Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian, on the other hand, was skeptical. Looking at how sensible they were, it didn't seem like they would let the matter go that easily.    


However, since her opponent didn't make a move, she had no other choice but to wait until that moment, when the battle would begin.    


As she thought, she raised her head and looked at Manager Yang.    


"Has anything happened at the company recently?"    


Manager Yang nodded. Then, he remembered and quickly handed over the information in his hand.    


"You came back at the right time. The company has been preparing a big movie these days, and they are finalizing a plan."    


Wen Tiantian took the information and flipped through it. The big company under Ruan Enterprise was Universal Film and Television.    


It was almost the end of the year, and it was time to start preparing for the celebration.    


Moreover, this movie's goal was to push the world to become the top movie film in every major film festival, involving the entire second half of the Ruan, so naturally he attached great importance to it.    


"Have the producers and directors been decided?"    


Manager Yang nodded.    


"Before you arrived, we had a meeting and discussed about it. Manager Liang Ji'ann and Liang were the producers. As for the directors and actors, there are also people to choose from them."    


Wen Tiantian recognized the name Liang Ji'ann.    


Manager Yang reminded again: "This Manager Liang is also your relative."    


Hearing his words, Wen Tiantian finally remembered.    


In the past period of time, she accompanied Mrs Ruan back to Ruan Family, and also met with a few other Ruan Family branch members who worked at the company.    


This Liang Ji'ann was a son-in-law of a branch of Ruan Family who recruited a woman, and later got a position in the Ruan.    


It was worth mentioning that his father-in-law had been one of the people who had barged into the CEO's office and criticized her, and was also the largest shareholder on the company's board of directors.    


Although Wen Tiantian knew who he was, she wasn't clear about his abilities. She instructed, "Have him come up later and bring all the work you've done so far."    


"Yes, Miss Wen."    


With that, Manager Yang nodded and turned to leave.    


Wen Tiantian lowered her head and flipped through the documents in her hands. Half an hour later, someone knocked on the office door.    


"Come in."    


The door opened, and a middle-aged man in his early thirties walked in. He wore a pair of glasses, and he had a faint smile on his face, which made him look rather smooth.    


He walked over with a fawning expression and a slight bow.    


"President Wen, what can I do for you?"    


Wen Tiantian put down the information in her hands and went straight to the point. "You are the Producer for this movie. It's been a week already.    


When Liang Ji'ann heard this, he patted his chest.    


"No problem. This project can be said to be the most correct decision for me. I will definitely be able to successfully complete this project. Rest assured!" "And it's also my area of expertise, and …"    


As soon as Wen Tiantian finished her sentence, he started talking nonstop with an excited expression and waved his arms, looking very proud of his ability.    


However, he did not say a word about the work he had done or the progress of his work on the project.    


Wen Tiantian couldn't help but frown. She raised her hand to interrupt his blabbering and reminded him, "You don't have to tell me all this. You just have to tell me how the preparations are progressing."    


Only then did the man stop. He let out a hollow laugh and slightly bent his body again.    


"We've only just taken over this movie and we need a little more time. The rest of the work is also in preparation. Foreign companies are also in the process of contacting them. There should be news soon, rest assured. There will definitely be no problems with the project! "    


He had spoken with confidence, but Wen Tiantian could hear the questions in his voice even though she was listening to him.    


"So you haven't done anything for a week?"    


The thought in Liang Ji'ann's mind was instantly exposed. His voice stopped immediately and his waving arms stopped in midair.    


Explanation of Ali: "It's only been a week, and progress is indeed slow, but these are not problems …"    


Wen Tiantian didn't continue to listen to his explanation.    


"I've seen the previous plan. This movie needs to be completed by the end of the year, and now that more than half of the time has already passed, you haven't done anything yet. How are you going to finish it within the allotted time?"    


"This …"    


He hesitated for a moment before saying repeatedly, "Don't worry, I definitely have a way."    


"What I want is not your guarantee, but your efficiency."    


Wen Tiantian interrupted him and looked at the person in front of her.    


He was thin and stooped, with a flattering smile on his face. He wondered if he really had the ability to become the general manager.    


However, once she thought about how he was a distant relative of the Ruan Family and his relationship with the board of directors, she immediately understood.    


This thought flashed through Wen Tiantian's mind, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh in her heart.    


In front of him, Manager Liang was still expressing his confidence, but what had he done to him? He couldn't say a single word about his achievements. He could only talk about it on paper.    


Wen Tiantian was too lazy to continue listening to him and began to doubt whether she should hand over such a big project to him.    


She waved her hand and interrupted Manager Liang's words.    


"Alright, you can leave first. You have to give me a report within three days."    


Liang Ji'ann laughed as if he had escaped a disaster.    


"No problem, no problem, don't worry."    


As he spoke, he left the office with an extremely humble and fawning attitude.    


But as soon as he stepped out the door, the expression on his face quickly changed to one of disdain.    


When Wen Tiantian's flattery disappeared, a sly smile appeared on her face. She glanced at the door of the CEO's office and harrumphed coldly.    


"He really thinks of himself as the CEO?" What does a little girl know? "    


With that, he raised his head, stuck out his chest, and left the top floor with his hands behind his back.    


After two days, Wen Tiantian still hadn't received her project report. She urged a few times, but the other party always had an excuse to shirk.    


Unknowingly, after half a week, such a big project had yet to show any signs of improvement.    


She couldn't help but be worried. This time, she didn't wait for Liang Ji'ann to come up and went straight to his department's office.    


Upon entering, he saw a few employees in the department office huddled together, talking and laughing. From afar, he could hear their laughter, but they were not working.    


Wen Tiantian frowned and walked over.    


"Where's Manager Liang?"    


Hearing the sound, the few of them turned around.    


Seeing that it was Wen Tiantian, she didn't look flustered at all. She looked at each other, then pointed to the office.    


He then turned around and continued his conversation.    


Wen Tiantian had just taken two steps in the direction they were pointing when she turned around and looked at them.    


Looking around, out of the eight employees in the office, not a single one was working.    


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