Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian told her about her bet with Director Ruan and all her preparations. She didn't want to lie to her.    


Luan Zhi listened quietly with a rare serious look on her face.    


"Are you willing to give this chance to Min Ann'ge?"    


"Of course." Wen Tiantian affirmed, "He's my most valued male lead. It can be said that this movie was specially made for him."    


Luan Zhi fell into deep thought once she finished listening.    


Wen Tiantian continued, "Unfortunately, I already told him that Min Ann'ge would not accept this script."    


"Is that so?"    


Luan Zhi's expression was not one bit surprised as she had already guessed Min Ann'ge's thoughts.    


"Maybe he didn't want to implicate you?"    


While the two of them were talking, Min Ann'ge walked out of the mansion and walked to Luan Zhi's side.    


"The wind is blowing. Let's go back."    


Only then did Wen Tiantian realize that it was already late and the evening breeze had just started blowing.    


"I'll go back first. I'll come see you guys next time."    


Then, he turned to Min Ann'ge and said again, "I hope you will seriously consider what I've told you just now."    


Min Ann'ge didn't answer directly, he just nodded slightly.    


But from the looks of it, he did not want to accept this script.    


Wen Tiantian didn't press the issue and left the villa.    


Once she left, Min Ann'ge brought Luan Zhi back to the villa.    


Ever since Luan Zhi became pregnant, he had taken care of all the family matters.    


After dinner, Min Ann'ge packed the things in the kitchen.    


When he entered the living room, he saw Luan Zhi sitting on the sofa, flipping through something.    


Taking a closer look, he realized that the script in her hand was the one that Wen Tiantian had given him previously.    


Min Ann'ge walked over after pausing for a moment.    


"These are useless things. I'll return them to Tiantian in two days."    


As he said that, he raised his hand to take the script from Luan Zhi, but she swiftly dodged it.    


Luan Zhi lowered her head and did not look at him.    


"Have you read this script?"    


Min Ann'ge was stunned and shook his head.    


Ever since he had taken it from Wen Tiantian, he had never opened it. He also did not want to see what the script looked like in the future.    


He was afraid that his heart would be moved after he saw it, but he clearly knew in his heart that with his current condition, he couldn't accept this cooperation at all. That would harm Wen Tiantian.    


"This script isn't bad. It was created by you. If it were another person, they wouldn't have been able to express the feeling of it!" Luan Zhi continued.    


Min Ann'ge frowned slightly.    


"So what? There are many outstanding actors in the movie industry these days, not to mention their abilities. They pay more attention to the star effect, which is the winner if they can incite their fans to buy tickets in the movie theater. "    


Saying this, he let out a bitter laugh.    


"No matter how good his acting is, without the support of his fans, it would just be a waste."    


Luan Zhi quieted down after she finished listening.    


Min Ann'ge thought he had successfully convinced her. As he turned to leave, her voice came from behind him again.    


"But you didn't tell me that before."    


Hearing that, Min Ann'ge's action paused for a moment.    


He turned around and saw that Luan Zhi's gaze had finally shifted away from the script, looking up at him.    


"I remember when I first met you, you told me that you wanted to stand in the spotlight and be an actor. "You said that the most important thing for an actor is to have great acting skills and professional skills. But what about now?"    


Her voice was slightly raised as she looked straight at Min Ann'ge.    


"Now, do you think a person's fan strength is more important than their acting skills?"    


Min Ann'ge frowned, a struggle flashed across his brown eyes.    


"This is an experience I gained from crawling around in the entertainment circle for more than ten years. There are no celebrities without fans. Compared to acting and ability, fans are more powerful!"    


"However, there are still some actors that don't have crazy fans or beautiful appearances, but with their superb acting, they still succeeded. Isn't your favorite Zach …"    


"But I'm not them!" Min Ann'ge's raised voice interrupted Luan Zhi's words.    


His chest heaved, and he became excited.    


However, Luan Zhi did not stop because of this.    


"So are you doubting yourself?"    


Her voice grew shrill.    


Having read the script, Luan Zhi understood the meaning behind Wen Tiantian's words.    


Only Min Ann'ge could act out this screenplay. No one was more suitable for this role than him.    


She didn't want to tie Min Ann'ge up, and she also wanted to help him get back on stage.    


This was an excellent opportunity, Min Ann'ge should not give it up!    


She tried to persuade him, but Min Ann'ge didn't even consider acting.    


Taking a deep breath, he turned around. Min Ann'ge had calmed down a lot.    


"Do you know what this movie means for sweets? If she lost, she would lose not just an opportunity, but the entire company! "Because of this, I can't harm her any more!"    


Luan Zhi felt a sharp pain in her chest when she heard this.    


It was precisely because they liked each other that Min Ann'ge wasn't willing to accept the opportunity, even though he knew it was the best opportunity.    


Until now, he had always loved Wen Tiantian deeply.    


But even so, Luan Zhi wasn't willing to give up.    


She suppressed the dull pain in her heart and insisted, "How do you know you will fail?"    


"Tiantian must have thought it through, or do you think that she was impulsive when she personally delivered the script into your hands?"    


With that, she placed the script in her hands on the table and flipped to the first page.    


"Min Ann'ge, I want you to return to the stage. I don't want to tie you up, so don't make me feel guilty, okay?"    


Luan Zhi didn't even dare to look at Min Ann'ge's expression and turned to leave.    


Min Ann'ge stood still for a long time.    


His gaze remained fixed on the script on the table for a long time.    


Luan Zhi's voice kept ringing in his ears.    


After a long while, he finally took a step forward, picked up the script on the table, and flipped to the first page.    


At first, he was a little unwilling. With a slight frown, he planned to flip through the book and give Luan Zhi an explanation.    


But gradually, he was attracted by the story in the script and was engrossed in it.    


His gaze became more and more focused, to the point where he did not notice the passage of time at all.    


Min Ann'ge finished flipping through all of the scripts overnight.    


Only when the sun rose did he finally raise his head.    


There was a cup of steaming black tea on the table in front of him.    


Standing in front of him, Luan Zhi seemed to have long predicted that he would indulge himself as long as he flipped open the script!    


It was already early in the morning, and the sunlight shone through the French windows onto Luan Zhi.    


Her makeup had yet to be applied, and her facial features still had a hint of childishness, but her gaze was very gentle, with a mature yet sexy charm.    


Min Ann'ge was stunned for a moment.    


Luan Zhi smiled faintly.    


"How is it?"    


The sound woke Min Ann'ge up.    


He took a deep breath and closed the script once again, his eyes filled with determination.    


"I'm willing to accept this movie."    


Luan Zhi had already expected this outcome and started laughing.    


Then, he heard Min Ann'ge's whisper.    


"For you."    


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