite a few bodyguards on the road. It was enough to see how strict the wine party was.    


The guests of the party were all industry tycoons, and there were even many influential figures in the political world.    


The military was in charge of all security. It could protect the safety of everyone.    


At such a meeting, any decision could influence the survival of a country's economy.    


As they got closer to the meeting place, even the speed had to be lowered. Every once in a while, a bodyguard would check the invitation letter again and again.    


Ji Jingchen's car drove straight to the end of the road. In front of him appeared a mansion similar to the one in the ancient castle.    


This villa was as old as Ji Jingchen's ancient castle.    


It was said that a wealthy merchant had built it, and many of its owners had taken it over. It was unknown who had taken it into his hands.    


For the party to be held here, it was enough to see the power of the host.    


There were already many cars parked around the villa. If one were to look around 10,000 times, the value of each car would be equivalent to a villa. It seemed that all the limited edition cars in the world were gathered here.    


The security around the area was even stricter as cars drove forward one after another.    


These kings who were the tyrants of their own created business empire, now that they had come here, they had to obediently listen to the rules and commands here. No one dared to act rashly.    


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