Lovely Substitute Bride



When Ruan Jiani heard that, she looked at Ruan Jian'guo in confusion.    


Ruan Jian'guo continued, "Don't you hate Wen Tiantian the most? "Go to the production crew for me and cause some trouble for Wen Tiantian so that her movie can't continue to be filmed. Isn't that what you like the most?"    


As long as Ruan Jiani thought of the trouble she could cause Wen Tiantian, her eyes would light up.    




Ruan Jian'guo nodded.    


"Of course, I will open a path for you, you can go straight into the studio. If you encounter any trouble, just tell me, and I will disrupt Wen Tiantian's filming work as much as possible."    


After receiving Ruan Jian'guo's guarantee, Ruan Jiani immediately rubbed her hands together.    


"Dad, don't worry. I will definitely not let Wen Tiantian off easy. How dare she touch our family's soil and even quit Ji An's job. I will definitely make her pay!"    


With that, she impatiently left the Ruan Family and went straight for Wen Tiantian's crew.    


With the clarification of the video, the number of reporters and media gathered outside the movie set dwindled, and filming finally got on the right track.    


Wen Tiantian not only had to deal with the company's work every day, but she also had to personally supervise the set. She was so busy that she had no time to spare.    


Fortunately, the production had been progressing well. Based on the current results, the movie would be finished in less than three months.    


On that day, Wen Tiantian was in the crew looking through the footage that had been filmed two days ago. If there was anything she was dissatisfied with, she could redo the filming.    


At that moment, a ruckus suddenly came from outside the door.    


At first, Wen Tiantian simply thought that the staff members in between the scenes had discovered some small contradictions.    


However, after waiting for a while, the sounds outside did not decrease, but became louder and louder instead.    


With the sound of something being smashed, Wen Tiantian could no longer continue her work. She put down the things in her hands and stood up.    


She opened the door and was about to walk out when a loud sound rang out!    


A table was overturned, and the quilt and camera equipment on it fell to the ground, making a loud noise.    


Next to the table stood a slightly plump woman, dressed in gorgeous attire, carrying a turquoise leather bag in her hand and wearing sharp high-heeled shoes.    


He was cursing loudly.    


"What did you do? Didn't you put these things in the middle of the road to make me wrestle? "    


"Do you know who I am? If I fall, your entire crew will pay for it! Don't even think about continuing with the filming! "    


"Let's see how you can continue!"    


She cursed as she kicked something on the ground.    


The ground was a mess and the filming had to stop, but no one dared to stop them.    


That person was still cursing loudly.    


"Who is in charge of this place? Where's the director? Where's the production? Get the hell out of here! "    


"This lady is injured here. There's no way we can continue filming this movie. I have to stop it immediately!"    


When Wen Tiantian heard this, she looked around and saw that Chen Xun wasn't around, so she took the initiative to step out.    


"I'm the producer of this movie. Who are you? Why are you making trouble here? "    


Seeing Wen Tiantian walk out, Ruan Jiani felt a sense of pride in her heart.    


She had seen Wen Tiantian several times in the party, but she had never come into close contact with her. Of course, she knew her.    


However, Wen Tiantian had no impression of the person in front of her and didn't know that she was Ruan Jian'guo's precious daughter.    


Seeing Wen Tiantian, Ruan Jiani snorted coldly and walked forward confidently.    


"When I was passing by here, I tripped over some equipment and almost fell down. Do you think this is your responsibility?"    


Wen Tiantian looked him up and down, but didn't see any injuries on the woman's body.    


"I don't see any part of you that's hurt."    


Ruan Jiani raised her voice and rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction.    


"Do I have to show you that I'm injured? Who do you think you are? I said I was hurt, and from now on the movie must stop until I get better. "    


Wen Tiantian frowned. This person was simply here to cause trouble.    


She ignored the request of the person in front of her and said, "If you are really injured, I will get them to send you to the hospital."    


As she said this, Wen Tiantian was about to get someone to send her to the hospital, but Ruan Jiani screamed first.    


"I'm not leaving! Don't touch me! "    


As she screamed, the entire studio filled with her voice.    


Wen Tiantian frowned slightly.    


"Where's the director?"    


An assistant beside him whispered, "Director Chen just left because he had something to do."    


No wonder, if Chen Xun was here and saw this situation, he would definitely be furious.    


Wen Tiantian frowned as she looked at Ruan Jiani, who was still cursing.    


"Take her out first. Don't come in again."    


However, the bodyguard and assistant in front of him hesitated and didn't move.    


One of them carefully stepped forward.    


"Miss Wen, this is Director Ruan's daughter, Ruan Jiani."    


Upon hearing his words, Wen Tiantian instantly understood the reason for his visit.    


Now that Ruan Jian'guo couldn't come due to the company's issue and now his daughter was here to cause trouble, it seemed that in order to prevent them from filming successfully, the whole family was going to move out together.    


Knowing that no one dared to touch her, Ruan Jiani became even more proud of herself.    


He pointed at the people in front of him and commanded.    


"I order you all, the filming crew is done right now! You're not allowed to continue filming! If my injury does not heal one day, you all will not be able to start work! "    


Hearing this, everyone was dissatisfied.    


Although a lot of people took into consideration that Director Ruan's order not to accept Wen Tiantian's cooperation before the movie was started, after such a long period of effort, the filming has finally gotten back on track.    


All of these had gathered the effort of everyone. Now that they were forced to withdraw from the filming and temporarily stop the filming, many people were dissatisfied.    


They looked angrily at Ruan Jiani, who had suddenly come to make a ruckus in front of them. However, due to her status, they didn't dare to step forward.    


A few of them were so angry that they wanted to argue with her.    


Wen Tiantian raised her hand to stop him and said calmly, "You said our props injured you. Please show us concrete evidence. How serious is it? We'll discuss whether we should stop the work after you have the evidence out. "    


However, Ruan Jiani came over this time because she purposely interrupted Wen Tiantian's filming progress. She couldn't come up with any evidence at all.    


Hearing Wen Tiantian's words, she raised her head, looking completely confident and confident.    


"If I said I was injured, I would have been injured. Moreover, I was injured by your props, so you should be responsible!"    


Wen Tiantian tried her best to remain calm.    


"If it's our fault, of course we will be responsible. But if it's not, then the crime of framing and slandering is not light. Your father is Director Ruan, and he has been dealing with the investigation team. He should know more about this than you do. "    


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