Lovely Substitute Bride



"I will find a place for him to stay so that he won't disturb you."    


Just as Ji Jingchen finished his sentence, Wen Minghao, who was hiding behind Yao Yan, screamed.    


"I'm not going!"    


"Yao Yan frowned and pondered for a moment." "What is it?"    


"Morninglight Orphanage."    


Hearing this, Yao Yan went silent.    


She knew that the Morninglight Orphanage was opened by Wen Tiantian. If she sent Wen Minghao over, she could indeed concentrate on completing the work.    


Furthermore, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Ji Jingchen had come for yesterday's matter.    


She couldn't do anything about Wen Minghao's current personality. If she could correct him because of this, it would be a good thing.    


Seeing that she was still hesitating, Ji Jingchen continued: "The orphanage is perfect, as long as he doesn't go out randomly, nothing will happen to him, and the people from Wen Family won't think that he's in the orphanage."    


Yao Yan was moved.    


She looked at Wen Minghao, who was behind her, and finally nodded.    


However, Wen Minghao instantly exploded.    


"I'm not going! "I don't want to go to an orphanage!"    


He flew into a rage, grabbed the cup from the table and smashed it onto the ground.    


Ji Jingchen looked at him coldly, not moving at all.    


Not long after, the ground was littered with the fragments of his weapon.    


Ji Jingchen slightly raised his hand and two bodyguards walked in from outside. They immediately grabbed Wen Minghao who was in the middle of making a scene and walked outside.    


When Yao Yan saw this, she couldn't bear to see it any longer and followed him.    


However, in the end, he did not go back on his word. Seeing Wen Minghao being led away, he wiped the corner of his eyes and did not speak anymore.    


Ji Jingchen finally sent the kid off. Then, he turned around and left.    


When Wen Tiantian woke up, she was relieved to find that Wen Minghao had been sent away.    


It was a good idea to send him to the orphanage. She was worried that Ji Jingchen would use violence.    


Ji Jingchen had already left first, and Wen Tiantian slept until late morning. Luckily, today was not the day's official work, so Steering Group did not have to arrive on time.    


Wen Tiantian finished her breakfast and hurried out.    


And at this time in Wen Family, Wen Qi was infuriated when he found out that both Master Fann and Wen Tiantian had become Steering Group leaders at the same time and possessed the same authority.    


Wen Honghai, who had just been scolded by Wen Qi, had an ugly expression on his face. When he walked out of the door and saw Master Fann waiting at the door, he didn't even give her a good look.    


He ignored Master Fann, who quickly ran over to get on the car.    


"Mr Wen Er, listen to my explanation."    


Hearing this, Wen Honghai immediately exploded and started to curse loudly.    


"How are you going to explain that? You said it yourself at the time, that you could control the entire Steering Group. "You actually told Wen Tiantian that last night, I really don't know who you're standing next to!"    


Master Fann immediately explained: "I do have my troubles. Wen Tiantian knows my weakness, if she were to say it out in front of Organizer, I won't even be able to be Steering Group Group Leader."    


Wen Honghai still had a sullen expression.    


"Then what are you going to do now? With Wen Tiantian, she'll definitely become an obstacle in our plans. You've brought this trouble on yourself, you handle it yourself. "    


Master Fann nodded.    


"Of course, I've already thought about it. Within three days, I will have Wen Tiantian sweep the whole lot of them away, and at that time, the entire Steering Group will be under my control. Our plan will proceed smoothly as well."    


After getting Master Fann's guarantee, Wen Honghai gradually calmed down and nodded his head.    


"Alright, then I'll wait for your news."    


After saying that, he turned around and got into the car.    


Master Fann watched Wen Honghai's car gradually disappear into the distance before finally retracting his gaze.    


At the thought of Wen Tiantian, traces of a sinister light flashed across his eyes.    


When Wen Tiantian arrived at the venue, the work had yet to begin.    


A lot of things were still being constructed and this meeting would continue for a month, with new projects coming up and Wen Tiantian's Steering Group helping to carry out them smoothly.    


As soon as she walked into the office, she saw a few people with work tags standing around and chatting.    


Previously, Organizer had said that he would invite a few of his assistants to form the Steering Group.    


Wen Tiantian glanced over and saw one or two faces that she had seen before. They were all people that she had seen before.    


These should be the other members invited by the Organizer.    


Seeing someone walk in, the people inside only turned their heads to look at her, but ignored her and continued to talk to the others.    


Wen Tiantian noticed that some of them were sitting alone in the corner. There were also two or three people huddled together chatting, as if they had already been separated into several small groups.    


In the field of antique restoration, the relationship between different antique masters is not harmonious.    


If it was two masters in the same field, it could be said that they were going against each other. No one would give in to the other. Correspondingly, the disciples under their names also did not like each other.    


They did not know if the Organizer had not investigated properly before inviting them over, but now that Wen Tiantian had looked over, she saw that many of their teachers were sworn enemies.    


Usually, these people wouldn't even look at each other, much less work together.    


Wen Tiantian couldn't help but sigh in her heart when she saw these people.    


It seemed that this event would not be held smoothly.    


She walked over and saw a file on the table. It looked like it was the first item she had decided on in advance.    


Wen Tiantian flipped through the pages. This project was a project on the spread of Shang Dynasty culture, but it was kept here without anyone taking care of it.    


"When did the project arrive?"    


The moment she opened her mouth, everyone in the room quieted down and turned around to look at her.    


Wen Tiantian flipped it over and said, "Who is more adept at promoting and promoting the cultural relics of the Shang Dynasty?"    


"Of course it's me!" As soon as he finished, one of them shouted for help.    


She strode forward and continued, "The most famous bronze artifacts in the Shang Dynasty are the bronze artifacts. My teacher and I have been researching bronze artifacts for decades, so we are definitely qualified for this job."    


As she spoke, she was about to snatch the project book from Wen Tiantian's hands.    


However, before he could get his hands on the information, he was hit by another person midway.    


"Don't joke with me! When it comes to bronze artifacts, my teacher and I are most adept at it. Have you forgotten about us? Your teacher is going to play it for a few more years before he starts researching it, right? The one who's really good at it is me! "    


The two people who appeared in front of him were the disciples of the two arch-enemy masters.    


However, the first item on the list was bronze equipment. The two of them began to argue without holding back. They didn't want to start a relationship.    


The other people in the room, however, had nothing to do with them. They crossed their arms and prepared to watch a good show.    


Wen Tiantian frowned.    


The bronze artifacts of the Shang dynasty were indeed famous. One Four Sheeps of the Fang Ancestor was enough to shock both Chinese and foreign collectors and historians alike.    


As for the development of cultural relics in the Shang Dynasty, it was indeed necessary to develop in the field of bronze artifacts.    


However, it was impossible to complete such a big project by only two people. Only the two of them worked together.    


However, these two looked as if they were about to fight. There was no possibility of them working together.    


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